Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 294: Fierce battle

Such a big movement is inevitable to trigger a tsunami, but it has not yet passed to the beach. m

"Emergency evacuation, emergency evacuation..."

Countries on the Pacific coast have issued emergency notices one after another.

Human evacuation exercises do not know how many exercises. Soon, urban residents on the Pacific coast began to evacuate in large numbers, rushing out of the city and retreating inland in an orderly manner.

"As soon as the war between humans and beasts subsided, and the two sides entered the honeymoon period, the alien creatures that were ushered in, the earth is really troubled."

"What do you know, in fact, the alien creatures have already come. Because of them, we humans and the sea monsters have joined forces. The last battle caused a small tsunami. It was the human war gods who were together with the sea monsters. Defend against alien creatures. I have a friend who holds a senior position in the military department. He said that he had seen hundreds of millions of sea monster corpses on military satellite images. It was a sea monster that died against alien creatures."

"Really? Those sea monsters who deserve to be slashed at all times have come forward for the sake of the earth?"

"Of course, haven't you seen that many war fortresses have begun to withdraw top mecha fighters? Because they are no longer needed, humans and sea monsters have reached a certain degree of reconciliation."


People are all talking about the worries and joys. The worries are the invasion of extraterrestrial life. The earth's technology is too backward. Can giants and beasts be able to stop it?

The good news is that the forces of humans and beasts on the earth have begun to unite, and the earth has also begun to enter the age of the universe.

The earth is not lonely. The vast starry sky and the history of human beings on the earth are not yet a spray in the long river of the universe.

"God, look. What is that? Giants turned into behemoths?" Before the live broadcast, countless people exclaimed. They saw the loli giant from the God Realm of Isla and No. 1 and No. 21 all transformed into their bodies to fight.

"God, giants can not only transform into giant beasts, but they can also grow bigger and smaller."

"Hallelujah, how far their genes have evolved, grow and shrink at will."

People have only seen spiritual masters controlling objects, and they have found it incredible, but they can see this battle. All stunned.

Various visions are produced, unpredictable, dragons flying and phoenix dancing, and the door of another world opens, countless giants and behemoths descend, blasting to one piece, and the sky is torn apart. Overturned.

The battlefield was over the Jura Island, and it didn’t take long before most of the Jura Island was sunk.

More than 30 star warriors are fighting fiercely, and the earth's space is not very stable, and the material is relatively fragile, causing great turmoil. Turn upside down.

In the Qin Lin camp, Chi Wu was the first to make military exploits. The fire sword smashed through the sky and cut a starry sky mecha from the Demon Prince camp in half.

When the starry sky mecha was cut in half, it caused a big explosion, as if several nuclear bombs were detonated together. A huge mushroom cloud rose, covering a radius of more than ten miles.

The blazing flames skyrocketed. Chi Wu, who was at the center of the explosion, was quite embarrassed. She was hit by the huge energy wave, her complexion was ruddy, and half of her long hair was scorched.

Chi Wu has the magic weapon of the fire sword, and his combat power is no less than the thinking that can borrow the power of the sun.

"Qiang, Qiang, Qiang..."

Qin Lin's camp had just cut down a starry sky mecha from the Demon Prince camp. One of the two starry sky warriors made by the little fairy was also cut down by the other party, and his body was torn apart.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! ...

Several fire swords formed by the power of fire flew out and chopped the divided body of the star warrior into dozens of pieces.

Suffering from such an attack, the Star Warriors no longer have the possibility of agglomeration and completely lose their vitality.

Qin Lin observed the battlefield while regaining his supernatural power.

The war had only started for more than a minute, and the war was so tragic that most people or mechas were injured.

More soldiers on both sides have fallen, and Qin Lin can only stay aside.

The devil prince didn't care much about Qin Lin, what he cared about was the old **** stick that hadn't appeared.

For more than half a year, the old **** stick had actually secretly attacked him, which caused him to be unable to recover smoothly.

Of course, the old **** stick did not tell Qin Lin about these "stealing" things.

The devil prince felt very useless, and recovered with all his strength on the moon.

"This ghost place is too evil." The devil prince whispered. He wanted to recover and devour the planet, but this galaxy is too weird. Not only the earth can't be swallowed, even the moon can't be swallowed, even the eight major planets in the solar system are also there. Can not be swallowed.

The eight planets and the sun seem to be a balanced star galaxy formed naturally, but it is too natural to have a problem, but the real situation is that it is actually an extremely terrifying formation. The planets pull each other. Once one of them is destroyed, Will inevitably trigger the formation.

At that time, those who destroy the formation will die without a burial place.

With the existence of the Void-level, it is easy to swallow a solar system.

However, the devil prince can only stare and cannot eat.

Not to mention eating the eight planets, even if only eating a planet like Yuewei, the energy in the body is enough, he spit out the energy, and blasted the fighters who had just been promoted to the star.

However, he lacks energy, and his body is a hundred times more empty than Qin Lin and the others.

The energy in the body is empty, it doesn't matter, the Void-level spirit, the power of the law that controls the heavens and the earth, can easily kill ordinary star warriors. But on earth, the demon prince is too restricted.

This is a suspected tomb of a god, and there is a corpse buried in the tomb. Even if the **** is dead, the **** body is almost immortal. The "universal will" in the **** body will not allow mortals to blaspheme.

The destructive power is too great, and the gods will instinctively "resurrect" and behead the destroyers.

"It's useless!" Seeing a starry sky mecha of his camp fell, the demon prince didn't frown, and the green star man's starry sky mecha was dead, and it had nothing to do with him.

He only cared about the old magic stick and the little fairy.

Little Beast Beast is a strange beast, and his bloodline is also noble, not inferior to the little fairy. But the demon prince knew that the little beast was Qin Lin's summoned beast, and it would be useless for him to take the little beast.

In the universe, as long as the distance is not very far, and the summoner summons, the summoned beast will break through time and space and come to the summoner in a blink of an eye.

"This Xu Hui is also not bad. There is a lot of movement to be promoted to the star, and he is also a genius of law constitution. The earth, the earth, must be the tomb of the gods, and several law constitutions have been born. During the last war, Qin Linna There are three people who have been promoted to the stars, and they are all of the law constitution, which is too unexpected. I hate that I don’t know the soul enslavement secret technique, otherwise, I will enslave this Xu Hui and those law constitutions, and then leave the earth, this The loss of a thousand years is enough to make up for it." The devil prince looked at the starry sky mecha that Xu Hui was driving.

Just now, the starry sky warrior of the little fairy was cut down by the starry sky mecha driven by Xu Hui.

"Alien, your opponent is me!"

Chi Wu cut down his opponent and saw that the starry sky mecha that Xu Hui was driving also cut down one of his generals, and quickly rushed forward. The fire sword turned into a dragon, roaring like thunder, and instantly disintegrating Xu Hui to another starry sky. Attack from the fighters.

Chi Wu couldn't see the situation in the starry sky mecha, and didn't know that Xu Hui was driving in it.

Even if he knew that the person inside was Xu Hui, Chi Wu would not be merciful.

The camps are different. In her view, the opponent is a traitor, and there is no mercy.

Besides, Chi Wu doesn't have much friendship with Xu Hui.

Chi Wu was merciless, but Xu Hui was different. Seeing Chi Wu killing him, she felt a pain in her heart.

Long before Qin Lin transformed herself, she knew that Chi Wu was Qin Lin's girlfriend.

This was the boy's woman she was thinking about, Xu Hui subconsciously retreated.

Chi Wu knew nothing about Fire Sword started, and directly killed the past, without using the power of any law or law.

Not long after she was promoted to the star, there were a few old magic sticks suitable for fire bodies, but the time was too short and Chi Wu was not practiced, resulting in her law-powered attack power being too weak, far inferior to melee combat.

"Want to run?" Seeing that the starry sky mecha driven by Xu Hui didn't want to fight, Chi Wu thought that the opponent was afraid of him, and the flames of his body soared into the sky.

On the fire sword, a flame giant flew out, holding a huge sword, and at the same time beheading Xu Hui.

This flame giant is the phantom of the person who engraved the law rune on the fire sword. The rune is activated, and the will of the universe, or the will of Chi Wu, becomes the master, becoming a fierce attack.

Xu Hui was unavoidable, turned around and attacked with a sword. The runes on the fuselage and the giant sword squirmed, and the ancient robot transformed by the power of the law appeared and pounced on the flame giant on the Chiwu Fire Sword.

.(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.) 9

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