Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 297: sucker Punch

"What happened there?"

"It seems that all the war has ceased. Our side of the earth is shaken by that huge mecha. Is there no resistance to it?"

Before the live broadcast, people were confused. In this satellite live broadcast, people couldn't hear any sound, and they couldn't even see many movements. They only vaguely saw rays of light, dazzled by the wild beasts and the ancient giants. m.

Just now, the Interstellar Giant took action against Siruo, and Siruo disappeared in a flash, no one could tell that she thought she was lost under the giant hand.

"No, she's not dead, there!"

Someone exclaimed that the satellite image was frozen on Siruo.

"Hoho, a magical scene, this is not a magical blockbuster, I can't tell how she escaped just now."

"Goddess, she is a true goddess, incredible, our Earth Alliance will definitely defeat the alien invaders."

"The earth is undefeated, the **** of war is undefeated, and the female **** of war is undefeated."

"Yes, right, the screen has changed just now, and the God of War hasn't taken a shot on the side. The invincible God of War must be disdainful of it."


The stupid people on Earth started to feel good about themselves again. They were not nervous at all, but were very excited, expecting the God of War to take action and smash the Interstellar Giant with a few bangs.

The impression God of War gave them was invincible, and they were not defeated.

A few months ago, Qin Lin's deeds from childhood to adulthood have been unearthed.

Everyone knows that since he started school, he has been at the forefront of his peers. His physical fitness is not high, but his fighting skills are unmatched.

Some people even think that it is the God of War acting low-key, hiding physical fitness, and hiding the secret of the spiritual master.

"This is called low-key and tempered. The God of War was ruined at the age of nine. It should have been his mental power that mutated at that time. But he has high ambitions and is low-key and does not pretend to be forceful. Otherwise, I don't know how many girls are willing to sleep with him. , And it’s easy for him, without any protective measures. It is said that it is very rare to be pregnant with the best, the spiritual master’s kind. When pregnant, the country will protect pregnant girls... It’s a pity that the **** of war is the **** of war. The classmates looked down on him, and he didn't worry about it. It wasn't until the college entrance examination was over that he broke out once and beat up those classmates who looked down on him."

"Yes, the God of War is supernatural, pure and self-loving, a peerless good man, just like his instructor, the God of War, who is dedicated to mankind and the earth. I heard that under the pressure of the instructor, he was only treated with his senior sister at the beginning."

"His senior sister's name is Chi Wu, a beautiful lady of Fuda. Hey, I'm really envious."

In the discussions and associations of countless people, the giant hand of the interstellar giant covered the sky and said, and then covered it again.

The giant hand shining with three-color light was even more dazzling than Lie said, and it was overwhelming.

The bodies of Qin Lin and Si Ruo have been absorbing solar light energy, but the movement produced by them is far inferior to this giant hand. Their spirit level is too low, and the light law level of perception is low, they cannot be borrowed or absorbed too much at once. The power of the sun.

The giant hand of the Interstellar Giant, the target of this attack is Chi Ying.

At the beginning, the devil prince also saw the red shadow being promoted to star, which was suspected of being a body of water.

The constitution of the law is definitely more important than that of the ordinary physique, so Chi Ying was selected.

Locked by the three-color giant hand, Chi Wu's heart tightened, as if all the power of the law of water between heaven and earth was deprived, she couldn't control it.

"What to do? What to do..." Chi Ying was uncomfortable all over, dripping with sweat, as if being stared at by an ancient beast, stiff and sluggish.

The water body does not have the talent to escape magic, and she can't escape.

"elder sister!"

Chi Wu was shocked, and rushed towards Chi Ying, regardless of her body.

However, the closer you get to the giant hand, the greater the pressure. If you are stuck in a quagmire, Chi Wu can't get close.


The devil prince snorted coldly, and Chi Wu faltered.

Soul attack!

Fortunately, the devil prince is not good at attacking from spirits and souls, causing his divine power to attack Chi Wu like a plate of sand, which is too weak.

It can be said that even if the devil prince exhausted his divine power, a spirit attack of this level would not kill Chi Wu.

The previous hand of the Interstellar Giant made Chi Ying understand that there was a problem with the old **** stick, and he would not reappear in this battle, or he was working hard to come.

Therefore, in this battle, Qin Lin can only rely on themselves.

However, relying on Qin Lin themselves, how can they compete with the Interstellar Giant?

"Chi Wu, Qin Lin..." The power of the law in the goblin's body automatically overflowed under pressure, and the milky white light enveloped her. In the light, she ignored the giant hand above her head and looked at Chi Wu and Qin Lin as if saying goodbye.

If the old **** stick does not show up, it is useless for her to resist, and she can only sit and wait for death.

Looking back at the time of the floating world for half a lifetime, there are only two figures left, one carved in the bottom of my heart, and one branded in my mind.

The vast universe, endless walks, endless roads, who does not yearn for?

Like a child in a ravine, dreaming of going out to see the big world of flowers.

The Mercedes-Benz train, the road leading to the end of the horizon, the tall buildings rising from the ground, the busy street, the dazzling array of toys, clothes, shoes, and the joyful water park...

Will everything end here?

Chi Ying suddenly thought that she should have a baby at such an age.

In that case, maybe one day, some day, my own memory will wake up in the child, making the child feel familiar, where I have seen it, and where I have heard it.

Chi Ying's eyes were very calm, but a trace of regret flashed through, and it was fleeting.

Probably except for Siruo, whoever the Star Giant is looking at will have to die.

After he died, what would happen to Chi Wu, Qin Lin and the others?

Chi Ying doesn't have time to think about it, just want to take a look at the world one more time.

The colorful world, the colorful universe.

"Sister..." Chi Wu rushed forward desperately, tears rolling down, but there was nothing she could do.

This battle, there is no old **** stick, so hard.

Qin Lin's giant army looked at Chi Ying silently one by one, the realm was too different, and the feeling of powerlessness in his heart was exhausting.

Is the end of the earth coming? The old **** stick let go, this ending was beyond everyone's expectations.

They thought that with the presence of the old gods and sticks to shelter them from the wind and rain, they would be able to thrive until they stand alone and protect the earth.

There will only be more and more invaders, and the strength will become stronger and stronger.

However, an interstellar giant destroyed everyone's confidence.

"Miss Sister, you won't die!" On the fragmented Jura Island, Qin Lin's body was shining, brilliant, and disappeared silently.

In the next moment, the goblin felt a strong arm around him.


In another instant, the goblin disappeared from the giants of the Star Giant.

The light body talent escapes magical powers, and Qin Lin will also.

"Little man, I thought you didn't care about me." Looking at the man with his arms around him, the fairy smiled sweetly, his eyes full of happiness.

"What?" The devil prince was mad, and his palm was empty again.

This time, he saw that it should not be the ghost of the old **** stick, but the ghost of Si Ruo and Qin Lin.

"What kind of secret technique is this? It must be the top secret technique in the universe to be able to escape under my hands." The demon prince shouted excitedly: "Hand it over, give it to me, and I can forgive you not to die. "

He was too excited, except for the Protoss, or those with special opportunities, who can get this "peerless secret technique" performed by Si Ruo and Qin Lin.

In front of enemies in the two realms high, these secret techniques can actually allow the caster to escape.

Cosmic Adventure and Fighting The first skill is not an attack skill, nor a defensive skill, but an escape skill.

The eyes of the demon prince were fierce, and the earth deserved to be a tomb of the gods, born with so many laws and constitutions, and also concealed such magical powers of escape.

Obtaining this secret technique means that there is a possibility of escape in front of enemies of two realms.

"Hand over the Secret Technique of Escape, and then hand over the Starry Sky Mother to me, and I will... That's right, haha, the old thief has a problem, I can take away the Starry Sky Mother Queen without asking you. Shushen Secret Art is fine." The Devil Prince was happy and anxious again, he became more and more anxious, and wanted to leave the earth soon.

Qin Lin's face sank, for everyone, for the earth, even if he wants to hand over the supernatural powers of escape, but how to hand over the supernatural powers of talent?

"Unable to hand it over." Qin Lin said helplessly, the interstellar giant was unstoppable. It is a fantasy for so many of them to want to retreat.

What if he escaped? For the void class, the earth is so small, there is nowhere to escape in the end.

.(To be continued.) q

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