Starry Sky Giant

Chapter 308: Demigod

In the vast and dark universe, a huge space battleship hovered in the starry sky, devouring a stream of gray energy around it. M.

This is dark matter energy, which can supply energy to space battleships.

"His Royal Highness, the instrument has detected that the space in front of you within five hundred light-years has been stabilized. You can jump in space unscrupulously and no longer have to worry about space storms." In the command room, looking at the dark and cold starry sky ahead, one is more than ten meters high with a long head. The humanoid monster with horns said.

Behind the horn monster, a giant sculpted like a red rock with his hands on his back, red eyes jumping into flames.

After driving carefully for more than a month, this "half-god world" space finally stabilized.

"Although there is a lot of dark matter energy in the universe, it is not everywhere. When we jump in space, we waste too much energy. We have to absorb all the dark matter energy around us before our warship can move forward tens of thousands of light years. By the way, Jiao Tu, we should have reached the semi-god realm soon. While exploring the space, we can begin to further explore the living land or living planet. It would be a waste of energy... I don’t know if this half-god realm is a continent or a land. A planet. In any case, the place with a lot of life should be the legendary demigod." The red rock giant's eyes are blazing, and he is finally about to find the demigod.

Space battleships are mostly the crystallization of technology, engraved with some law runes, and their power source is mainly dark matter.

Dark matter occupies most of the matter in the universe, but the vacuum that occupies the most in the universe.

There is almost nothing in the vacuum, maybe some meteorites or meteorite clusters, but too little.

Of course, there is also weak light, but no matter how advanced technology is, it is impossible for space warships to conduct interstellar travel in light-years only by relying on these weak to extreme lights, let alone tens of millions of light-years of interstellar travel. NS.

Even some star fields, without a gleam of light, without a star in hundreds of millions of light-years, are absolutely dark and cold.

"Yes, Your Highness." Jiao Tu pressed several buttons on the desk, and the life detector emitted invisible light waves, radiating everywhere.

In the command room, not only did His Highness Hong's eyes look hot, but the five followers behind him were also extremely excited.

The demigod world means the treasure left by the ruler who failed to promote the gods.

Monks with a long life are full of awe of the universe, and are full of experience of the struggle of all monks. When they are about to die or are about to die, most of them will take the initiative to leave their life fortune, either to future generations or to settle somewhere.

Even a treasure that some powerhouses such as gods or masters randomly discard in the starry sky is a great opportunity for the monks at the bottom.

There is no lack of opportunities, no lack of geniuses, and a universe and life full of legends have been formed.

"I feel a great breath, coming from the front. It is a breath of demigod." His Royal Highness closed his eyes, his face was full of comfort, and the news is true. There is a demigod in the center of this space. .

The other entourage also felt one after another.

Sure enough, faintly, a vast breath spanned hundreds of light years.

"It's a pity that the lost demigod world failed to enter the dimension." His Royal Highness murmured to himself, it was a pity and excitement.

It is a pity that there is a large demi-god world with countless lives, because the demi-god world is stuck in the universe and the dimension, and many lives are lost because of this, or heaven and man are forever separated, I live at the head of the Yangtze River, and the king lives at the end of the Yangtze River; If you don’t see you, drink the water of the Yangtze River together.

The excitement is that the semi-god world is a pure land. For God's efforts, God will scattered many treasures and secret arts in it, giving the creatures opportunities in it.

Like the original Isla God Realm, there are countless treasures, but after countless epochs, almost all the treasures have been excavated.

In the universe, one era is equivalent to 100 million earth years.

Suddenly, Jiao Tu's face changed.

His Royal Highness watched Liulu and listened to all directions, naturally saw it, frowned slightly: "Jiaotu, what's the matter?"

"His Royal Highness, wait a minute." Jiao Tu stared at the data on the instrument and the screen.

Not long after, he smiled and projected the image of light and shadow in mid-air.

An interstellar chart appeared, and stars and planets appeared on the chart.

A few people looked at it, but they didn't know why.

Jiao Tu said excitedly: "His Royal Highness, accidentally discovered that there is a huge planet with signs of life fifty light years away. It is about four hundred light years away from the suspected demigod world."

As he said, Jiao Tu opened the picture all the way, countless stars and planets retreated rapidly, and the picture finally froze on a huge planet.

"Analyze the data!" Jiao Tu ordered the smart optical brain.

"Data is being collected, entering the analysis stage, beep, beep, beep..." The electronic voice resounded in the command room, and after a while, it sounded again: "It's over, the planet is majestic in energy, suspected to be a star, and its size is a natural medium stellar volume. It is more than 100 million kilometers in diameter and contains vital signs. It can no longer be analyzed for details and requires close observation."

Hearing this, the flames of His Royal Highness rose all over her body, and she was very excited: "Well, well, I finally saw a living planet. Back then, this place should be the center and edge of this chaotic space, which was not affected by the space storm. The battleship was activated immediately. , To make a space jump, we want to be the first to reach this planet."

Suddenly, the space battleship shook and stopped absorbing dark matter.

The gray energy body flows like a quagmire, which is dark matter.

Under normal circumstances, wherever dark matter goes, all meteorite clusters or planets are vanished, not even stars.

Fortunately, the flow of dark matter is slow and almost stationary.

"Energy accumulation, frequency modulation, positioning, opening the wormhole!" Jiao Tu ordered Guangnao.


boom! boom! boom……

The remaining dark matter was not absorbed by the space battleship, and several laser cannons were fired directly to create wormholes and jump in space.

After the laser cannon blasted out, a dark hole appeared in front of the space battleship.

"Set off!"

Immediately, the space battleship dived into a black hole.

It's like walking through a tunnel, and the tunnel is made up of colorful materials.

Within a few minutes, the space battleship fired a laser cannon again, the hull shook, and jumped out of the wormhole tunnel.

"The positioning is good, the target is billions of kilometers ahead, traveling at close to the speed of light, and it will be there within a few hours." After exiting the wormhole tunnel, Jiaogu's eyes shined.

His Royal Highness is even more excited. Through instrumental detection, their space battleship should be the first group of adventurers to come.

"Continue to collect data and analyze." Jiao Tu ordered Guang Brain.

"Data is being collected, entering the analysis stage, beep, beep, beep..." The electronic sound resounded, and the beeps sounded a few times, and it sounded again, much faster than last time: "Medium natural star volume, hundreds of millions of kilometers in diameter, internal The vital signs are strong, reaching level five..."

"What?" Hearing this, His Royal Highness and his entourage's complexions changed drastically.

Level five!

This means that there is a suspected saint on this huge planet with a diameter nearly a hundred times longer than the sun.

"His Royal Highness, do you want to go there?" Jiao Tu's face was pale.

The saint, that is to realize the existence of the five laws, and the cave-level magic gods can only detour in front of the saints.

His Highness Hong's face was ugly, flushed for a while, and jumped with flames for a while.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth: "The thinking of a **** or a demigod is really hard to guess, but if you can let a hole-class powerhouse drive in a space battleship, there must be a way to survive. Keep going, this planet may be part of the demigod world. How can you shrink back when you get to Baoshan?"

The greater the crisis, the greater the opportunity.

A few hours later.

A space battleship is standing in the outer space of a huge Looking from space, blue, emerald green, earthy yellow, gray, etc. are dotted with this huge planet.

There are white clouds and dark clouds above the planet, and clouds and mists are lingering below, and there are many large mountains hundreds of thousands of meters high, and there are even large mountains that have drilled out of the sky, reaching up to a million meters.

His Royal Highness walked out of the space battleship and said excitedly for a while: "I can smell it, there is a breath of the gods, that's right."

Although he hasn't entered this planet yet, His Royal Highness has already smelled it.

Greed appeared in everyone's eyes, as if mortals had seen Jinshan Yinshan, but unfortunately, there seemed to be danger in this treasure mountain, and it was still very strong.

"His Royal Highness, what do you do next, enter?" everyone asked.

His Highness Hong's eyes flickered: "Enter, why not enter, and risk your death to come in, isn't it just for the semi-god world of this space? This is part of the semi-god world, and you shouldn't miss it."

.(To be continued.) q

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