Lin didn’t have the strength to talk back to the conclusion that somehow came to. He didn’t rashly lift the night starry sky because the other party turned his head and left. Instead, he waited until the opponent crossed the offensive boundary, and then left without looking back, until he was outside of his observation range, before he dared to disarm the magic. At the same time, the fearful tension was only slightly eased.

But he was able to slow down, but the Faye, who was forced to watch the whole scene, couldn’t slow down. Because the opponent is the trouble of the empire, from the appearance and ability, no one thinks that one is a fake.

Although Lin still cooperated with the Academy’s long staff to tidy up the lecture hall. At the same time, I went back and changed clothes so that I could continue the class. Otherwise, the original set would have long been decayed under the devastation of continuous flash art. It’s just a thread, someone has to swing the pendulum and teach on the podium.

That kind of picture is so beautiful that no one wants to see it. So Master Fa waited a little longer and asked Lin to go back and change his clothes. Even so, it is rare to have such a class, everyone’s mind is not on mathematics, just staring at the lecturer.

About the Prince, of course Lin took advantage of this opportunity to ask Kabanbai Academy after class for a long time. From the senior’s mouth, I learned all kinds of absurd things about Demon King. I also confirmed the fact that I will inevitably deal with this one in the future.

As far as the Gwana Empire is concerned, Azad Kazarnia, son of Demon King, is the highest military force of the empire, but it is a sword that no one can hold. Because he has no hilt, no swords, and the whole body is a sword with an open front. If he wants to hold him and hurt people, he will definitely hurt himself before hurting others. Even if his emperor Lao Tzu came forward, it was not worth it.

All his actions are unpredictable. In general, if he is interested, he will keep playing until he gets tired. And in the recent past, the most popular figure in Holy City Estari is undoubtedly someone who wants to establish mathematics authority. It is impossible not to attract the attention of that person.

After confirming that he couldn’t escape or escape, Lin didn’t worry about that person’s affairs at all. As the saying goes, soldiers will come to block, and water will come and soil will be flooded. This is what the ancients taught. I have more important things to do, and I can’t worry about things that I can’t control all day long. Anyway, I have determined one thing, at least I have the power to protect myself.

Speaking of a mountain, there is a mountain high, and a strong player has a strong midfielder. I thought I could walk unhindered on the rivers and lakes, but I just slapped it down, dizzy. Sure enough, you have to be a man, don’t worry, this is the way to live a long life.

Aside from the inability to solve the problems at this stage, the collection of moth species has temporarily come to an end. There are many kinds of silk threads that can be used, but to find the most suitable one, observation and research are needed. In any case, it takes time to raise the larvae to the point where they can spin and cocoon.

As for the large piece of dirty trash that someone had disappeared all night, Lin only told the origin, and piled it up in a corner of the warehouse, temporarily not using it. Because from previous experiments, it is known that the most suitable time to use the Dragon Language sonic enchanting method is in the stage of silk reeling. After the silk thread is finished, use the same method to enchant, the effect will be greatly discounted.

As for how to deal with the large remnant of silk cocoon given by the Demon Moth King, Lin Xin didn’t have a clear idea. In order to avoid waste, the best way is of course to keep it and ignore it.

According to the huge lady, many of the parts that it can’t digest or destroy itself are left by reincarnated larvae several lifetimes ago. It can stay for so long, and it won’t break after a few years.

Although the best moth species has not been found, and the most suitable silk thread ratio of different moth species. But the experiment of until now also proved that Midi does have moth species and silk cocoons suitable for making magic silk. So Lin intends to start the next phase of the plan, which is weaving.

If we just simply weave fabrics, base the warp, and the shuttle takes the weft back and forth, such a simple machine has long been a mystery, and it has developed well. At least there is no need for women to tie one end of the cloth to their feet, and weave the cloth day and night, and the length of the weave is less than a few feet, and the cloth surface is not very wide.

With cloth, the next pattern depends on the skill of the embroidery worker. Various patterns of insects, fish, birds and beasts, realistic, abstract, and symmetrical geometric patterns. In contrast, the skill of dyeing cloth is not as rich as embroidery. But with the support of wealthy and leisurely people like nobles, both have good prospects for development.

The production of lace can be said to be the most praised skill among the mysterious textile craftsmanship. Not only female aristocrats love to use lace to decorate their clothes, men also love to use it, and even ordinary people dream that in their lives, there is bound to be a formal dress decorated with lace and worn on the most important occasions.

To knit a whole piece of clothing with lace technique, it takes dozens of hundreds of craftsmen, and it takes months or even years to make it. To be able to wear such clothes, even if it is only worn once at a wedding, is a yearning for all aristocratic girls.

But the form of lace itself is destined to be unable to become a magician’s favorite equipment. Because it is hollowed out everywhere, it is impossible to draw any magic array on it; it is no problem to attach magic in other ways, but the lace is too fragile and easy to be destroyed. There is no bikini armor in Midi, the less the fabric, the higher the defensive power and the magical equipment effect.

There was once a magician. With his superb skills, he woven lace into a magical array and made a fully woven magic lace robe. Only later, no one did this anymore. Whether it looks good or not, the biggest reason is that it is not conducive to fighting.

Just as most fighters like to wear short hair or even bald heads, it is to prevent the hair from being caught by the enemy and thus suffer a greater blow. A long robe full of holes, if the wearer is all long-range attacks; the fascinated Faye also loves to fight with the enemy, it would be bad.

Besides, clothes full of lace are not the best equipment for an adventurer. It’s easy to hook some branches when walking through the forest. If the hook is broken, it will be distressed, and if it is not broken, it will hinder the action.

For various reasons, lace has become the exclusive costume of the nobles, and has no relationship with magician. And based on pragmatism, costumes that are not useful in battle will not be worn in magician gatherings. Because who knows if the masters eat he he halfway through, will they start the film suddenly? In this case, the magician who came over will not change into combat equipment and the others.

What someone wants to do, of course, is not to transform the existing craftsmanship of Midi, that is, to improve lace. Of course, it is not to simply weave plain homespun cloth in Midi style.

What Lin wants to do is to introduce technology that Midi does not have yet, that is, weave silk with a jacquard machine. The patterns on the top of the mysterious silk that I have seen before are still embroidered. It is not only the silk that is fascinating, but the patterns on other kinds of fabrics are either embroidery or cloth flowers. Even the dyed cloth is still monochrome, not to mention the cloth with its own patterns.

However, the skill of the jacquard machine has reached the extreme, and it is the Shu brocade.

Lin still remembers that before crossing, he used to be both splendid and embroidered. But once I saw an introduction on the weaving process of Shu brocade on a TV show, I was shocked. It turns out that in ancient China, there was such a level of black technology, which can use the jacquard mechanism to make such exquisite fabrics. Not all fabrics are embroidered by people, stitch by stitch.

For this, I also specially researched the jacquard machine of Shu brocade and the evolution history of the jacquard machine. Maybe I am lost, it is very difficult to achieve a high-level artwork like Shu brocade. But the use of jacquard technology to make the woven fabric come with patterns is only a matter of mathematics and industrial design.

So based on the wooden flower brocade machine that he had studied before, Lin began to make a maze version of automatic jacquard machine with automatic machine and program control.

With the magician ability, one of the most wonderful things about doing research and development in Midi is that it is very convenient to make equipment and modify parts.

All magic materials are used, and the production is entirely made of magic shaping. Slight errors on the parts can be directly improved using shaping techniques. There is no need to rebuild the parts, or pick up a file or sandpaper, and polish it to the point where you doubt your life.

Because the magic metal of the maze is strong enough, it does not exist at all, and material science is not needed. After all the magic metals are purified, they are presented and utilized in their original flavor.

If in Earth, after a certain alloy part becomes obsolete during the research and development process, the cost of refurbishing and separating and reusing may be much greater than discarding the old one and making a new one directly.

But there is no such problem in Midi. Because the metal material of each part is single, even if it is broken, or some part needs to be knocked out and retrained, the scrap parts can be easily converted back into metal ingots and reshaped according to their own needs.

If the machine enters the stage of mass production, and it is all made of magic metal, it will be like a farmer using a strange hand to plow the field, and the cost, efficiency, and profit paid are completely different.

However, if the benefits of using magic metal in the development stage are known to Earth’s RD, I am afraid that 11 out of ten people will shed tears. The extra one is the Boss, because you don’t know how much you saved just because of the material cost.

Imitating the original version of Hualou Shujinji is not a big problem with someone’s abnormal memory nowadays. Including all the details, all in mind. Although I have never actually operated it, I have seen a lot of related videos and explanations. Even though the public information didn’t really scratch the itch, it was still possible to get a feel for the functions of each part by thinking about it with others.

Anyway, I wanted to make a magical change after all. I didn’t completely transplant the craftsmanship of Shu brocade, so I didn’t have much demand for understanding every detail.

As for the production of jacquard machines, Lin does not have a technical guild controlled by the prosthetic hand Uzov Gantia. Every part is made by himself; the two apprentices lay hands when they are free. help.

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