Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 100 White Moonlight (Congratulations to leader adrianfufu)

Chapter 100 Bai Yueguang (Congratulations to leader adrian_fufu)

Coming out of Devil's Canyon, Fang Xing took out his cell phone.

‘I showed up here on purpose… and then disappeared for so long, everything that should come should have come, right? ’


Sure enough, in the next moment, messages appeared one after another in his text messages and mailbox.

Among them are greetings from classmates and some meaningless advertisements, as well as very important emails.

For example... solicitations from major forces, as well as contact requests from some university teachers.

"Currently, I only consider special recruitment from first-class universities, and don't need to look at anything else..."

"As for the contract, we need to compare the benefits one by one..."

Fang Xing found a restaurant with a good location and ate while admiring the colorful aurora over the canyon. He also checked emails and responded to them.

"In terms of schools, several first-class universities are willing to give me a chance. After the semester starts, we will arrange meetings through the schools..."

"This 'Gem Academy' is sincere and has already sent teachers to chase them all the way to the Devil's Grand Canyon..."

Fang Xing checked it out and found that the Gemstone Academy was a second-rate school, but it was very good among the second-rate schools. It was in the stage of applying for a first-rate school, so it was very concerned about cultivating various talents and winning various awards and honors.

"It's a pity that it's not suitable for me... If it was a special recruitment from a top-notch university, then I would just accept it..."

He sighed and continued to eat slowly.

"As for those consortiums and other forces... there are currently three companies, Green God Group, Shadow Dragon Group, and Blue Star Mercenary Alliance, sending people here. They still have sincerity."

"In addition, many companies have issued contract templates. If you want to sign a contract, you can contact..."

Fang Xing looked at them one by one.

These forces want to support him and have nothing to do with which university he will attend in the future.

However, some may have additional conditions.

Therefore, special recruitment from universities and contracts with these forces are two different things.

Fang Xing first confirmed that he was not interested in the university's special recruitment. At most, he would learn about the intentions and conditions of first-class universities after the semester started.

What needs to be focused on now is the recruitment of these consortiums and forces.

"The contracts... seem to be pretty much the same. They basically fund a few million star dollars every year, and then agree on how many years after graduation you will be rewarded, and you need to join a certain force, etc..."

"Well, there are some special resources, such as 'Kunpeng Blood', but there are also corresponding conditions. Either you need to be admitted to a certain university, or you must achieve a certain goal... Otherwise, you will have to pay liquidated damages..."

To be honest, I don't like any of these Fang Xing.

After all, he is not really a cyborg pauper, but he has the resources of a world behind him.

Not to mention anything else, the spiritual rice and monster meat eaten during this period are much better than any high-grade nutrient solution.

‘These conditions...are all a trap. ’

‘How can I find a reason to refuse? Hmm... How about pretending to be selfish or arrogant? ’

Fang Xing touched his chin.

How do you say something? Investing means investing in people!

The stars of these big forces are not brought by strong winds, and the investment must be returned.

But what big force would invest in a selfish person?

Isn’t this inviting a time bomb to one’s own home?

I have to say that even bad people like to be friends with good people. They even hope that the world is full of good people and they are the only bad person!

After finishing the meal, Fang Xing ordered a drink and tasted it slowly.

At this moment, a young man came over with red wine: "But classmate Fang Xing? I am Liang Yucheng from Green God Group!"

"Hello. Please sit down..."

Fang Xing responded politely. It was very polite for someone to find him early in the morning but wait until he finished eating before coming over to discuss things.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person, so he was naturally polite.


Liang Yucheng sat down and said with a wry smile: "Classmate Fang made me wait. I wonder if you have seen the contract given by our Green God Group? I am here specifically to coordinate this matter. If you are dissatisfied with anything, To put it bluntly, I will make corrections on the spot within my authority... If I can't decide, I will report it immediately. "

"The name of the Green God Group is astonishing to me..."

Fang Xing said a few polite words.

"Six million stars per year is really a little less..." At this moment, another voice intervened.

A waiter led a white man in a black suit to the table.

"Guest, your order has been purchased by this gentleman." The waiter motioned to Fang Xing that Wright should pay him.

"Invite me to dinner? That's so embarrassing..."

Fang Xing stood up politely: "Please take a seat."

"Let me introduce myself, I am Wright from Shadow Dragon Group... Our group is a military-industrial enterprise with extensive connections and influence in federal politics..."

Wright straightened his tie and glanced at Liang Yucheng: "The Green God Group only gives six million stars a year. It completely underestimates your value, Mr. Fang... Our Longying Group is willing to give you an A-level contract, one year per year." With a quota of tens of millions of stars and resources, Mr. Fang, you are extremely talented and can practice to this level without much resources. If more resources are invested, you will definitely be able to hit the top universities. "

Liang Yucheng frowned, feeling that there was a commercial spy in his company, and even the bid was known to outsiders, but he still said: "Xingyuan is only the most basic terms... Our Green God Group is a pharmaceutical giant, with high-end nutritional solutions, and even top-notch The quality of the nutritional solution is the best, and it is not comparable to similar products on the market... If you, Mr. Fang, are willing to join, I can provide some truly cutting-edge products..."

"Oh? Then I wonder if there are any special cultivation resources besides nutrient solution?"

Fang Xing held the straw in his mouth and finished the drink in front of him: "For example, I am already in the courage realm now... It will be a matter of course to comprehend the field in the future. I wonder if there are any pharmaceutical resources in the Green God Group that can break through the location or even the golden elixir. ?”


Liang Yucheng was speechless for a moment.

Nutrition for daily martial arts training is just enough, special resources for breaking through to great realms are very rare.

Especially those who assist the courageous realm to break through the exterior scenes, even he is difficult to obtain.

As for golden elixir resources?

That can only be said to be purely overthinking.

'It seems that this genius was born as a commoner after all, and his vision is shallow...and he is greedy. Maybe he is still a white-eyed wolf who cannot get enough to eat. ’

Liang Yucheng felt a little discouraged.

He has come into contact with some geniuses before, who would not be respectful when negotiating a contract with him?

It's really rare for someone to dare to ask for pill-forming resources right from the start.

Next to him, Wright's eyes flashed. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he also lowered his evaluation of Fang Xing in his heart.

If you want such top-level resources, you must at least join a big force and perform well so that you can compete, right?

Want it as soon as you ask? I really can’t understand myself.

'This Fang Xing... will never know what he missed...'

'Without resources, no matter how talented a warrior is, he will be useless...'

Liang Yucheng and Wright looked at each other, and just as they were about to stand up, their expressions suddenly changed and they looked at the outside world.


Fang Xing also looked over and saw an aircraft coming through the clouds above the colorful aurora sky!

‘Isn’t this a magnetic field disorder area? ’

'No, we haven't gone deep into the canyon yet, so we won't be affected much... But flying is also very dangerous, unless it is the most advanced aircraft or a military anti-interference one? ’

Fang Xing's expression changed, knowing that a big shot was coming.

"It seems to be a private aircraft."

Liang Yucheng's expression couldn't help but become very solemn as he looked at the aircraft.

That aircraft was much smaller than the Biluo that Fang Xing had flown on, and it had armor as blue as the sea. It stopped above the restaurant and suddenly projected a beam of light!


A figure slowly fell from the beam of light.

This figure was wearing a small suit, with a large piece of snow-white and smooth chest exposed, with the front and back curved, and a pretty peach butt.

More importantly... Fang Xing is very familiar with her!

"Classmate Fang Xing, we finally meet in person."

The professional woman walked into the restaurant and came to Fang Xing. She smiled and reached out.

"Are you really...Teacher Lan Fei?"

Fang Xing shook Lan Fei's palm, and the delicate and realistic feel of the skin made him know that what was in front of him was not that kind of projection, but a real person!

'If the former Liu Wei knew that I had the real Lan Fei's hand, he would be so jealous that he would hit the wall with envy...'

His mind went back and forth, but a smile appeared on his face: "Teacher Lan Fei, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. I have just been hired by the Giant God Group as a staff member of the group. I will be responsible for contacting you this time..."

Teacher Lan Fei smiled and said: "Master Yin Huanzhen of the group has arrived and is waiting for you in the aircraft..."

"It's actually the Titan Group?"

Liang Yucheng and Wright looked at each other and could see each other's shocked expressions.

Although the company the two of them work for is considered a federal giant, it pales in comparison to the Titan Group.

"Oh? Then please ask the teacher to lead the way."

Fang Xing picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth, then stood up leisurely.

In my heart, I was a little surprised:

'The real Lan Fei should be an educator, who can be distracted and multi-purpose, and teach students in many classes at the same time... maybe he is a warrior of the four realms. ’

‘Being hired by Yucai High School, even if you receive royalties, you’ll be lenient… and you’re actually being roped in as a lobbyist? ’

'From what she said before, she was not a member of the Titan Group from the beginning, but was recruited temporarily...'

‘From getting to know me to poaching people, he was so decisive… and he also showed a terrifying energy and network of connections! ’

Fang Xing was secretly amazed.

This Yin Huanzhen is obviously much higher than Liang Yucheng and the others.

'Ordinary beauty traps are just seducing beauties... A real beauty trap is to deliver the white moonlight you ask for directly to you... I really experienced a lot today, being fucked by a real top person in the Federation. Class. ’

He thought to himself and followed Lan Fei to the bottom of the blue aircraft.

A ray of light enveloped him, bringing with him an uplifting feeling.

Fang Xing's eyes flashed, and when he came to his senses again, he was already in an office.

A young man with silver hair and a childish face is immersed in playing games.

"You guys wait a minute..."

The young man looked focused and spoke without raising his head.

And a blushing and heart-beating sound was coming from the mobile phone.

‘Huh? It’s actually a mini-game banned under the 18-year rule? ’

Fang Xing's eyes lit up, and he felt like he had found a like-minded person.

Even hearing that voice, I instantly guessed which voice actor's masterpiece it was, and locked the name of the game.

After a few minutes, the boy finally finished playing the game and raised his head.

His facial features are delicate, his skin is a little abnormally pale, and his eyes have a hint of seeing through the world of mortals.

"Fang Xing, the biochemical person from Eagle Star, ID number..."

Yin Huanzhen reported Fang Xing's basic information: "You performed well when you were a freshman in high school. You were first in the final exam... In the second year of high school, you were third in the Hundred-Star Joint Examination... You have good talent. Our company will prepare it for you." I got an S-level contract, do you want to know more about it?”

"Please say..."

Fang Xing made a gesture of invitation.

Yin Huanzhen nodded, and Lan Fei next to him explained: "The S-level contract is tailor-made by our Titan Group for the top talents. It has a quota of 20 million star yuan every year. In addition, there are Various rare resources, such as the 'Yuanguo Liquid' which is useful for breaking through the outdoor scenes, etc..."

"Location has never been a problem for me..."

Fang Xing held his head high, with absolute confidence in his eyes: "Where are the golden elixir resources? Are there any?"

"Haha... so crazy, I like it!"

Yin Huanzhen glanced at Fang Xing in surprise, and then showed a smile: "Martial Arts Jindan is the number one figure everywhere, but if you can get into a super first-class university, I believe that the Giant God Group will be willing to pay for these resources of."

"Great, what's the price?"

Fang Xing took a deep breath.

For such generous terms, the price must be extraordinary.

"This contract is actually a gambling contract. If you don't get admitted to a top-notch university, the contract will be void immediately, and you will have to double compensate me for what I paid before..."

A teasing smile appeared on Yin Huanzhen's face: "How is it? Do you feel stressed?"

"Then what?"

Fang Xing's expression remained unchanged, he never thought he would fail.

"I forgot to mention that you are only admitted to Blue Star University because I will also be admitted."

Yin Huanzhen's smile widened: "After you arrive at the university, you are obliged to cooperate with me... Don't worry, you will definitely not violate school rules."

"I need to think about it..."

Fang Xing's eyes were deep, and he felt that this was a bit like the book collecting boy in ancient times.

Even... a dead soldier? !

"Of course, but I believe that no one will give you better conditions." Yin Huanzhen clapped his hands: "In the Federation, if warriors want to make progress, if they want to break through the Vajra or even the Martial Saint... top-level special resources are indispensable. Invest...Well, during the period of time you are considering, Lan Fei will always follow you and act as our liaison, and by the way, he can also be your secretary and housekeeper..."

He waved his hand, obviously starting to play the game again.

After Fang Xing left, Yin Huanzhen immediately started another game and controlled the aircraft to leave the Devil's Grand Canyon.

Half an hour later, a communication link came in, and a middle-aged man with snow-white sideburns appeared.

"Really, how is it?"

He looked at Yin Huanzhen, his face full of concern.

"I have traveled to eighty-seven planets and inspected some geniuses..."

Yin Huanzhen is still playing games, but he is still concentrating on talking: "I signed 3 S-level seeds. I hope they can all be admitted to Blue Star University."

"So fast? You have to know that this is your future team... they may go to the battlefield together, so you must be careful."

Middle-aged humanity.

"Don't worry, I'm sensible, don't disturb me playing games..."

Yin Huazhen waved his hand impatiently, and the sound of the 18-forbidden game on his phone suddenly became louder.

When the middle-aged man saw this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly...

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