Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 15: Brutal Hands (Please read on)

Another world.

Inside the temporary camp.

Fang Xing opened a smart computer he bought from the second-hand market.

"Start data transfer!"

He pressed the fingers of both hands quickly, and scenes appeared one after another.

Among them are a large number of videos shot by simulated bird drones, as well as images and sounds recorded by beetle monitors.

"Well, it is indeed an ancient agricultural society...the farming technology is very primitive."

Among the surveillance images, the most common ones are farming.

Fang Xing was a little silent as he looked at the ragged 'farmers' sweating profusely with their backs to the sky and their faces to the loess.

Because these 'farmers' are at least one or two realm warriors, and even the Uncut Jade realm occasionally appears!

Fortunately, the local Jade Realm warriors were generally vigilant, or had never seen simulated monitoring equipment at all, so they did not find any flaws.

These warrior farmers spent most of their time working in silence, their faces numb and lifeless.

Only on rare occasions do they say a few words to each other.

After so many days of collection, the data is complete from mouth shape to pronunciation.

What Fang Xing has to do is let his brain do the final integration and then learn this new language!

'It's a pity that there is no learning device, but it doesn't take much time for me to learn this language...'

After all, he was an outstanding student educated in an examination-oriented manner, and Fang Xing was quite sure of this.

The practice of martial arts is actually a kind of evolution. Your brain's memory and thinking activity will greatly improve as your level increases!

"A warrior here can only farm or pick up dung, or else go on an adventure in the wilderness?"

Watching the second-hand computer sorting and analyzing data, Fang Xing began to scan the surveillance screens, trying to understand the ecology of warriors in this world.

He has seen warriors farming, transporting dung trucks, and taking adventures. Most of the warriors live a very poor life. Only the warriors in the Uncut Jade Realm live a slightly better life.

"In addition, there are people with higher status..."

Fang Xing opened a surveillance video, which was shot from a very long distance. He could see a fat middle-aged man in a silk robe, dressed like a member of the military, collecting supplies from house to house, including rice, ore, herbs, Even the crystal sand he has in his hand...

At the end, several large cars were packed and taken away. The escorts were all warriors of the Pure Jade Realm. However, in front of this middle-aged man, his status was obviously lowered. He seemed very polite and even a little respectful. .

This is not a purely status gap, it may be more about strength!

This short and fat man seems to have the ability to kill several uncut jade warriors!


Fang Xing thought of the talisman used by the leader of the four-man adventuring team and the image of the golden bell, and secretly made a judgment in his heart.

"The top priority is to learn the local language first, then change clothes and try to contact..."

He looked at the second-hand computer screen and found that the progress of deciphering the code labeled 'Alien Language' was less than 10%.

"There's still time, huh?"

At this moment, the No. 1 drone ordered by Fang Xing to patrol and monitor sent back a picture.

In the picture, a woman with torn clothes and bloodstains on her body is running away in a panic.

Look in the direction, and in a few minutes you will find the temporary camp!

"Huh? The result of that wild boar again?"

Fang Xing frowned.

The beast monster nearby is quite astonishing in strength.

Except for the former leader of the four-person team in the Uncut Jade Realm who managed to escape by relying on the power of a talisman, the rest of the herb collectors they encountered were bound to die. They were simply called herb collector killers.

Even the corpses of the herb gatherers eventually fell into the belly of wild boars and died without their bodies intact.

You don't need to look at this woman, she must be a herb gatherer or something, and she was forced to panic by the wild boar.

"But why did you come to me?"

Fang Xing felt a little headache.

"Looking at his body shape and speed, he should not be in the third realm, but a second-level warrior... There should be no dangerous items on him, otherwise even if he has a talisman, he will not be forced to this extent by that wild boar."

He sighed and let the protective clothing cover his whole body, including his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and then picked up the electric baton: "Let's go and take a look..."


The silhouette of the figure flashed, and Xue Yuling used her body skills to pass through a bunch of thorns and shrubs.

She is tall, fair-skinned, and has a pair of long legs that once made even immortal masters forget to leave.

If he had not encountered difficulties, he would not have ventured out alone to collect herbs.

"Damn it, I was cheated!"

"The purchase price of Qinglinfang's 'Zhulongcao' has increased, and picking it is indeed more dangerous... Those people above don't want to let us take advantage of it."

Xue Yuling gritted her teeth.

The competition in the market is too fierce, and it is said that some female fairies who specialize in bewitching are competing for food.

Although the business with a half-closed door can be done, it can only barely prevent starvation.

It is simply a delusion to buy spiritual rice and elixirs to improve your martial arts.

Therefore, she still had to come. Who would have thought that she would encounter a wild boar monster that seemed to have advanced to a small level. Not only would the entire team be wiped out, she would also be in such a miserable state.

'It's almost... As long as you escape a little further, there will be a river. When the time comes, you can jump into the river and escape! ’

Xue Yuling was not sure whether the wild boar monster was still behind, but she had suffered a lot since she was a child, so she would definitely think about the worst possibility.

The river in the wilderness is extremely dangerous, but it can wash away the smell on her body. At this time, it is the only way to survive!


She saw a movement in the grass in front of her, and a silver-white humanoid monster jumped out!

"What the hell?"

Xue Yuling gave a sweet shout, but the ruthless temper shown at the bottom did not hesitate at all. She raised her hand, and three points of cold light were like flying stars, hitting Fang Xing's chest hard.

"hidden weapon?"

Fang Xing was startled, and then he saw three darts falling to the ground, with a blue light flashing on the sharp edges, which was obviously quenched with a layer of poison.

Fortunately, he was wearing a nano-protective suit, which didn't break his defense at all, and even relieved him of a lot of strength. He just felt a little tight in his chest.

"How dare you take the lead in killing me? No matter which world you are in, the next step will be considered self-defense!"

Fang Xing shouted loudly and dropped the electric baton in his hand.

"What's the weird noise?"

Xue Yuling couldn't understand Fang Xing's language at all, but that didn't stop an iron judge's pen from appearing in her hand and blocking the electric baton, which was a very clever move.

The tip of the pen even trembled slightly and pointed directly at several large acupoints on Fang Xing's body, obviously containing extremely powerful counterattacks.

This set of 'Splashing Wind Brush' strokes and moves, if placed in a mortal martial arts world, would be a first-class miraculous skill!


Feeling the power coming from the judge's pen, Xue Yuling felt relieved: "This weirdo is so weak..."

But the next moment, she was shocked to see a ball of electric sparks flashing on the other party's black rod!

A terrifying electric current followed, causing her to fly backwards and fall to the ground, twitching.

"Blood refining weapon? You actually have a blood refining tool?"

Xue Yuling looked at the approaching humanoid monster and confirmed that it must also be a human race. She quickly shouted: "Sir, spare my life..."

Coupled with her delicate appearance, she really makes me feel pity for her.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

Fang Xing couldn't help but guess at the other party's words. He probably understood the word '伱', but he also knew he was begging for mercy or something.


"The more beautiful a woman is, the more trouble she has... So just die!"

Fang Xing pointed it out with a stick.


A silver-white electric current emerged from the top of the electric baton and hit Xue Yuling's head accurately.

"This businessman is lying. He says he can electrocute an elephant, but this woman can actually talk...please electrocute her a few times, just in case."

Fang Xing poked the woman with an electric baton to confirm that the woman was really dead, then put on rubber gloves and stepped forward to touch the body.

This woman didn't know that he had the eyes of a drone, so he naturally knew that the beast and monster had given up chasing him long ago.

But the 'way of life' that the other party thought they chose was a dead end.

I wonder if this woman would be so angry that she would die again if she came back to life?

"Wait...this is my first time killing someone, right? Should I vomit?"

Fang Xing was a little hesitant and took a deep breath to calm down.

All right……

Maybe it's because the time travel is too incredible, plus I have accepted the memories of my predecessor, and I'm suffering from the suffering of biochemical humans...

All in all, he found that he was not in a very uneasy or fearful mood...

After taking a few deep breaths, all that was left was calmness, and he calmly began to touch the corpse.

"Nice figure..."

"The trophies... a pair of judge's pens, a money bag, three jade bottles... Huh? There's even a book?"

Fang Xing picked up a book in his hand.

The paper quality of this book is average, and it is thread-bound. The pages are yellowed and have some traces of insect damage.

On the cover, four characters from another world were written in flying colors, and Fang Xing didn't recognize any of them.

"Good stuff..."

But he didn't dislike it at all: "This is excellent research data. If it is analyzed by the brain, it can greatly speed up the deciphering process!"

As for the purse?

After opening it, there were only three grains of sand that were exactly the same as those obtained before.

"It looks... a bit like a currency of general equivalent? So, I have a total of seven currencies in my hand?"

Fang Xing touched his chin and looked at the jade bottles.

The seals of two of the bottles had been opened, and he didn't dare to smell them rashly, let alone swallow them. He was going to use poison test strips to test them on mice first.

The last bottle has a wax seal on the mouth. It looks intact and has not been opened.

On the bottle, there were three characters from another world engraved on it, which he still couldn't understand.

‘With an intact bottle, what is the probability that it is a poison trap? ’

‘A trap? Humans in this world wouldn’t just eat the loot from their enemies, right? ’

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