Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 54 Fighting (Please recommend)

In the Xingfujiayuan Community, a rental house in a certain building.

The ground was dripping with blood, faintly forming some kind of ritual.

There were also a large amount of dark red blood stains pouring out from the kitchen and bathroom. They belonged to the original owner of the rental house. You can already imagine what the outcome would be.

In the living room of the room, two tall figures stood.

They have strong bodies and deep features, but they stand quietly like sculptures, like two silent granite guards.


At this time, a scream broke the original silence.

In the center of many rituals, Guo Peipei was sitting cross-legged, but at this moment she suddenly opened her eyes, covered her head, and let out a scream: "Fang Xing... He actually... That is the third level of the Ghost Sword - Dou Ghost? That sword... That sword... No, no, it was in his dream, his home field, so he could make his own ghost sword break through the limit... The greater the heart, the higher the martial arts..."

Dreams are naturally different from reality, and you can do all kinds of incredible things.

Especially in your own dreams! Everyone is half a creator!

Guo Peipei just awakened a low-level dreaming ability and didn't know much about dreams.

But she knew that she was in trouble this time!

The great lord that he simulated by relying on his imagination and teachings was unable to intimidate Fang Xing, but was defeated in one fell swoop!

"The will of martial arts is really so powerful?"

Guo Peipei's face turned pale and she felt severe pain in her forehead: "No, the other party might report it to the Prevention and Control Bureau. It's no longer safe here and we need to leave..."


At this moment, there was an explosion from the door!

Like the roar of a cannon, the alloy door of the community was instantly blown away by Dacheng's lunge cannon punch.

Amidst the dust in the sky, a black shadow flashed into the storage room. Accompanied by the piercing sound of the sword, he suddenly drew his sword and killed!

This person is none other than Fang Xing!

After he found this place with the 'Qi Seeking Talisman', he rushed in immediately without much hesitation!

The first thing is that a warrior must not be humiliated. He has been feeling aggrieved recently and needs to vent his anger.

The second is to judge that the enemies here are not strong, otherwise they would not have used the trick of dreaming, and they would have been easily defeated by themselves!

As for the third one, because he had insurance, he had already called Jing Xia through Bai Ziling!

'Although calling the police and waiting for the action team from the Prevention and Control Bureau to come is the best option...'

‘But I am a warrior! ’

‘Even if I don’t know how to punch a stronger person, if a weak person still dares to provoke me, he will be severely suppressed! ’

There is nothing we can do about notifying the Prevention and Control Bureau.

Even if Fang Xing has done everything clean today and has not been officially informed, the person behind these people must know that it was him who did it, and then there will be a steady stream of revenge!

This is an entire evil sect!

No matter how confident Fang Xing was in himself, he still didn't think he could withstand the subsequent revenge.

Therefore, relying on official power to obtain asylum has become the best choice.

After all, he is indeed a good student with good roots!

Recently, he has been vigorously cultivated by the school and favored by Xia Long, and he has taken the initiative to report evil believers. Naturally, he stands on the standpoint of Wei Guangzheng.

These were all things he had thought about on the way here. At this moment, he just wanted to kill someone!


The sound of a sword made Guo Peipei fall into a trance for an instant.

She thought of the scene when she was a child, as a cyborg, watching other natural children playing with their parents in the amusement park, but she could only stand alone outside the railings, and a sadness came to her heart...

The two divine generals, on the other hand, were not affected by the slightest startling. Instead, they each let out beast-like roars, with strange tattoos appearing on their faces.

This tattoo seems to be still squirming slightly, with slight mental pollution and impact!


In the blink of an eye, their clothes exploded, their fingers turned into sharp claws, and they rushed towards Fang Xing!

Fang Xing turned his black-marked sword, and a sword light was like mercury pouring down the ground. The sword energy was so cold that it instantly spread throughout the living room.


The two beast-like evil believers were very confident in their own bodies, and they opened their sharp claws to grab the blade of the ink pattern sword.

Of course Fang Xing would not be polite, and the sword light slashed hard on the opponent's sharp claws.


That ferocious claw was cut open like tofu.

The ink-patterned sword continued unabated and passed over the neck of the god general.


A head flew up, and the god dropped the body heavily to the ground.

When the other god general saw this scene, fear appeared in his eyes, and he roared and rushed to the window next to him.

But in the blink of an eye, Fang Xing was chasing behind him and stabbed him through the heart!


Fang Xing flew up and kicked the god's body away, causing it to hit the wall heavily and fall slowly...

He drew his sword and turned around, and saw Guo Peipei, who seemed to have finally recovered from the influence of the 'Extreme Sword'.

"No...don't kill me..."

Guo Peipei's voice trembled when she saw this scene.

She could never have imagined that Fang Xing would be so strong!

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Fang Xing smiled slightly and looked out the window.

Woof woof!

With a barking, a bully dog ​​with devil's wings broke through the window and barged in arrogantly.

When he saw the two divine generals lying on the ground, a 'bewildered' expression appeared vividly on the dog's face.


Then, a black shadow glided in from the window that had been crashed open on a flying skateboard.

Jingxia, wearing a black uniform, showed off his hot body. He looked at the blood sacrifice ritual on the ground and immediately showed disgust: "It is indeed a follower of the evil god... Well, there are two more gods? Did you deal with them?"

"Yes, they attacked me with dream-like abilities. After I woke up, I followed the induction in the dark and found this place."

Fang Xing answered seriously that this situation is very likely.

"Oh? It seems that you have spiritual characteristics. Maybe you can change your job to become a "spiritual mind master" in the future..."

Jingxia nodded and raised his hand to send out an arc of electricity.

In an instant, Guo Peipei's eyes rolled back and she fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

"As long as these evil god believers are conscious, they may cause trouble, so the best way is to make them unconscious after being captured..."

Jingxia explained, and turned the corpse on the ground with disdain: "God general? It seems that they are from the 'school of sects'. If you can deal with them, you are quite powerful, you should come to the action department..."

"God general?" Fang Xing expressed his doubts.

"Most of the cannon fodder of the school of sects take the so-called 'divine blood', which is actually the blood of the evil god's followers... These two have the characteristics of semi-servants and have slight mental pollution characteristics. Even if you practice A-level martial arts, you'd better check it out..."

Jingxia checked the wound, and looked at the long sword in Fang Xing's hand thoughtfully: "Little brother, you have a good sword."


This time Fang Xing made a move, and he had already made plans to expose the Mowen sword. Anyway, he would say that he got it by killing a black market warrior.

The federal people's imagination is not that big. At most, they will think it is an alien creation. After checking it out and finding that it is not polluted by the evil god, the attention will drop sharply.

As for the technology above the magic weapon? There are so many technologies that the Federation does not understand... After all, many aliens' technological routes are different from those of the Federation, and some require special racial talents to develop. Therefore, the research value of many alien technologies is not that great, and a sword is nothing.

'Even if the Prevention Bureau wants to confiscate it, let them confiscate it. I don't care anyway...'

'In fact, this is still a test. '

'If the Prevention Bureau is like this, then this Federation is not worthy of much trust. In the future, I will make plans to operate another world as the main base...'

'But according to the memory and knowledge of my predecessor, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen...'

'Yes, this sword is...'

Fang Xing was about to say something when he saw Jing Xia waving his hand impatiently: "Our Prevention Bureau only deals with the evil god, and your sword has nothing to do with me... Don't bother me with this little thing."

With Jing Xia's knowledge, he can see that it is just a sharp alloy weapon.

Everyone has a little secret, as long as it is not related to the evil god, she is too lazy to delve into it.

"In short... Thank you for this time. I will send you a commendation later... Although it won't add points to the college entrance exam, it will be useful in high school and can add some scholarships."

After Jing Xia finished speaking to Fang Xing, he shouted to the outside of the door: "You late losers, come in and clean the floor!"

Many members of the prevention and control bureau's action team walked in from outside the door, and began to clean up the body silently, and put special handcuffs on Guo Pei and carried her away.

When Fang Xing saw the body parts carried out from the kitchen and bedroom, he couldn't help but fall silent.

Although he didn't think he was a good person, he still felt uncomfortable seeing this scene.

"The followers of the evil god should be killed!"

He sighed: "The key is why they are targeting me? I feel I need protection... And what is the 'school of thought'?"

"The followers of the evil god like the staff of the Corruption Prevention Bureau very much. You may be targeted for this reason. Of course, it may also be because you are too outstanding..."

Jingxia patted Fang Xing's shoulder confidently: "Relax, young man... After our official forces are gone, the schools of thought can only be cut off neatly, so how can they have the time to trouble you? As for the information about the 'school of thought', I will send you a copy later. Although the confidentiality level is not high, remember not to spread it..."

Thanks to Taolege lonely leader, add more to the shelves

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