After all, the two of them were very close.

Jing Yuan coughed twice and brought the topic back.

"Then I slept until dawn..."

"Humph! You dared to sleep with me without asking my wishes...! Even if you are a general, I can't forgive you easily!"

Bai Lu glared at him and shouted.

Jing Yuan shrugged helplessly, "And that's it... She wanted me to listen to her for a month before she would forgive me..."

Yu Chen's expression was a little complicated. He looked at Bai Lu, who looked angry and a little shy, and then glanced at Jing Yuan, who was sighing helplessly. He secretly sighed that it was a good thing that she hadn't grown up yet...

Otherwise, this guy might be in real trouble...

If the general was caught, he would think it was interesting to think about what interesting stories would happen.

It's a pity that this little girl didn't have any bad intentions at all. Jing Yuan took her out to eat a few delicious meals and she was so happy.

"I want to eat more!"


Jing Yuan was naturally aware of this and met all of Bai Lu's requirements.

Just think of it as making her happy. The only trouble is that he has to argue with the old guys of the Chi Ming clan.

This future Chi Ming Dragon Lord is their "good baby", but now he has been kidnapped by himself...

I have a headache thinking about what will happen next.

But at least she is really happy...

Jing Yuan glanced at a piece of paper, wiped the food crumbs from the corner of Bai Lu's mouth, and suddenly chuckled, helpless and gentle.

After being controlled for a long time, it's good to relax for a while.

At least she shouldn't be like the last one...

Bai Lu snorted, but did not stop his slightly offensive action.

She glanced at the two people opposite her with some pride. The general served her personally, which was quite face-saving~

"Alas... accompany me to drink again today, what's the big deal!"

Jing Yuan sighed.

Bai Lu narrowed her eyes but was unhappy, "Do you look down on me? Do you despise me? Is sleeping with me an insult to your status as a general?"

Jing Yuan's mouth twitched, and he turned his head to look at her helplessly, "I don't mean that..."

Yu Chen was eating the small things on the table with Fu Xuan opposite, watching with relish.

These two people are quite interesting, no matter how you look at them, they look like father and daughter.

But Bai Lu was not born from a human, but hatched from an egg.

It’s just that, although he’s not his biological father, he looks like his biological father~

He didn’t dare drink too much this time, for fear of making mistakes again.

They didn’t stay too late, and the four of them said goodbye.

Xiao Long Nu was quite energetic today, and she even pulled Jing Yuan’s hand and acted coquettishly, wanting to go shopping more and eat more delicious food.

Yu Chen grinned and laughed at Jing Yuan’s appearance, who wanted to go back to sleep but had to obey.

Fu Xuan didn’t pay much attention to the interaction between the general and Bai Lu, but just looked at him with his face sideways, smiling quietly.

He had a cold face, but why was his personality so funny?

He looked like he was smiling like a chrysanthemum.

“Heh…” Fu Xuan suddenly chuckled, hugged his arms tightly in his arms, and pressed his whole body weight on him with his fingers intertwined.

Yu Chen retracted his gaze, and the overly bright smile on his face faded, becoming gentle.

"Do you want a hug?"

Fu Xuan shook his head and whispered, "I want to help me digest my food."

Yu Chen curled his lips slightly, "What if I get hungry again at night?"

Fu Xuan shook his head without thinking, "You think of a way for me, I'll be responsible for filling my stomach."

"Buy some noodles on the way back, it's convenient and easy to make a midnight snack...

I seem to have forgotten to stock up last time."


The sky was completely dark, and the street lights turned on, making this ancient city bright.

The ancient city was bustling with people coming and going, but it seemed that there were only the two of them in silence.

Yu Chen held her tightly and walked slowly on the street.

Fu Xuan leaned on him, her eyes didn't know where to fall, there was no focus, she thought silently in her heart that she seemed to be more and more dependent on this person.

Obviously, the former Grand Master would work or read until a certain time and then go to bed. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a master of self-discipline.

Now he would stroll leisurely on the street with him.

The change is really big...

She herself could not help but sigh.

Fu Xuan turned her head and looked at him. Looking at his calm and gentle expression, her eyes gradually became hazy, and waves of emotions grew and surged in her heart.

She suddenly wanted to be hugged again...

How could she become so clingy and so eager to be spoiled by him?

Fu Xuan had doubts in her heart, but soon these distracting thoughts were cleared away.

She just wanted to be spoiled, no one could control her, and no one could stop her!

"There's ice cream over there again... do you want to buy some?"

Yu Chen's eyes lit up, and he suddenly pointed to a place where a stall was about to close.

Fu Xuan didn't look at it, but just looked at him with a smile in his eyes, "Yes~"

The cold and sweet things tasted different at night, but after the Sword Saint bought it, he began to worry again.

He was a little worried that she would catch a cold and have a stomachache.

But the sweet smile on Fu Xuan's face made him put aside his worries for the time being.

"Try it too~"

Taibu scooped a spoonful and handed it forward. Yu Chen bent down slightly and lowered his head to sip the sweet ice cream.

It was cold and sweet, and tasted very good.

"Delicious, right?"

"It's delicious! But... don't eat like a cat~"

He smiled, gently reached out and wiped the white foam at the corner of Fu Xuan's mouth, and licked it in his mouth.

Fu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and her face flushed.

He always liked to do something like this suddenly that made her blush and heartbeat...

I always felt that Yu Chen wanted to treat her as a delicious sauce when eating, and he had to dip everything in her before eating.

It seemed that the taste would become extremely good this way.

His head was a little hot, and ice cream became a good tool to cool down. Fu Xuan's shyness was quickly suppressed by the cold sweetness in his mouth.

He ate slowly, bought noodles, got on the Xingcha and returned to Taibusi.

Fu Xuan took a shower first. Yu Chen wanted to go to the warm bathroom with her or by himself, but he let her go first and locked the bathroom door, so he couldn't get in without violence.

In desperation, he gave up and sat at the door, listening to the sound of her bathing as a snack.

Fu Xuan came out rubbing her wet hair, and Yu Chen hugged her and kissed her for a long time. After blowing her beautiful hair dry, he went into the bathroom and rubbed himself leisurely.

Just looking at the pile of bedding thrown in the basket, he realized that he had something to do tomorrow.


Looking at the small clothes thrown in the bathroom, today they are white.

Yu Chen picked them up silently and made a decision that went against his ancestors... Well, he held back.

After all, the person wearing the clothes can be kissed and touched, so why seek the stimulation of such things?

Thinking of this, Yu Chen took the thing off his nose and put it back in its original place with a calm face.

"You smell of her perfume~"

The enchanting singing came from the bathroom, and little Fu Xuan sat quietly on the bed holding an ancient book and reading it quietly.

I was lazy today, but not completely lazy. However, as a master of the oracle, I still need to absorb more knowledge.

I can't degenerate into a single-celled organism like that guy who howled like a ghost!





ps: Let's talk about it...

In short, I know all the problems of this book. It is impossible to make such a fast progress by pushing it alone with the emotional drama as the main line...

Normally, the progress of writing this number of words is about the kiss...

To be honest, the original outline is not so fast, but there are more words, and I didn't have the heart to write...

When I started this book, I didn't expect to achieve this result at all. I thought I would just write a short story of more than 300,000 words...

Then, I can't say it's popular, but it's still okay in the category of Xingtie...

What is the current situation? The emotional line, which should be the main line, was pushed too fast, resulting in a bit of weakness. The recent content is pure sweet, too concentrated, and the story is not strong. In short, it is a bit saccharine.

It is very simple to expand the content, it is nothing more than adding characters or expanding the map.

Then the problem comes again. Taibu is destined to be locked in the fairy boat. If he insists on going out for a walk, it is not impossible, but it will be a little broken, and it feels weird...

As for the characters, the subject matter is daily writing, and it is really difficult to write this type of writing well... According to the original plan, the main line of the train group is almost passed, and then the daily life will be almost done.

The characters of the game itself are quite limited, and the expansion of the side plot is a bit unusual.

Well, I don’t know what I am talking about. The problems are clear, and it is actually quite troublesome to solve them (whispering, in fact, it was originally planned to end with 300,000 words, so there is no trouble if you think about it that way)

But I still want to write a little longer...

Alas, this type of ending is simple, and it is not abrupt to lay a little groundwork and end it. Hard

Writing hard water is not difficult, our lives are nothing but repeating the same things. If you want water, it is an infinite loop...

The problem is that it is difficult to write freshness and new things...

I don’t have the ability to write strong stories, and I don’t have an outline. Even the short story I originally planned didn’t have any small side stories. Because it is daily life...

The key is that this daily life relies on the emotional drama of the protagonist, and then it progresses too fast... As a result, the original content is almost the same.

The only thing missing is a train set. I originally wanted to give out a big knife... but I thought about it and gave up.

I’ll tell you now. The inspiration comes from the speculation and analysis of various railway experts. The knife is placed on Jing Yuanyuan.

To summarize, Jing Yuan is the Demon Yin, Yan Qing goes back to his old ways to kill him, but his strength is not yet fully developed, and he is killed by Jing Yuan, then Jing Liu comes with the solution to Demon Yin, and saves him with his own life, Jing Yuan recovers, and completely loses his beloved disciple and master... Xing Xuan calmly leaves with Yan Qing... (the original ending)

See, there is no protagonist, right? I am not lying...

But I tore this thing up, it's too cruel to write.

I said a lot of nonsense, the source of everything is that I didn't expect to have the current results at all, and I was not prepared enough...

There is no way, just write it like this... If it can be long, it will be long, if it can't be long, it will end normally, anyway, it is the only thing I can guarantee that it will not be eunuch...

Alas, the book on the external site was killed badly, I can say with great pride that the book was banned for less than 80 chapters.

My heart was broken. I was originally very powerful, but it was rejected by the review before it was put on the shelves. It was completely ruined...

They said I was an author who had not yet landed...

Okay, I'm sorry if I have affected your mood by complaining a lot (I don't think there is too much negative energy?)

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