The two of them were so busy that they had to eat.

Fu Xuan looked at him and couldn't think of any reason to refute him for a while, so he snorted and stopped talking.

This guy had already eaten most of the dishes for two people and the so-called recruitment.

If he didn't hurry up, he would be hungry later.

Yu Chen seemed to be really hungry. He had been eating since he started to use his chopsticks.

He stuffed one bite of the dishes into his mouth after another, and every time he showed a very satisfied expression, it seemed that the food on the table was cooked to his taste.

'In the end, the most eaten food was what I liked to eat, and he put aside the recruitment...'

Fu Xuan secretly complained in his heart.

Seeing him eating so happily, she didn't feel uncomfortable at all, and even felt a little happy.

After all, he ate a lot because he liked it, and those were also what she liked, so she felt recognized, and even if she tasted less dishes, she was in a good mood.

A bite of food, a bite of rice, and then a big mouthful of soup.


Yu Chen ate so heartily that he drank the soup with the momentum of drinking, especially when he exhaled comfortably.

If there was no smell of alcohol, Fu Xuan would have suspected that this bowl of wine was secretly poured into him.

Compared with this guy who looked like a starving ghost, Lord Fu Xuan looked much more dignified and elegant when eating.

Yu Chen could taste the wine in the soup, which naturally meant that the soup was very good.

Fu Xuan scooped a bowl for himself, then took a chopstick of rice and soaked it in it, and slowly put it into his mouth after it was covered with soup.

The plump and crystal rice was very fragrant, and the delicious soup made it even more delicious.

She chewed gently, and a happy smile gradually appeared on her face.

Because she liked this feeling, she would order this every time she came.

The soup was very delicious, even the little Fu Xuan finished a bowl quickly.

After that, she slowed down her eating speed, and most of the food was taken care of by Yu Chen.

On weekdays, there would often be a lot of leftover dishes, but today he ate most of them.

It was just that Yu Chen was so full that he couldn't straighten his back. He collapsed with a bulging stomach.

He supported himself on the ground with his elbows, and his upper body was raised so that he would not vomit.

Fu Xuan sat quietly opposite him, breathing slowly. The little feet wrapped in white silk were folded under the small buttocks, soft and smooth, making people want to eat some ice cream.

"Don't you understand the principle of eating until you are 70% full?"

Yu Chen waved his hands weakly, his body was a little soft and he didn't want to move.

"I'm not as knowledgeable as you, Fu Xuan. I'm just a warrior. Of course, I eat as much as my stomach can. I have to fill it up to the brim, and then I will have the strength to fight."

"You call me by my name again... I don't want you to kill people, set fires, or fight. You are just a secretary. How can you be more exhausted than you in the battlefield?"

Fu Xuan hummed a little dissatisfied, and her pink little mouth pouted, which was very cute.

"Alas~ You can't say that, and I have never been a secretary before, so I don't know which of the two is more tiring."

"You will know soon."

Fu Xuan glanced at him and said lightly.

Yu Chen suddenly sat up straight and looked at her eagerly. "Can't I take another day off... I just came out of retreat not long ago..."

"Yes, of course, but... If I do something and I just need someone, and then fail and feel bad, it will be troublesome if I deduct someone's salary for next month."

Fu Xuan stretched out her fair and green jade fingers. She lowered her head and admired herself. Her purple eyes stared at something, and no one knew what she was looking at.

Yu Chen looked at her with a twitching expression. What a guy, just like this, right?

This damn Taibu, this damn Taibu Si!

Why did she have to cover the sky with one hand? If she continued to bite the bullet and insisted on taking another day off, he would probably be in trouble.

Yu Chen looked at the fair little face and sighed that the world was going downhill.

This is really Taibu Fu Xuan bullying him. He is old and powerless...

If she is not really a member of Taibu Si now, and she is his immediate superior, she must be spanked and taught a lesson for her attitude!

"What are you looking at? If you are not satisfied, you can say it. I will ignore you."

Fu Xuan snorted at his angry eyes.

Yu Chen's

The corner of his mouth twitched, "I dare not... How dare I have a problem with you, Master Fu Xuan!"

Flattering, although he would rather flatter her directly, he dared not because it would be considered a pervert, and then he would be arrested and unable to raise his head for the rest of his life.

After eating and drinking enough and resting for a while, the two stood up and planned to go back.

Although Yu Chen wanted to sit for a while longer to digest some of his food.

But the host had stood up, if he left alone without paying, wouldn't he have to pay for it?

In order to avoid this situation, Yu Chen stood up with Fu Xuan without any resistance.

He touched his belly and followed the little Master Fu out, then walked straight through the door and left the small building directly under the smiling eyes of the slender girl.

Yu Chen's eyes gradually widened, he looked at Fu Xuan and then at the quaint little building behind him.

She said in disbelief, "Can Taibudu eat and dine so unscrupulously now?

They can still send us out with a smile without paying?"

Fu Xuan frowned and glanced at him, "Who told you that we dine and dine?

If you continue to ruin my reputation, the extra salary that Jingyuan gave you before will not be taken back!"

Yu Chen's eyes widened instantly, "I have already paid it to me. Unless you kill me, I will never give it to you... and you didn't pay just now! I have been following you all the time, but I didn't see you pay, Fu Xuan!"

Fu Xuan glanced at him strangely and said, "It's my own family's property, why should I pay? Put money into the left pocket and put it into the right pocket?"

After that, she frowned again, "This is the countless times you have called me by my name today! I just let you be my secretary, and I didn't give you the right to call me by my name like this!"

Yu Chen ignored the second half of her sentence and looked at her with a stupid face.

He pointed blankly at the small building behind him that had become blurred, and then pointed at Fu Xuan.

"That... is yours?"

"It belongs to my family, but it's not wrong to say it's mine. It was originally built to receive some distinguished guests and for my own meals on weekdays. Now I'm in charge of it, so it's not wrong to say it's mine."

That means it's false that there was no wine in it, but it's true that the waiter didn't lie, because...

No wonder her oath was so strange, what about only listening to the shopkeeper's words, playing word games to trick him, right?

It turns out that the shopkeeper was sitting opposite him!

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