The water mist was thick, and the sound of running water echoed in the warm and humid bathroom.

In the mist, two figures were entangled and twisted inside...

Well, after Xiao Fuxuan came back, she suddenly became straight and insisted that Yuchen helped her wash her hair and she helped Yuchen wipe his back...

Seeing the dizzy little face, the Sword Saint didn't have the mind to do it at all, but the girl was a little drunk, and she stiffened her neck and pressed him down.

It was just that her smooth and tender little hands were rubbing all over his body, half of her body was pressed against his back, and she didn't look like she was rubbing his back at all...

If this was released, she would be laughed at by the bath masters, but Yu Chen was not worried about her falling down.

This stupid little Taibu, she shouldn't have been allowed to drink that crappy wine... She got so high after just one glass!

Yu Chen sighed deeply, feeling extremely helpless.


Fu Xuan suddenly pressed Yu Chen's back and pushed hard, but her feet were unstable and she fell backwards.

Yu Chen turned around like teleporting, put his arms around her waist, and hugged her into his arms.

Little Fu Xuan pounced on her, her eyes were confused, and the pink blush on her face became even more rosy because of the water vapor.

Yu Chen lifted her bangs helplessly and put it on his forehead to feel it.

He was relieved after confirming that this little idiot didn't have a high temperature.

"I'm really impressed by you~"

Fu Xuan hummed, supporting Yu Chen's body and trying to stand up, but accidentally pressed on the wrong place, which scared Yu Chen so much that he quickly picked her up and put her on his legs.

His face was a little dark, and he held Fu Xuan's head, letting her face him, and then said seriously: "Be good and sit still, I'll wash your hair, and don't press randomly!!"

Fu Xuan sniffed, opened her arms and hugged him, trying hard to squeeze into his arms.

Yu Chen's mouth twitched slightly, and he said helplessly: "Don't you want to wash your hair? You can't wash it while holding me~"

"Hold me for a while and then wash it..."

Fu Xuan hummed, and her soft voice hooked Yu Chen's heart.

He only persisted for a second before his defense was broken, and he silently hugged Fu Xuan and rubbed her little face.

"Then hold me for a while..."

Fu Xuan narrowed her eyes and leaned in his arms, but her hands tried to grasp the future.

Yu Chen was frozen by her action, and there was a little shock in his eyes when he looked at Fu Xuan.

Fu Xuan's flushed face was particularly charming, and the light mist covered her with an inexplicable veil.

"This has to be solved before you can wash my hair properly, right?"

Yu Chen's throat moved and nodded silently.

Although I don't know if she suddenly became so bold because she was a little drunk, but...

Let it go, men can never resist the lover who takes the initiative to treat him.

On February 2, the dragon raises its head, and the sky is flooding, and people need to suppress it...

The water vapor in the bathroom became even stronger. She was good to herself, so Yu Chen would naturally not treat her badly...

Everything was settled, Yu Chen gently helped her wash her hair, wiped it, and carried her back to the room.

After blowing the fan to Xiao Fuxuan, she blew Yuchen. Originally, she was drinking, blowing cold air, and taking a bath.

Xiao Fuxuan caught a cold accidentally, but now there is an extremely gentle and warm man next to her, hugging her and conveying warmth all the time.

There is no way she caught a cold.

After taking a bath and washing her hair, Fuxuan gradually regained consciousness.

However, she still followed the original state, tightly clinging to Yuchen's arms, begging him to hold her.

Lord Sword Saint would naturally not be dissatisfied, and happily hugged her tightly.

Originally, lying on the bed like this was always a bit idle, and it was easy to be dazed and tossing around...

Now that there is a recorder, it is a good fun. Yuchen searched for the film library of that strange guy who claimed to have all the movies in the universe, and then he happened to pick a movie called "The Origin of Life".

Well, it looks very high-end at first glance.

Fu Xuan thought so at first, and then the more she looked at him, the more she felt something was wrong. Her heart rate gradually increased, and her face turned pink again.

Yu Chen's hand was on her waist, and he didn't move. Fu Xuan quietly looked up at him and found that this guy was watching seriously without changing his expression.

She felt more and more ashamed the more she looked at him, and finally couldn't help but spit at him and called him a big jerk, and then shrank back into the bed.

The child hid.

Seeing her lying on his chest, buried in the quilt, Yu Chen's mouth slowly raised a subtle arc.

He silently pulled up the quilt to cover his head, creating a world in bed and squeezed together with Fu Xuan.

His laughter came from the quilt, "Master Taibu, I just learned some interesting knowledge, and I want to discuss it with you, what do you think?"

"Legendary man!!"

Fu Xuan just spit at him slightly with some shame and anger, but there was no reaction, neither saying yes nor saying no.

But this attitude, obviously for Yu Chen, has already got a clear answer.

The stars are still bright tonight, the Milky Way hangs in the sky, and the extremely magnificent and prosperous scene falls into the eyes of Luofu people.

Bai Lu pointed at a star in the sky that was constantly twinkling, and asked Jing Yuan, "General, why is that star twinkling so much? It looks like... it looks like it's about to explode, and it's shaking like that!"

Jing Yuan looked puzzled. Looking at the extremely bright, twinkling and trembling star, he shook his head with some disappointment and chuckled, "I don't know either... this star has been twinkling for hundreds of years. My... master also said he didn't know at the time..."

Bai Lu's expression froze slightly, and she turned her head and glanced at him cautiously.

She was slightly relieved to find that he was not angry or sad. This guy's master seemed to have...

Jing Yuan's voice suddenly rang again, "But you can send a message to the Grand Master of the Imperial Precepts to ask. As the head of the Imperial Precepts Department, she often observes this kind of thing, so she must be very clear!"

Bai Lu took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Fu Xuan, but she waited for a long time and didn't see her reply, and she didn't even read it.

She couldn't help but wonder, "Did she go to bed so early today?"

Jing Yuan was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then he suddenly laughed as if he had thought of something, and his expression became a little ambiguous.

"Maybe, anyway, they should be busy now... She should be able to reply to you tomorrow..."

"Is that so?"

Bai Lu looked at him and nodded silently, with a thoughtful look on her face.

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