On the bed, Fu Xuan lay quietly in the quilt. Although her eyebrows were very tired, her bright eyes were wide open and staring at Yu Chen. He smiled helplessly, leaned over and pulled the quilt to cover her tightly, and then lowered his head and gently kissed her thin and tender little mouth. "Go to sleep quickly, there are still a lot of troubles waiting tomorrow..." "Why don't you let me go now!" After the kiss, Fu Xuan's expression eased a little, but looking at her little face, you can tell that she is still a little emotional. "It's useless for you to go there now, and it's most important to recover your body first!"

Yu Chen said, and the suppressed worry and concern in his eyes quietly revealed. He pursed his lips and gently touched Fu Xuan's little face and asked softly: "Is it very consuming? It doesn't have much impact on your body, right? Are you feeling uncomfortable now?"

Fu Xuan looked at him, and seeing the concern in his eyes, he finally softened his heart, humming and hugging him.

"Just sleep for a while, rest for a while... I know I can't really hurt my body, otherwise you will definitely be unhappy and angry with me..."

Yu Chen was silent for a while after hearing this, and the corners of his mouth quietly raised a curve.

"It's good that you know. If you get hurt because of this kind of thing and make me unhappy... then you want to comfort me, it won't be over in a few times!"

"I won't..."

Fu Xuan slowly climbed up, leaned on him, and hummed with his face against Yu Chen's belly.

Yu Chen's expression gradually softened, and he hugged her gently.

"Go to sleep, there will be rewards for sleeping well~"

Fu Xuan pouted and looked at him again, "I want you to hold me..."

Yu Chen was stunned for a moment, smiled and hugged her, and asked, "Aren't you holding me now?"

Fu Xuan lowered his eyes and looked at the clothes he had put on.

"Are you going out?"

Yu Chen was silent for a moment, smiled and leaned over to look at her.

"Don't you want me to leave?"

Fu Xuan's eyes flickered and he turned his face slightly.

She didn't say anything, but the little expression that couldn't be faked had already shown her attitude.

He smiled, and smiled happily. Sure enough, his little Taibu was cute.

"It's just a star core. There won't be any trouble. Jing Yuan can't even handle this little broken thing.

Besides, I'm your man now. No one can ask me to do anything except you."

Of course, a star core alone won't really cause any big trouble, but why did it suddenly explode on Luofu? The hidden tricks here may be a bit troublesome.

He acted like this just because he was worried that someone would take advantage of this time to commit suicide.

Fu Xuan snorted softly, and suddenly hugged his neck and pressed down.

Yu Chen fell into her arms and stretched out his hand to hug this soft little Taibu tightly.

"If you dare to lie to me, I will punish you... You are not allowed to leave the Taibu Division for a year! You are not allowed to leave my sight for a minute!"

Yu Chen chuckled. This house arrest order is very interesting.

"As long as I am with you, I am also very happy~ This is not a punishment!"

Fu Xuan pouted and snorted softly, closed his eyes and said nothing.

Yu Chen reached out and stroked her little face, then suddenly lowered his head and kissed her delicate little mouth again.

The little Taibu nudged him and loosened his arms around him.

Yu Chen exhaled lightly, stood up, took off his shoes and sat beside her. Fu Xuan immediately entangled himself with him, resting his head on his stomach without worrying about getting a stiff neck in this position.

He sighed, and still lay down across the quilt, holding the girl in his arms.

Go to sleep, go to sleep, no one can make any mistakes while he is here.

No words were spoken that night.

The Xingcha Sea area was completely blocked, and the Jade Realm Gate was closed again.

The star core was a disaster of some size, and there was no telling what would happen with the undercurrents behind the scenes. An uneasy atmosphere began to spread throughout Luofu.

Fortunately, the people of Xianzhou have lived long enough and seen a lot of things, so they are not too turbulent because of this little thing.

It was just that the sudden closing of the Jade Realm Gate and the blockade of the Xingcha Sea caused trouble for the tourists and merchants who were still stranded on Luofu.

However, due to the majesty of Luofu, most of them just complained a few words about the brainless guy who had to run away at this time.

And our general Jing Yuanyuan was having a headache at the moment. He had just projected the Taibusi and the two men to see

As soon as he went there, someone made fun of him for a long time, saying that he was useless and asked his little master to work in the middle of the night...

In the end, he didn't get any useful information, but just asked Fu Xuan to pay more attention and then hurried back.

That sword master is really in the same mind with his master now...

It's annoying! He used to be brothers with him all day long! Oh, this guy even reminded him to remember to send wine after the matter is done...

I'm really impressed!

"Why is the general sighing?"

Yan Qing stood beside him with a sword and asked in confusion.

Jing Yuan shook his head helplessly, "I sigh that the sword master forgets his loyalty for beauty, and I sigh that Luofu has suffered a disaster..."

Yan Qing's voice came faintly, "I sigh that I can't touch her for a while longer, and play with Bai Lu more..."

Jing Yuan's mouth twitched, and his face turned stiffly and glared at his unfilial man.

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I indulge in playing with Bai Lu? This general is very dedicated to his duties!"


Yan Qing didn't say much, just laughed.

Jing Yuan felt a little embarrassed, touched his nose, and was too lazy to pay attention to the unfilial disciple who knew how to stab his master.

He straightened his back, stood up, walked to the window, stopped, and sighed.

"Another big trouble..."

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