The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

Jing Yuan talked nonsense, and the little fool in the train group believed it, and Gaga agreed to catch Kafka...

Should we say they are kind-hearted or simple...

Fu Xuan watched their conversation quietly, and he couldn't doubt whether these guys had any friendship with the treacherous and cunning star core hunter...

Look at the expression of the gray-haired girl, her clear eyes are as golden as Jing Yuan's, but in contrast to the old fox, she is terribly innocent!

"Just... like a baby who was born not long ago!"

Fu Xuan complained speechlessly.

Yu Chen looked at her in confusion, "What?"

Fu Xuan sighed and pointed at the two sisters.

"Besides that Xing, this pink-haired guy is also cute and silly. So cute, it's almost written on my face that I have no heart!

I don't even need to tell fortunes, just a glance, I can see how deep their scheming is!"

"Uh..." Yu Chen smacked his lips and finally decided to agree with his wife's idea.

Anyway, if they are easy to deceive... it's good for them!

"The three of them have three hearts in total, Xing and Sanyueqi owe one and a half, and Walter alone has four and a half!"

Yu Chen couldn't help laughing, looking at Fu Xuan and joking: "If those two heard this, I'm afraid they would be so angry that they would scream~"

"Alas... Letting these people go to fish for Kafka... I'm starting to worry about the reliability of the operation now."

Fu Xuan shook his head and collapsed on Yu Chen with some powerlessness.

These two little white rabbits, when they met that woman, they didn't even fight, but were deceived into rushing up to call her mom?

Yu Chen stroked her belly and comforted her softly: "It's okay~ Jing Yuanyuan will definitely not let us down~"

"Yes~ Luofu's [closed eyes] Shen Ce General! He is much more powerful than me!"

Fu Xuan hummed softly in response to him.

Yu Chen smiled softly and reached out to rub her little face.

Fu Xuan wrinkled his nose to show his dissatisfaction, but did not reach out to stop him from offending the majesty of the Grand Master.

"Do you still want to be that general?"

Fu Xuan pursed his lips, sighed faintly, and looked at him again.

"Who knows..."

Yu Chen looked at her and said, "If you don't know, then don't know~ When you want to, let him come down and you go up to play. If you don't want to, when you are settled again, we will find a chance to go out for a walk~"

Fu Xuan turned over and hugged him sitting on his legs.

"Even if it's a little difficult, it's okay to go out for a year or two in peacetime, but if it takes longer... some people will say that this seat is incompetent!"

"Who dares to say? This sword saint is here!"

Yu Chen raised his head and was arrogant.

"Heh~" Fu Xuan chuckled, tilted his head and stretched out his hand to pull up his face.

"Obviously, he is just a little bitch who is easily manipulated by this seat~"

Yu Chen curled his lips, lowered his head with some dissatisfaction, and gently put his forehead on her forehead.

"I am only gentle to you, Fu Xuan..."

Fu Xuan smiled, and his mood seemed to improve.

Of course she knew that this stupid swordsman was actually very powerful, but... she just liked to tease him!

Seeing him angrily showing off to her, seeing him aggrievedly hugging her and acting like a spoiled child, seeing him dropping his little pearls pitifully...

Really, she liked everything about him!

She closed her eyes, Yu Chen hugged her slender and soft waist and kissed her, his hand still touched her down a little dishonestly.

"Okay... I still have to keep an eye on them, and catch Kafka when she shows up!"

Fu Xuan blushed and took his hand out from under her skirt, leaning against him gently, soft as if boneless.

Yu Chen pursed his lips and moved to her delicate white neck, rubbing and smelling it gently, his voice dull, "Can you continue after you come back?"

He was really uncomfortable...

"It depends on your performance..." Fu Xuan's face was pink and tender, and he turned his face away, his eyes fell gently on him, tender and affectionate.

She gently stroked Yu Chen's head and whispered, "Okay... carry me back to the room first, change clothes and go out."

Yu Chen stared at her and blinked, "How about I help you solve it?"

Fu Xuan blushed and glared at him.

"We still have business to do!"

Yu Chen snorted, "It's easier to do things when you relax your body~ Anyway, you just need to lie down and enjoy it..."

His mouth was covered, Fu Xuan's

Her face was already red beyond belief.

Although… although it had happened, he brought this matter to the table openly, how could she bear the shame!

He is really a big fool with a head full of bitterness!

"If you say it again, I will ignore you!"

"Don't say it, don't say it..."

Yu Chen glanced at her faintly and carried her back to the room.

He was obviously just trying to "solve her problems" with good intentions, but it was a pity that she didn't want to~

The Grand Master finally changed into dry clothes and took her Sword Saint out.

He had to go to Jing Yuan first and get the notice. When he saw Kafka, he could take her back to the Grand Master's Office for interrogation, so as to avoid the situation of "accidentally" letting her run away again.

Although… with this guy by his side, as long as he saw someone, no one should be able to stop him from taking him anywhere.

But... the rules should still be followed~

And if we talk to him directly, we can know what he is thinking.


Bai Lu frowned, put down the biscuits in her hand, and turned to look at the general who sneezed.

"You have a cold? The general can also catch a cold?"

Jing Yuan rubbed his nose and chuckled: "The general does catch a cold, but I just sneeze because I don't know who is talking about it again."

Bai Lu frowned, and did not accept his explanation, but leaned to his side and looked carefully.

"Come closer to me, I will take a good look at you!"

"This is... not necessary, right?"

Jing Yuan glanced at the subordinates behind her, who had more or less diverted some of their attention to this place, and felt embarrassed inexplicably.

"What nonsense, now I am a doctor and you are a patient! Even the general has to listen to me!"

She scolded Jing Yuan with a serious face.

Jing Yuan sighed helplessly, and just leaned forward to cooperate with her.

Alas... If it were any other general, who would let a little dragon girl holding medicine be so arrogant?

He would have caught her and spanked her long ago... Even if she was the future Dragon Lord, it would be useless!

But the last time she was scolded like this...

It must have been hundreds of years ago, when she scolded herself...?

Jing Yuan's eyes shook slightly, and the figure flashed in his mind again.

"What are you thinking about?"

Bai Lu couldn't help asking as she looked at his suddenly melancholy expression.

Jing Yuan's eyes condensed slightly, and he smiled at her, "Nothing..."

"Am I okay?"

"Nothing... I'm in good health."

Bai Lu took back her hand and hugged her small flat chest.

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