The food was delicious, but the food was delicious.

Yu Chen looked at the table of delicious dishes in front of him and took a deep breath with a happy face.

The breath he took with his face buried in Fu Xuan's arms...

The little Taibu pushed the stinky man in his arms away speechlessly and patted him weakly.

"You're saying you're hungry, so you should smell the dishes, why are you smelling me?"

Yu Chen slowly opened his slender eyes, and his tender eyes fell gently on Fu Xuan's face. He reached out and touched Fu Xuan's little face, and whispered, "Is there any problem with smelling the staple food first?"

The staple food...

Fu Xuan's face was flushed with pink, and the imagined scene before floated into her heart again. She glared at Yu Chen fiercely.

"Eat your meal! I'm not a staple food!"

"Hehe~ That's hard to say."

Yu Chen glanced at her meaningfully, smiled and put his arm around her waist and forced her into his arms.

"Eat, eat~ I'm almost starving to death!"

Fu Xuan rubbed his empty belly, looked at the delicious dishes in front of him, and couldn't help licking his thin and tender lips.

"I want that~"


The steaming dishes were steaming, slowly blocking his sight...


He exhaled lightly, blew away the warm mist, and squinted his eyes and felt tiredness all over.

"Stop it..."

"You should be full~"

Yu Chen stroked Fu Xuan's belly with a smile and said softly.

Fu Xuan pursed his lips, and his tender lotus-like arms gently slid across the water. With a wave of his little hand, he sprinkled water drops on his face.

She leaned softly in Yu Chen's arms, breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly closed her eyes...

After running around for a long time, her tired body soaked in the warm pool water, and was hugged tightly by her beloved, and her tense body and spirit relaxed all of a sudden.

The strong sleepiness came like a tide, eroding her spirit wave after wave.

"Don't fall asleep..." Yu Chen supported her completely soft body and called softly with some helplessness.

Fu Xuan just hummed and closed his eyes completely.

Yu Chen sighed helplessly, smiled softly, hugged her body tightly and slowly leaned back.

The bathtub was not big, just right for two people, with a soft body pressed against it, and naturally had some reaction, but he didn't have any thoughts now...

Just looked at the ceiling filled with water vapor with a dazed look...

He was also a little tired, although he didn't seem to have done anything...

"Alas... Jing Yuanyuan is really not good, I wanted to hold my wife and rest for a while..."

Yu Chen sighed softly and caressed the girl in his arms softly.

The star core has not been sealed yet, and the Cloud Cavalry Army will be led by Fu Xuan for the time being. The aftermath of the turmoil in Luofu has not yet subsided, and there are still many bastards of the Jinmie Legion and the Medicine King Secret Teachings wandering in Luofu.

It would be fine if Jing Yuan was fine. He would only gloat over all these troubles, but now...

All the troubles fell on his wife, and he was in a headache...

"What should I do if my little Taibu is exhausted..."

Yu Chen sighed again, holding Fu Xuan and stood up from the pool. In an instant, the water flowed down their bodies like a waterfall and dripped into the bathtub.

The girl, who was smooth, white and flawless, leaned softly in his arms.

Yu Chen lowered his head to glance at his little wife who was still sleeping soundly, and lowered his head to kiss her forehead gently.

Well... Then he would work hard. He had no way to share the pressure of commanding Luofu with little Fu Xuan, but cleaning up the mess...

He was very good at it.

Yu Chen glanced at the pink and flawless body and sighed softly.

"Fu Xuan, Fu Xuan, you really believe in my self-control..."

No one knows the feeling of having meat at your mouth but not being able to eat it better than Mr. Yu Chen at this moment.

Gently waking up the little Taibu, helping her dry her body, and putting on her pajamas, Yu Chen picked her up and returned to the room.

"Sleep, sleep... We'll talk about it when you wake up..."

Yu Chen murmured in a low voice, holding Fu Xuan's little face and sucking it hard, pulling the quilt, holding the little Taibu and closing his eyes.


Want to have a good sleep...

It's impossible.

The general was in bed recuperating, and Taibu took over temporarily.

A phone call woke up the two people who were sleeping in each other's arms.

Fu Xuan grabbed Mr. Sword Saint who was about to crush his phone, gently touched his head to comfort him, and climbed up with his tired body.

"Good boy..."

Yu Chen held her and exhaled. He was a little angry now...

In all aspects.

After listening to the report from the other side, Fu Xuan sighed and slowly sat up.

It's time to go to work...

There's no other way. Luofu really doesn't allow people to take a breath now.

Although the biggest trouble has been removed, the remaining mess still needs to be cleaned up.

Jing Yuan couldn't get up, so the responsibility fell on her, the Grand Diviner and [Acting General].

"Okay, there's nothing we can do about it... You sleep well for a while, I'll get up first."

Fu Xuan hugged Yu Chen, who was buried in her arms, and comforted him softly, patted his shoulder gently and prepared to get up.

Yu Chen pressed her tightly on the bed without moving. Fu Xuan looked helpless. After letting him hold her for a while, she whispered, "Be good... When Jing Yuan recovers, I will take a leave and spend some time with you. Now I have to work hard for a while..."

"Fu Xuan..."

Yu Chen looked up at her with a gloomy face.

Fu Xuan looked at him and thought he was very cute.

She smiled and slowly leaned in to kiss him.

The pale yellow sunlight fell on the window, and tiny specks of dust floated in the air.

"Okay, I really have to get up."


Yu Chen sighed softly and sat up while holding her.

Fu Xuan leaned in his arms for a while, and said softly: "You sleep a little longer, I'm fine."

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm so sad that you've exhausted yourself!"

Yu Chen snorted, and then said: "Let the train crew start, seal the star core as soon as possible, I'll go kill all the bastards of Jinmiehuozu and Yaowang's secret teachings."


Fu Xuan was silent for a while, raised her little face and looked at him, she slowly stretched out her little hand to touch him.

Yu Chen lowered his head, grabbed her little hand and rubbed it gently on his face.

"Don't force it... Let Yunqi handle those things."

She said softly, the tenderness in her eyes almost turned into substance and flowed out.

Yu Chen has done enough... He has fought for the Immortal Boat for so long, killing for hundreds and thousands of years...

She would be afraid if he left her to fight and kill...

Yu Chen rubbed her little face and said softly: "I'm fine now, as long as you are fine, Fu Xuan. For you, I can do anything! Killing enemies is easy and casual. I killed more enemies than I used to kill with just one sword~"

He was referring to the Sword of Shattering Stars.

Fu Xuan pursed his lips, his eyes flickered, the reason he was willing to do so much was just for her...

Fu Xuan stared at Yu Chen for a long time, and suddenly turned around and threw himself into his arms, hugging his neck.

"Kiss me..."

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