The old man was very surprised.

"Tell me, what happened to Xingxuan?"

Although he didn't want to talk to him, Fu Xuan was indeed curious about what he said.

Xingxuan's little secret?

How did he know?

Yu Chen turned his head and glanced at her, snorted coldly and turned away.

If you ignore why he put on such a cold face, it's really a bit...


Fu Xuan shook his head quickly and quickly denied the thought in his mind just now.


Good-looking, it's obviously just a childish ghost.

"Then what do you want to tell me?"

Fu Xuan held the cup and glanced at him and asked.

The Sword Saint raised his face proudly and said, "Please beg me~"

"Heh..." Master Taibu sneered and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

The atmosphere was a little silent, and the tea was steaming but still hard to drink.

Fu Xuan's tongue was like a cat's tongue, and she couldn't taste anything too hot. But she loved drinking tea, and she always had to let it dry for a long time until it was just right before she could drink it.

After blowing for a long time, she put the tea down again, and glanced at Yu Chen vaguely.

He happened to run into his sneak glance, and Yu Chen was stunned for a moment when he found out that he was peeking, and then he quickly turned his head and snorted.

He looked like I don't care about you.

So... this person is really childish~

Fu Xuan was speechless.

The two looked at each other coldly, and after a long stalemate, Fu Xuan couldn't resist the strong curiosity after all.

Glancing at Yu Chen, she sighed, pulled down her face, and said awkwardly, "Please... please, please tell me..."


It's so embarrassing!

Fu Xuan's face became extremely rosy as he finished speaking. She had never begged others like this in her life!

"Humph~ That's better."

Yu Chen smiled instantly, and he happily jumped to the table in front of Fu Xuan and leaned on it.

The blushing Fu Xuan frowned slightly, but didn't say anything more for the time being.

Yu Chen smiled at her with great interest, his eyes flashing with gossip: "Xing Xuan... wants to fall in love, and the object of her love is a young grass... This guy wants to be an old cow eating young grass!"

"Bah... She is not that old, why are you calling her an old cow! In terms of age, who can be older than you, an old antique?" Fu Xuan frowned to protect his subordinates, but it was only for a moment.

Her expression soon became curious again, and she looked at Yu Chen and asked.

"Who does she like? Is she very young?"

The gossipy nature of the Xianzhou people is also unavoidable in Master Taibu.

"I am...

Just a little bit older... Don't you know that the older a man is, the more attractive he is?" Yu Chen wanted to refute, but found that what she said seemed to be the truth.

For a while, he could only whisper a few words to comfort himself.

But the more I think about him, the sadder I feel, as if...

Is he really old?

"Oh, not old, not old, charming, charming, tell me... who is Xing Xuan dating?" Lord Fu Xuan finally comforted him with idealism and urged him to continue.

"Ahem~" Yu Chen coughed twice, and the sad look disappeared instantly, "It should not be dating yet, but she should be drooling over the other party..."

"Xing Xuan is not as dirty as you say? And stop making riddles, tell me quickly, who is it?" Fu Xuan frowned and glared at him.

Yu Chen shook his head helplessly, "Okay, okay, why are you so impatient, it's Yan Qing~ Jing Yuan's little apprentice."

"The little swordsman next to the general?" Fu Xuan raised his eyebrows, and the figure of the little swordsman appeared in his mind.

"Yes, it's him... Hehe, Xing Xuan wanted to ask me about his news, but she ran away before she asked." Yu Chen grinned.

Fu Xuan blinked, her purple eyes flickered, and a thoughtful look appeared in her eyes.

"No wonder..."

"Why, Fu Xuan, do you have any clues?"

Yu Chen looked at her and asked.

"Well... No wonder every time she went to the general's mansion, she seemed to lean towards Yan Qing, and often pestered him to dance with the sword for her... I thought she really liked watching swords, but it turns out that she likes people who dance with swords..." Fu Xuan's lips slowly curled up, and a touching smile appeared on her face.

Yu Chen's expression condensed slightly, and his eyes stayed on her face for a while longer.

She seems... Really pretty...

An inexplicable and indescribable strangeness quietly rose in his heart, but it was very faint, and he thought it was just embarrassing and didn't care.

"Wait, what did you call me just now?" Fu Xuan's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at him with his eyes erect.

"Master Fu Xuan? What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Yu Chen answered her calmly, but his heart unconsciously accelerated for a moment.

Fu Xuan stared into his eyes, and Yu Chen looked back at her calmly.

"Hmph~ I'll believe you for once." Fu Xuan snorted lightly and chose to let him go for the time being. It's just a name, just call him...

Only this guy can ignore her warnings infinitely and still do his own thing.

Yu Chen turned his head silently and breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really dangerous, he almost got his salary deducted.

She lowered her head and took a sip of tea, and then her brows frowned instantly.

What is this brewing?

Fu Xuan took a closer look at the tea leaves in the cup. It was indeed her Yufeng Mingcui!

How did this person brew it?

"How did you brew tea? My best tea leaves, how could you brew them like this?"

Yu Chen glanced at her sideways, glanced at the tea in the cup, his eyes a little vague, "Just... put tea leaves and hot water..."

Fu Xuan's mouth twitched slightly. She didn't believe that Xing Xuan didn't tell him how to brew it. This guy was either too lazy to do it or didn't listen carefully.

She raised the cup and took a sip again, and her brows furrowed deeper.

No, it's really hard to swallow.

Fu Xuan looked at the large pot of tea that was still there. If he poured it out, he would really feel bad.

You know, this Jade Phoenix Tea is very rare... But this guy put so much in one go...

"You brewed it yourself, drink all the tea for me! Either learn how to brew it tomorrow, or don't brew it...

Don't waste my good tea."

Fu Xuan closed her eyes and shouted at him, her heart was bleeding!

"It's just tea, how bad can it be?" Yu Chen curled his lips and took the pot in his hand.

"Drink it if you want, I brewed it myself, it's the best!"

After he said that, he put his mouth against the spout of the pot and gulped down two mouthfuls,

Then he screamed because of the burn.

"Ahhh~ It's so hot!"


This stupid look made Fu Xuan, who was looking at him, laugh. He had never seen such a stupid person in the Taibu Division.

"What are you laughing at!" Yu Chen's old face turned red, and he glared at her with his red tongue.

He was so embarrassed that he wanted to slap himself in the face.

"Pfft... I didn't... hehe... laugh... hehe~"

Fu Xuan finally couldn't hold it in and laughed out loud while covering his mouth.

Finally I saw him being embarrassed~

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