General's Mansion.

Jing Yuan sneaked into Xiao Long Niang's room to watch over her when he had time. After she woke up, she said nothing, but just looked at him quietly and stretched out her arms for a hug.

Jing Yuan felt a little relieved and went forward to hold her in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, I'm always here."


Bai Lu leaned on his chest with her face sideways and responded softly, but her eyes were less lively than before.

The emotions swirling in her heart were eroding her all the time...

What exactly did she want?

Bai Lu was a little confused.

Jing Yuan hugged her, and always felt that there seemed to be a thin layer of estrangement.

From that day on, she became much quieter. The lively little girl sometimes slipped into the yard to be in a daze, and did not take the initiative to look for him.

Jing Yuan felt bad when he saw her like that. He would accompany her whenever he had free time, and he would not stop her from looking for him even when he was working...

In the past, this little girl would come to bother her happily every day, but now...

Even if he mentioned that he wanted someone to accompany him every day, whether it was a hint or an explicit statement, she just smiled lightly and never took the initiative to come again.

Jing Yuan frowned slightly and hugged her gently. He felt more and more uncomfortable in his heart. He began to feel panic...

Afraid that she would leave him one day...

'But... I obviously didn't intend to hinder her choice, whether she stayed or left...'

Jing Yuan sighed deeply and suddenly thought of the Chiming clan who had been agitated recently.

Dan Feng's return really gave them a great stimulus...

But this had nothing to do with Bai Lu. She didn't even know much about those people. She had never even come into contact with them when she was in the general's mansion.

So, why is it?

This vague sense of alienation...

Jingliu seemed to know something, but she just shook her head and smiled: "This is your own business. If I help you, it would be a bit too sorry for myself. Also, I have kept my promise and never bullied her again~ So my fault is not big."

"Her fault is not big, so is it still me?"

Jingyuan lay on the bed and murmured for a while. Jingliu has become more obedient in the past few days and is no longer so deliberately close to him.

But... she seems to be just curious about what happened between him and Bailu, and simply wants to see what the result is... But the subtle feeling has not disappeared.

"Alas... But what did I do to make her unhappy?"

The general fell into trouble and slowly closed his eyes.

The next morning, he opened his eyes dazedly, his head felt a little heavy, as if he had not woken up yet.

I had a disturbing dream...

Jingyuan sighed and shook his head, got up and walked towards the living room.

But from a distance, he heard a chattering voice...

Jing Yuan frowned and hurried over to the place with the breath of Chi Ming.

"Miss Bai Lu, you have been playing here for a long time. Everyone really needs you to come back, and that adult wants to see you."


Bai Lu held a bowl of hot porridge and lowered her head in silence.

When Jing Yuan saw the Chi Ming coming, his heart tightened unconsciously. His calm and kind face tightened. He stepped between Bai Lu and the woman, looked at her and asked, "Who let you in? Why didn't you inform me?"

"It was me."

A lazy and cold voice came from the side. Jing Yuan paused and turned his head stiffly to look at her.

Jing Liu smiled faintly, raised his white thighs, and sat on the side with his face propped up.

He sighed, said nothing more, and then stared at the person who came.

"I remember your name is Huanxi."

"Yes, General."

Huanxi simply bowed and looked at him neither servile nor arrogant.

"General, I believe you are also aware of the affairs of the Chiming Clan. Now it is time for Bailu to go back and stabilize the people's hearts. Please don't stop us. You have kept her by your side for so long without authorization, which has caused some dragon masters to be extremely dissatisfied. They even want to sue the Marshal for justice. Please consider it more."

Jingyuan's face did not change. The Marshal's adopted son is still his brother. Would he be afraid of this? Besides, the Chiming Clan is in such a chaotic state now. If she goes back, let alone stabilize the people's hearts, it is unknown how many assassinations she will encounter!

"You also know how dangerous it will be to let her go back now. If she doesn't want to, no one can take her away from here."

"General, this is an internal affair of the Chiming Clan. You have crossed the line!"

Huanxi's face was a little ugly. She looked at Bailu behind Jingyuan again.

"Miss Bailu, Chiming really needs you!"

Bailu still ignored her, but gently tugged at Jingyuan's sleeve and whispered: "General, your porridge is getting cold..."

JingYuan smiled and turned to look at her gently.

"Okay, I'll drink it right away. The porridge you made for me can't be left cold."

He leaned over and picked up Bai Lu in front of Huan Xi, and felt a sense of security for some reason.

Huan Xi's face became even uglier.

Jing Yuan felt much more relieved. No matter what, she was still on his side~

Jing Liu glanced at his smug look and smiled silently.

Bai Lu lowered her little face, leaned against his arms with the porridge in her hands, and suddenly raised her head to look at Jing Yuan and asked, "General, don't you want me to leave?"

Jing Yuan's expression, which had just relaxed, froze again. He swallowed his saliva and looked at Bai Lu unnaturally and said, "I... won't stop you. You can do whatever you want, but don't be influenced by others. Just follow your own heart. No one can force you to do anything."

Bai Lu nodded and quieted down again, as if she understood something.

Jing Yuan glanced at her little face, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Coming to the table and holding her to sit down, Bai Lu put the porridge on the table, looked at Jing Yuan and said: "Drink it quickly while it's hot."


Jing Yuan nodded, but his hand slightly hugged her waist.

Bai Lu looked at him, and suddenly smiled slightly, and a bright smile rose on her little face again.

"General, are you reluctant to leave me?"

Jing Yuan didn't say anything, but just ate silently.

Bai Lu looked at him, and the joy in her heart bloomed, gradually soaking her somewhat dry heart.

It seems that the degree to which he cares about her is far beyond her imagination...

A little happy...

She was smiling, but Jing Yuan's heart was getting more and more nervous.

Finally, Bai Lu gently pried his hand apart, and then whispered: "General, I am a member of the Chi Ming tribe, and I am the Chi Ming Dragon Lord. Although I am not very happy to do it, at least it is not right now, right?"

Jing Yuan remained silent and still did not reply.

Bai Lu looked at his appearance and became even happier, "I want to go back and see..."

Jing Yuan finally couldn't hold it in anymore, staring at her closely, "If you are influenced by Huan Xi, you should think about it carefully. Of course, I will definitely not stop your decision, but the Chi Ming tribe is in chaos now, and many people don't like you and want to take the opportunity to get rid of you and then..."

A white and tender little hand gently covered his mouth.

Bai Lu smiled and shook her head, then said childishly with a serious face: "General, I have to take my own responsibilities!"

Just the next moment, her posture relaxed again, and she smiled softly: "Although I just want to go back and see what that person looks like... I heard that he is the previous Dragon Lord, and is he a good friend of yours, General?"

Jing Yuan's expression darkened a bit, and he sniffed the fragrance on her hand without replying.

Bai Lu didn't care, she stared at him with a smile for a while, suddenly approached him, kissed him gently, and kissed the back of her hand.

Jing Yuan's eyes trembled, but she quickly climbed down from him with a red face.

Bai Lu turned her back and coughed lightly, "Since you don't stop me, General, I'll go!"


Jing Yuan was still immersed in the sudden attack just now, and his heart was beating violently as if it would explode directly in the next moment.

He was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses. He swallowed his saliva to moisten his dry throat and said, "... I won't stop you from doing anything you want to do."

"Then... can I come back?"

Bai Lu had her back to him, and her voice was trembling when she said this.

Jing Yuan looked at her and couldn't help but hug her gently from behind, whispering in her ear, "You are always welcome to come back. As long as you want, you can stay here for a lifetime."

Bai Lu trembled slightly, turned her blushing face to look at him and said, "If you lie, you have to swallow a thousand needles!"

"Okay... I'll swallow a thousand needles if I lie!"

"Don't let that bad woman take it all away. You have to leave some for me!"

"She can't take it away..."

"Then... then kiss me too!"

Bai Lu's face was gradually flushed, and her trembling eyes flashed with strong shyness.

Jing Yuan smiled slightly, lowered his head and kissed her forehead gently.

"Is one time enough?"

She just puffed her lips and muttered softly, "I always kiss..."

Jing Yuan smiled bitterly. If he also kissed, it would be a big problem...

But... that lively and energetic little guy seems to be back again.

"Do you want me to take you home?"

Bai Lu threw herself into his arms and hugged him tightly, shaking her head against his chest: "You still have to work, I can go with Huan Xi..."

"Then be careful."

Jing Yuan gently strokedHe held her little head and told her.

But even if he didn't go by himself, he would definitely send someone to protect her quietly...

Bai Lu nodded, took a deep breath like a sword master, and then suddenly broke free from his arms, put her hands on her waist and looked at Jing Yuan with a determined face and said: "General, I'm leaving!"

"Well, be careful about everything, and you can call me anytime if you have any problems."

"Is it okay if there are no problems?"

Jing Yuan was slightly stunned, then smiled and said: "Of course, you can call me anytime you miss me in the twelve hours of the day!"

Bai Lu smiled immediately, "Then I won't be polite~"

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