Of course, he couldn't miss the loving breakfast made by his wife. Yu Chen immediately put aside his doubts and walked to the bathroom.

Fu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, closed the room, slipped in, picked up his Yu Zhao, and started to call Bai Lu frantically.

The little dragon girl who was sleeping soundly and growing taller was awakened from her sleep. She closed her eyes and hung up the phone directly...

Ding ding ding~

After seven or eight times in a row, she couldn't help but a vein on her forehead.

She opened her eyes with difficulty and glanced at the screen. Seeing the person coming, she hung up the phone again angrily, and then opened Fu Xuan's avatar.

The little dragon girl of the general's mansion: You are asking for my life!

It's also high to be held by someone: Help me

The little dragon girl of the general's mansion: Disturb my beauty sleep, even if you are a divination, I will be unhappy!

It's also high to be held by someone: Help me

The little dragon girl of the general's mansion: You are a repeater!

Being held is also considered high: Help me

The little dragon girl of the general's mansion: ...

Being held is also considered high: I'm injured, how can I heal quickly without leaving wounds? Image.jpg

The little dragon girl of the general's mansion: Can't you just find a doctor to treat it... And it's such a small wound, can't you just find a band-aid?

Being held is also considered high: I don't want to be seen

The little dragon girl of the general's mansion: Are you a child?

Fu Xuan sighed and continued to type.

Fu Xuan: Is there no other way?

Bai Lu: Yes, take off your pants and lie on the bed to admit your mistakes, and let him hit him twice and he won't be angry

Fu Xuan: ... I'm going to tell the general, you want to be beaten!

Bai Lu: You can't afford it, right!

Fu Xuan: Really there is no other way?

Bai Lu: He feels sorry for you too much, such a small wound will disappear in two days, what are you afraid to say?

Fu Xuan: Got it...

Leaving Yu Zhao behind, Bai Lu sighed deeply.

She really couldn't understand the brain circuit of this Taibu, and then looked around in confusion, with a somewhat depressed look.

"Where is the general..."


Fu Xuan sighed, and had no choice but to face the cruel reality.

Took a few deep breaths, walked to the door and opened it...

Heart arrest!

Yu Chen stood at the door without saying a word, staring at her with a ghostly look in his eyes!

Fu Xuan's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but bumped him with her head.

"What are you doing!? You scared me to death!"

"Hold me, I won't be afraid if I hold you..." Yu Chen said as he gently hooked her into his arms.

Fu Xuan leaned on her, a little speechless.

But...it was because I was scared because I was nervous...I still didn't want to say it.

Yu Chen pursed his lips and whispered in her ear: "Sure enough, I still feel that something is wrong with you. Can't you tell me?"

Fu Xuan sighed, leaned on her little face, clenched her fists and stretched out her arms to hug him.

"What's wrong?" Yu Chen gently lifted her up and rubbed her face gently.

Fu Xuan stared at him for a while and whispered: "I accidentally cut a small cut on my finger..."

For some reason, it was obviously just a very simple and small thing, and it was not a big deal. When she told him about it, she couldn't help but mist in her eyes and her nose was sour.

Obviously, she had experienced things that were countless times more painful and uncomfortable than this before...

So strange...

She stretched out her hand aggrievedly, and Yu Chen was stunned for a moment, and his eyes moved to the finger wrapped in a piece of white cloth a little slowly.

"..." He took a breath slowly, calmed down, and asked quietly with a calm expression: "It's not serious, right?"

"It's just a little broken, a little blood..." Fu Xuan felt more and more aggrieved as he spoke.

Although he knew it was nothing, he couldn't control the crazy surge of emotions.

"Does it hurt?" Yu Chen looked at her and asked.

Fu Xuan pursed her lips, nodded and shook her head, and then simply hugged him and hid her face.

"Just a little..."

"Be careful next time, okay?"


Fu Xuan closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths to ease the sour feeling in his chest.

I don't know why, I almost cried when I was talking just now...

But... he didn't seem angry? Oh, it was impossible for him to be angry with her, but... his calmness seemed a little wrong?

Although... although it is really not a big deal, according to Yu Chen's personality, shouldn't she coax him well, and then tell him to be careful with a distressed look for a long time...

Fu Xuan swallowed her saliva, secretly glanced at his face, and felt a little uneasy in her heart.

She now had the illusion of the calm before the storm...

"Husband... are you angry?"

"Why should I be angry? Who am I angry with?" Yu Chen looked at her strangely.

Fu Xuan opened his mouth, somewhat powerless to refute, "That's true..."

He walked into the kitchen slowly with Fu Xuan in his arms, so calm that it was a little scary.

The noodles in the pot were still cooking, and Yu Chen glanced at the knife on the chopping board that cut his wife's hand.

He slowly leaned over, pointed at the thing, and asked softly: "Did you use it?"


Fu Xuan nodded, glanced at him secretly, and then hid his face.

I shouldn't say anything about myself today, right?


A crisp sound scared her, followed by the sound of glass shards being crushed.

She was stunned, and looked at Yu Chen in a trance as he grabbed the kitchen knife and crushed it into powder bit by bit...

Unlike her tender little hand, Yu Chen's hand was wrapped by an invisible force like a steel claw, which turned directly into a crusher and crushed the knife into foam...

He said nothing during the whole process, his expression was calm, and he lifted the chopping board and the foam on it and threw it into the trash can after finishing all this.

This was not enough, he carried the trash can and Fu Xuan to the outside of the yard, and threw it with his hand.

The whole trash can flew towards the sea of ​​clouds on the side, and a long sword appeared in his hand, and then he swung it slowly.

A shocking sword energy suddenly appeared, chopping the trash can and the things inside into ashes.

Fu Xuan stared at all this in a daze, a little dumbfounded...

She said that how could he be so calm when Yu Chen doted on him so much...

So she was waiting here...

Turning her head to look at him, the sword slowly disappeared in her hand. Yu Chen was closing his eyes and letting out a long sigh, and the hand holding her hips was getting tighter and tighter.

When he opened his eyes again and looked over, the familiar feeling came back...

Holding his stupid little Taibu, he held her back and sat down without saying a word, and then held her tightly in his arms, trying hard to rub her into his body.

"Next time you hurt yourself a little bit, even if you only lose a hair, I will split this kitchen."

The voice was terribly calm, and Fu Xuan smiled foolishly in his arms without doubting its authenticity.

"But I will lose my hair when I wash my hair~"

"You know what I mean, change the subject and spank you later!" Yu Chen hugged her tightly and groaned.

Fu Xuan's aggrieved look when she explained with tears in her eyes just now made him feel so distressed...

God knows how much willpower he has used to endure until now...

He really wanted to chop the kitchen with a sword, but he barely endured it until he thought of the breakfast Fu Xuan had made for him with great difficulty...

Alas... He felt sick...

She was only injured in a trivial way, but he was so anxious...

On the battlefield before, not to mention a small cut on his finger, even if his arm was cut off, his comrade was split in half in front of him, and he didn't even blink an eye...

He was completely and thoroughly captured by little Fu Xuan...

"I'm hungry~"


Yu Chen shouted loudly, he wanted to taste what the food that injured his wife tasted like!

Fu Xuan kept looking at him, smiling lightly, feeling happy.

Husband is so good~

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