Although most of the immortals don't care much about this kind of minor year, some people in Xianzhou will devote dozens or even hundreds of years to something when they are immersed in it.

But it is still a festival of some size. Under the encouragement of the Chamber of Commerce and the influence of the foreigners, Luofu is still much more lively than usual.

The street is full of stalls for eating, drinking or playing. Yu Chen led the little Fu Xuan who was drinking milk tea to stop in front of a lantern riddle guessing stall.

It is completely a dimensionality reduction attack for the Taibu Lady to deal with this kind of small game. There is no need to rely on divination and magic eyes. Her erudite and terrifying knowledge reserve and smart brain are enough to kill everything.

The stall owner is a local of Xianzhou, and it seems that he is also a resident of Taibusi. He recognized Fu Xuan at a glance.

He smiled bitterly, looked at the two of them and said: "If the Taibu Lord wants a gift, we will give it to you directly... This lantern riddle, let's leave it for others to play?"

Fu Xuan blinked and held the cup with a little surprise.

She knew the riddles, but she hadn't tried them in person yet. She wanted to show off her skills in front of her husband, but she didn't expect the boss to make such a request...

Although, it was still quite cool~

The boss obviously knew that she was too powerful than Master Bu, so he said such a thing.

However, if he really did that, it would be a bit of bullying. Fu Xuan shook his head, pushed Yu Chen forward, and said, "I won't play anymore, let my husband do it, he's stupid, I won't remind him, you can just set up the stall."

Yu Chen wrinkled his nose and stared at her with some dissatisfaction for a while.

"Wife, you said I'm stupid! How am I stupid? I'm obviously very smart!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, go and try it, don't you want to play?"

Fu Xuan responded to him perfunctorily and seriously, with a faint expression and a calm mind.

Yu Chen snorted lightly, let go of her hand, and walked two steps forward to the boss.

"I'll do it!"

The boss smiled, and his expression suddenly relaxed.

He had heard of this person's reputation a long time ago. He was the husband of Luofu Taibu, and he accompanied Taibu on the street every day. Even if everyone was not familiar with him, they had to be familiar with him...

I heard that he was a military general as famous as General Jingyuan in the past, but... the general's wisdom was unique, and this person... had outstanding martial arts, but I really didn't know if his brain was good.

But... judging from his appearance, he was probably far inferior to Taibu. In this case, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Even if he won some prizes, it would be good. After all, Taibu attracted a lot of traffic to himself when he stood there.

As long as she didn't come on stage, he would welcome it!

"Okay, remember it's Mr. Yuchen, right... I heard that you cleansed Luofu, and in addition to many riches and destroyed evil things, let our lives get back on track early. I really want to thank you!"

"Well, Luofu can breathe so quickly this time, Yuchen really has a lot of credit."

Fu Xuan smiled, hugged his arms, and nodded proudly.

She was happy that her husband was praised!

Yuchen scratched his face and waved his hand, saying: "Okay... It's not just for Luofu, there's nothing to praise, let's get started."

He just wanted to reduce his wife's work pressure a little, and let Luofu get better quickly, which was really just a side effect.

Although it was a good thing overall, he would be a little embarrassed to be praised for this.

He is no longer the general who fought for the immortal boat at all costs...

Now he just wants to live a stable life with his little wife.

The boss smiled and said nothing more. He walked to the side and pulled open the red cloth hanging under the lantern floating in the air, revealing a wooden board.

There was a riddle engraved on it, and he shook his head and muttered it.

"Our first riddle is not difficult.

[Look up at the bright moon] Name a medicine~"

Yu Chen blinked, and the first thing that came to her mind was a little dragon girl. She should be able to guess this at once, right?

Of course, Fu Xuan must have gotten the answer at a glance!

He pondered for a moment, but he was not stumped here. After years of running around on the battlefield, injuries were inevitable. She naturally knew some famous medicinal materials, and she came to a conclusion after a little consideration.

"It is said that looking at the moon makes you miss your homeland. Then this medicinal herb... [Danggui], is it?"

The boss paused with a smile, and just when Yu Chen thought he had failed at the first level, he clapped his hands and looked at the onlookers behind him and said, "That's right~ It's Danggui! What you don't know is that our guest is the husband of the current Luofu Taibu Si Taibu, who is extremely powerful and one of the best in wisdom!"

For a moment, there was a burst of exclamation.

Yu Chen was a little helpless, butHe wanted to attract customers to do business, so he was too lazy to say anything more.

For the sake of mentioning Fu Xuan, he was allowed to use his name.

"Okay, let's take a look at the second one."

"Okay, sir, watch it. This second riddle is more difficult than the previous one."

The boss smiled happily and tore off the red cloth.

"[A horse with four legs, no tail and no mouth, it doesn't move when people ride it, and it doesn't eat or drink water] guess an object~"

"Hehe... This question, it's not difficult to say it's difficult, it's simple to say it's simple... It's simple, once you figure it out..." Before he finished speaking, Yu Chen interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said calmly: "Stool."

After speaking, he looked back at Fu Xuan, threw a coquettish eye and smiled with a look of "my husband is awesome".

Fu Xuan rolled his eyes at him, but also smiled slightly, and couldn't help but make fun of him.

To be honest, when Yuchen went up, she was a little nervous, worried that this guy couldn't guess a single riddle.

After all, Mr. Sword Saint's childish image has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts...

Fortunately, her husband is still doing well!

Yuchen was in high spirits at this time, looking at the boss with a sharp gaze and said: "Next question!"

"Haha... OK, next question!"

After guessing five questions in a row, the boss's forehead began to sweat, worried that this guy would guess all the answers at the beginning, but fortunately, the sixth question stumped him.

"【After getting rich, lustful】Guess an idiom."

Yuchen stared for a long time, looking left and right, east and west, and was silent for a long time without answering.

The boss breathed a sigh of relief and said at the right time: "It seems that Mr. Yuchen is stumped?"

Yuchen sighed and spread his hands helplessly.

There is no way, the brain has been used up.

He looked back at Fu Xuan pitifully. The Grand Master smiled softly, walked up to him, held his hand and comforted him, then looked at the boss and said, "You have guessed five, so is there any reward?"

The boss smiled and moved aside, revealing the truck covered with red cloth behind him.

"Of course there is. Mr. Xiang Yuchen can guess five in one go, which is considered an extremely good lantern riddle guessing expert! He is extremely smart!

You can win a second prize here!"

He said as he pulled open the cloth...

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