"Come on, come on, I've been waiting for a long time~"

Xingbao smiled and welcomed the two, but his movements were a little strange, and his hands kept rubbing his buttocks for some reason.

"Welcome to the Starry Sky Train, both of you."

A beautiful woman with red hair looked at the two and smiled subtly.

Xiao Sanyue clapped with a smile, "Welcome, welcome~"

"Welcome, both of you." Mr. Walter, who had a very low sense of presence, said so.

The cold Xiao Qinglong still had a paralyzed expression.


"Cough, cough, cough!!"

At this time, a strong cough sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

Fu Xuan's eyes slowly moved down and fell on a black shadow between a bunch of long legs.

Pam squeezed the white legs of Ji Zi and San Yueqi with all her strength, and stumbled forward a few steps.

Its body stiffened visibly, but soon it raised its face and looked at Fu Xuan and Yu Chen as if nothing had happened.

"Hello, I'm Pam, the conductor of the Starry Sky Train. Welcome to the train."

Fu Xuan smiled lightly, "You're welcome."

"Master Taibu is so polite..."

Ji Zi walked forward naturally and invited her to sit aside.

Yu Chen gently pinched her little paw, turned and slid to Xing's side, frowned and leaned over to stare at her.

Xing Bao stared at him for a while and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"What's wrong with your butt?"

The carefree Mr. Sword Saint asked very directly.

Xing Bao was silent for a while, and glanced at San Yue Qi and Ji Zi with a resentful look.

"I was executed by the family law..."


Yu Chen nodded in understanding. When he and Fu Xuan were playing, he also liked to shout that the family law was executed and then took the opportunity to pat the cute little buttocks gently.

Well, but it seems that the girl in front of him was really beaten...

March Seven stiffened her body when she heard what they said, and her waist straightened slightly and shrank inward.

Whether it was a punishment or a reward for her is still controversial...

But she was pressed on the legs by Xing, who was as strong as an ox, and she had no power to fight back...

It hurts, but she still...

Oh... It's really embarrassing.

A thin layer of powder floated on the face of little Sanyue, and then she moved closer to Fu Xuan and chatted with her in an attempt to reduce the embarrassment.

"Do you want me to contact a doctor for you?

Have you heard of the Dragon Girl with Medicine? She specializes in buttocks and is a buttocks expert. Go to see her once and I guarantee you will have a smooth and round beautiful butt!"



Bai Lu, who was taking someone's pulse at this time, frowned and rubbed her nose with a puzzled look.

"Who is saying bad things about me again?"

The next moment, her eyes froze slightly, and she looked at the woman in front of her with a subtle expression, and touched her carefully.

"Well... Congratulations, it's a pregnancy pulse, estimated to be two months."


Xingbao was rarely choked by someone and didn't know what to say. She smacked her lips and said, "If you make up a strange name for someone like this, be careful that Bai Lu will find trouble with General Jingyuan later."

Yu Chen sneered, disdainful, and said arrogantly: "Even if they are tied together, they are not my opponent!"

"Well... You are awesome, I admire you."

"Just so-so."

Yu Chen clasped his fists in return.

Fu Xuan retracted his gaze and covered his face in a somewhat autistic manner.

What strange topic is this idiot talking about with others...

"Miss Fu Xuan, have some! This is Lingke fruit, a specialty of Beloberg. In my memory, you didn't get to see more of the snow country scenery, so use fruit to make up for some regrets!"

March Seven pushed a plate of small fruits forward.

Fu Xuan picked one up and looked at it carefully, then said thank you softly and put the fruit into his mouth.

With a light bite of his teeth, he broke the thin and tender peel and inserted it into the flesh. The sour and sweet juice instantly filled his mouth, and the cleansing fluid was nourished. Fu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, felt the taste of the fruit, and then swallowed it into his stomach.

Although it is black and purple, it tastes a bit like citrus...

"Hehe, right? I think it's quite delicious! Last time I went back, I asked Xing to pick a lot of them, and stored them all in the high-tech refrigerator I got from Miss Heita."

"Heita... I remember she is from the Genius Club..."

"Yeah, Miss Heita is the same as you, small in stature, speaks in a loud voice, but looks very cute..." Sanyueqi's voice suddenly became smaller, and he smiled at Fu Xuan a little embarrassedly.

Taibu thought she was praising her cuteness, and then turned his head to glance at Yuchen, wanting him to taste the fruit too.

However, when he looked back, except for Xing, who was lying on the sofa with his butt raised high, and Pam, who was poking her with her round hands to see if she was dead, he didn't see Yuchen.

Where are the people...

While thinking, his heart suddenly palpitated inexplicably, as if he had realized something.Turning to look at the other side.

Yu Chen, who was holding his breath and quietly approaching her, was caught red-handed...

He laughed awkwardly twice, no longer concealing it, and quickly slipped forward and gently hugged her.

"You actually found me all of a sudden, little Fu Xuan, you are really amazing~"

"... I just have a feeling that you are there for some reason."

Fu Xuan explained softly, and didn't care too much, pinched a fruit and put it into his mouth.

"How is it?"

"Well... This taste makes me feel like I saw a group of girls... Ahem."



As soon as the words came out, Fu Xuan and San Yueqi were both stunned.

What is this feeling?

Taibu Lord quickly came back to his senses and gave her a speechless look.

"What are you thinking about in your mind..."

"Miss you~" Yu Chen immediately followed up, as if it was a matter of course.

Fu Xuan opened his mouth, speechless for a moment, and a hint of joy appeared on his cheeks.

Hum~ you are good at talking.

Sanyueqi was a little annoyed by this unexpected dog food...

Should these two show their affection anytime and anywhere like this?

"Shall I take you to visit the train?"

Seeing Yuchen holding Fuxuan up again and the little monk smilingly feeding him food, Sanyueqi interrupted them.

"Well... although I have seen it before in the deduction of the Qiongguan formation, it is also nice to experience the scenery of the train in reality."

Fu Xuan nodded, somewhat interested.

Seeing that his wife had agreed, Yuchen naturally did not say much and stood up holding her hand.

The others were busy with their own things, so they did not seem awkward.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Sanyueqi held Fuxuan and Yuchen slightly away and walked forward.

Mr. Sword Saint followed them and laughed, looking like a villain.

Little Sanyue, does she want him and Fu Xuan to not get close just because her boyfriend lies on the sofa pretending to be a corpse and ignores her?

Humph! Ridiculous~

Sad, sad~

"Well... this is Danheng's room, so I won't bother you. Master Taibu, do you want to go into my bedroom? There are many photos you haven't seen before."

"Hmm..." Fu Xuan was silent for a moment, then turned and looked at Yuchen.

Yuchen looked at her, blinked his eyes and looked innocent.

Sanyueqi paused, and suddenly realized what she was struggling with, so she smiled and said, "It's okay, I have cleaned up the room today, just looking at the photos, Yuchen can come in too!"

"If you really don't mind... then excuse me."

"Oh, since Xingbao moved in, I don't care anymore~"

Sanyueqi smiled and waved her hand, pushing open the door.

There are all kinds of photos on her wall, from snow-capped mountains to oceans, from ruins to palaces, almost every imaginable scenery has a photo on that wall.

It can be seen that this silly girl has been to many places.

Fu Xuan opened his eyes wide, looking at the thousands of beautiful scenery, listening to Sanyueqi telling the stories that happened there one by one, and gradually became fascinated.

Although she is hundreds of years old, she has never been to any other place except Yuque and Luofu.

Even in the fairy boat, she stayed at home most of the time, studied in childhood, and worked in youth...

Perhaps her knowledge reserve is incomparable to thousands of Sanyueqi, but the scenery she has seen is really not as good as this silly girl.

If there is a chance, I also want to be like her, strolling around with Yuchen to appreciate the colorful universe...

The wife was immersed in fantasy, and Yuchen was holding his chin, but he found something different.

"Sanyueqi, why are the angles of many of your photos so weird? Are they posed?"

"No way, I love everything in its natural state the most!" Sanyueqi denied it immediately, but soon she also felt a little strange.

How were these photos... taken?

Little Sanyue fell into deep thought, and Fu Xuan, who had woken up from his imagination, looked a little dazed.

She gently tugged at Yuchen's sleeve and pulled him out.

The two walked all the way to the back of the train carriage, stood in front of the window and stared at the bright starry sky outside in a daze.

Countless stars were spread on the black curtain of the universe like grains of sand, flickering and reflecting each other, and the connection outlined this magnificent and beautiful star map in front of them.

As she had been immersed in divination for many years, she was naturally very familiar with the stars, but at this moment, looking at the thousands of stars in front of her, her heart was filled with different ripples.

Yu Chen had already sensed Fu Xuan's inner turmoil. He stood behind her, gently wrapped his arms around her waist, leaned over and put his hands on her shoulders to rub her soft little face.

"What's wrong?"

Fu Xuan pursed her lips, turned her head to look at him, and asked softly: "If one day in the future... I want to go out for a walk, will you accompany me?"

"Fu Xuan..." His expression was slightly sad, "Do you still need to doubt this kind of thing?"

"It's not doubt..." She turned around, facing Yu Chen, holding his face, and staring at him seriously.

"I no longer doubt whether we will break up... I just want to ask for your opinion... about our future together...

I know you will definitely accommodate me, so... I just want to ask for your opinion, your thoughts. "

Her cheeks were slightly red, and the sea of ​​love between her twinkling eyes was wrapped in shyness.

Yu Chen's expression was relaxed and softened, "Next time you should ask directly, I'm stupid... I will think too much about your affairs, and then I will be sad..."

He murmured in a low voice, and then thought about it, and his brows gradually frowned.

"But... Although you said so... But I just want to be with you, no matter what we do, no matter where we are... As long as we don't separate, it's fine."

"... Alas, you are really stupid." Fu Xuan sighed softly, smiled and rubbed his head.

Yu Chen wrinkled his nose, leaned forward and nudged her.

"What's wrong with being stupid, anyway, you like it~"

"Huh~ It's not just like it! "

Fu Xuan's eyes trembled slightly, and his gentle words touched Yu Chen's heartstrings.

He couldn't help laughing, and his hand around her waist slowly tightened, his face was very close to hers, and their warm breaths entangled together.

"Oh? What else is there besides love? ”

“So it’s really stupid… Of course it’s love~”

She chuckled, hooked her arms around Yu Chen’s neck and kissed him.

The stars were still twinkling, falling silently in the silent universe, but extremely dazzling.

The sound of a message interrupted the intimacy between the two. Fu Xuan panted lightly, pulling Yu Chen, who still wanted to continue, to sit on a chair beside him.

Nestling in his arms, the little fortune teller took out his jade sign.

Swiping the screen, looking at the ID and content of the sender, the blush on her face gradually disappeared, and her delicate eyebrows couldn’t help but frowned.

After a long silence, Fu Xuan sighed deeply.

Yu Chen’s squinting eyes slowly opened, his chin resting on her shoulder, his eyes fell on the news that made his wife sigh.

Who dares to make his wife unhappy?

“Yuque Fushi…?” "

Yu Chen murmured the ID of the sender.

His eyes fell on Fu Xuan's face in his arms. He remembered... this was the family of little Fu Xuan.

Fu Xuan was originally from Yuque. More than a hundred years ago, he left his hometown and came to Luofu Taibusi from Yuque to work. He worked hard all the way to the position of Taibu.

The third Fengraomin War a few decades ago was considered to have completely made her famous, and she also sat on the position of Taibu.

So Yu Chen didn't know the specific situation. As for the inside story of why his wife came to Luofu, he did hear her mention it once or twice.

It was probably because her thoughts were contrary to the people in Yuque who were extremely obedient to the results of formation divination.

In order to verify that her path was right, she came to Luofu Taibusi, where the atmosphere was more free.

As for the more specific situation, Yu Chen didn't ask in detail.

For him, his wife was still the same wife, and it was enough that she loved him.

As for the pain in the past, he would comfort her, as for Now, just be at ease.

As for Luofu, Xiao Fuxuan has only accumulated some not-so-small foundation. Liuyun Pavilion is the most prominent one among them.

As for others, there are some small chambers of commerce that have made a lot of money, but their reputation is not prominent.

But... why did the family that broke up with Xiao Fuxuan suddenly send a message?

Yu Chen roughly glanced at the information, frowned and felt a little pain in his head.

It's not because of anything else, but... this grandma's classical Chinese language overloaded his CPU.

The general meaning of the explanation is that Fu Taibu is now in a high position and has made great achievements. He heard about his relationship with Fu Xuan and hoped that Nianji would be born. He hoped that the future wedding and children and other messy things would be like this and that, and then they could send people to participate.

The tone was unexpectedly polite...

Yu Chen pondered for a while, looked at the frowning Xiao Fuxuan and asked softly: "Well... Wife, do you hate them? ”

She shook her head slightly, with a complicated expression.

“I wouldn’t say I hate them, but I was determined to leave back then, and as someone that my family had high hopes for, I must have had a lot of friction with them…

Thinking about it now, maybe I was a little young and frivolous at the time…but I don’t regret it.

Although I wanted to stopThe matter still cannot be reversed, but...

I have known you, haven't I?"

Yu Chen's expression was gentle, he hugged her gently, and kissed the strands of hair against her face.

"We will never leave each other."

"Well... forever."

There was an inexplicable meaning in her voice...

The taboo of the Immortal Boat cannot be touched, and she and Yu Chen will not believe in the power of others. In this case...

If you want to touch eternity, you can only try the seemingly impossible path. But... as long as we are by each other's side, what is there to fear?


"But... how to reply?"

"... let them put it aside first, when I left, I was talking about breaking off the friendship..."

At this time, Ji Zi's call suddenly came from not far away.

"You two, do you want to try the coffee I made?"

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