Scale Abyss Realm.

Blue sea and blue sky, wide beach and rolling waves.

In front of the Dragon Lord statue, Yu Chen, Jing Yuan and Jing Liu stood side by side and looked up at the familiar face.

Except for Bai Lu, all the Dragon Lords of the past basically looked like that.

Fu Xuan was busy catching a little dragon girl who was running around restlessly. This delicate situation of looking after a child made her feel helpless and a little amused.

She had lived for more than 200 years, but she had never experienced such a thing as looking after a child.

Although Bai Lu was no longer a child...


"How can you run so fast with your short legs?"

Fu Xuan put his hands on his waist and took a breath, looking at Bai Lu who turned around and ran back to Jing Yuan and sighed helplessly.

Bai Lu blinked her eyes, her brows suddenly furrowed, her mouth slightly pouted, and she looked a little dissatisfied and said: "What short legs? I can still grow! I will definitely be taller than you, Fu Xuan, and my legs will be longer than you!"

"..." Fu Xuan's expression froze for a moment, and his face gradually darkened.

This girl is mocking her for being short in a roundabout way, right...

"Bai Lu, be careful, I will curse you to never grow up in this life, and you can only maintain your current appearance!"

"Humph~ Taibu Si didn't pass on that kind of witchcraft, I don't believe it!"

Xiao Long Niang, who had already become familiar with Taibu, was not panicked at all at this moment.

What are you afraid of? What is there to be afraid of~

Fu Xuan pursed his lips, walked to Yu Chen step by step, grabbed his hand and looked at him with wet eyes, looking like a little aggrieved.

Yu Chen chuckled, stretched out his hand to rub her face, and then leaned over to pick up his little wife.

"Nothing, I'll ask Jing Yuan to beat her ass hard later." He muttered lightly, Bai Lu trembled, grabbed Jing Yuan's hand tightly, looked up at him, and her eyes flickered with anxiety.

The general smiled without saying anything, and gently stroked her head.

Of course, it was impossible to really beat this kid. If Yu Chen really came to groan, at most he would just pat her twice to deal with it.

As for now, of course he didn't express his opinion and pretended to agree.

Fu Xuan twisted his body slightly awkwardly, and a faint blush floated on his face.

She lowered her head and looked down at the little Bai Lu who was looking up at her eagerly, feeling both proud and shy.

Whose wife played with the child and let her husband hold her and bully her when she couldn't argue...

I felt that I had become as childish as Bai Lu...

A crisp and soft laugh suddenly rang out, and the cool tone flowed in my ears, which was pleasant and comfortable.

It was Jingliu, she was looking at the few people with a smile on her lips.

With a delicate face, fair skin, and long white hair, she looked charming.

Yuchen looked at the woman who took off her eye mask and laughed non-stop with a confused look on his face, wondering what had happened to her suddenly.

Finally, he cast his gaze on Jingyuan, signaling him to take care of his silly master who seemed to have lost his mind.

Jingyuan looked at her quietly, stretched out his hand and grasped her cold and soft hand, and whispered: "Let's go to the beach, spread a blanket, sit down and enjoy the sea, blow the wind, drink wine...

Like before."



It turns out that the relationship between women is really strange.

Not long ago, Bailu and Fuxuan, who were still glaring at each other, were holding hands again, and under the gloomy gaze of Yuchen, they strolled to the water's edge to play in the water.

If it weren't for the little Fu Xuan who kept looking back at him with a smile, which made his heart so fascinated.

The sword saint who was jealous of both men and women would have definitely rushed over at this moment...

Jing Yuan patted his shoulder, filled the wine glass and handed it to him, and then he took the small porcelain cup and drank it all, and his eyes slightly shifted to Jing Liu who was standing with his back to them and staring at the sea in a trance.

Yu Chen took the cup and took a sip, and his eyes reluctantly moved away from his wife.

She laughed happily, obviously she rarely had such a chance to quarrel and play with friends.

Maybe she had never had it at all...

Then let her experience more, the wife's happiness is the most important thing!

"What's the situation?"

He glanced at Jing Liu, then looked at Jing Yuan and asked.

The general turned the wine glass, smiled, and shook his head again.

"Very good, not as stiff as when I first came back, and I can take off the blindfold more often..."

"Is that so..." Yu Chen nodded, took a sip of wine, and asked again: "So how far have you two progressed?"

Jing Yuan did not respond, silently picked up the wine jar and poured himself another glass.

Yu Chen glanced at him and sneered disdainfully.

"An old virgin for more than 800 years, Jing Yuan, you are really good at being a general~"

"Laugh at him, do you think you can find a wife after more than a thousand years?"

Jing Liu's voice suddenly came, and the two glanced over and foundNow she stood behind Jing Yuan without knowing when.

"What's wrong? An old virgin over 2,000 years old is not convinced?" Mr. Sword Saint stood up and looked down at this guy who was a head shorter than him.


The former Miss Jian Shou ignored her and sat down silently, leaning over Jing Yuan to get the wine jar.

Jing Yuan sniffed the faint fragrance coming from his master, thinking about Yu Chen's words, and felt itchy in his heart.

He really wanted to...

That person should only be his master...

Besides that, the girl he was closest to was Bai Lu... But it was really too cruel to attack that little dragon girl...

Although it was allowed simply in terms of age, but... let's wait until she grows up normally before talking about that kind of thing...

Jing Liu held the jar and took a big sip with great pride. The crystal wine flowed down the corners of her mouth, lying over her slender white neck and sinking into the full abyss.

Jing Yuan hastily took out the handkerchief that Bai Lu had stuffed into his pocket before he left the house and wiped Jing Liu's mouth, wiped the wetness on her neck, and then went down...

Didn't dare to touch.

Yu Chen frowned, snorted, opened another jar of wine and drank it in his arms.

What are you showing off? He and his wife are much closer than they are!

As if sensing her husband's longing, Fu Xuan turned her head and met his eager eyes.

Her lips moved, as if she said something to Yu Chen.

But the wind and waves were too loud, and they were a little far apart, so he couldn't hear clearly.

Fu Xuan turned around and grabbed Bai Lu, who was digging sand and catching crabs in the water with great interest, and pulled her to point to a woman who was hugged by the general with a smile on her face and looked happy.

Xiao Long Niang's pupils shrank slightly, and in her sight, a pink bubble gradually rose between Jing Yuan and Jing Liu.

A strange atmosphere entangled and released between them...

Swish, without any hesitation, Bai Lu dropped the crab she had just caught and ran back with her short legs.

Fu Xuan stood there and sighed that her legs were running really fast, and then went to the shore to pick up his and Bai Lu's shoes.

She had taken off her stockings long ago and let Yu Chen keep them, so she didn't have to worry about getting them wet when playing in the water.

She glanced down at her two little feet that were covered with a lot of sand, and her toes lifted up and bounced up a lot of sand.

Suddenly, a shadow covered the light above her head.

Fu Xuan didn't look up, and dropped the shoes he was holding on the ground. He suddenly fell forward and threw himself into Yu Chen's arms with his eyes closed.

"My feet are dirty, what should I do~"

"It doesn't matter, just rub them on your body to clean them."

Yu Chen bent down to pick up the shoes, and then picked her up.

Fu Xuan looked at him, his mouth slightly pouted, and seemed a little dissatisfied.

"You're taking this opportunity to satisfy your strange fetish desires, right? I won't!"

"It's not like you haven't tried it with your feet before..." He took back his words under Fu Xuan's death gaze.

"I'll hold you, and rub your feet in the water later to clean the sand first. I'll wash them for you when we get home."

Yu Chen said as he walked towards the sea again.

He threw his shoes away and held Fu Xuan's armpits with both hands. It was not difficult for her to hold her small body like this.

The little Taibu was a little shy to be held like this, but she didn't say much. She silently swung her feet into the water and rubbed them back and forth to clean them.



The two people who loved each other became three people who loved each other.

Bai Lu was sandwiched between Jing Liu and Jing Yuan, and was hugged by them together, her eyes were slightly dull.


There was a lot of sand on the soles of her feet. Fu Xuan glanced at her and snorted softly, with a slightly smug expression.

Bai Lu looked at her in confusion, silently grabbed the snacks she brought and fed Jing Yuan and herself at the same time.

Jing Liu didn't need to be fed, she would take it (grab it) by herself.

It was so funny, she was surrounded in the middle and couldn't get away at all.

Her head was pressed again, and she couldn't struggle at all.

Bai Lu chose to play badly, so she would do whatever she wanted, anyway, she just had to separate them.

The general was closer to her!

She turned her head to glance at Jing Liu, but she only received a look from her with a strange smile.

That look was like...

looking at a baby...

So angry...feeling a little frustrated!

Bai Lu looked fiercely at the towering snow-capped mountains in front of her, feeling a little sad.

She should be this big in the future, right? has to be bigger than her!

I always feel that the general's eyes have been on that place too many times...

"Who made this? Jing Yuan? Bai Lu? Or Jing Liu?"

Yu Chen pinched a green dumpling from the lunch box and fed it to Fu Xuan, then took another bite himself.

"I made it. How is it? It tastes good!" Bai Lu collected her thoughts and raised her little face proudly..

Yu Chen nodded, but didn't mock.

"Not bad."

Why? Because he saw that Fu Xuan's expression was pretty good, he should like it.

"It's filled with red bean paste. I remember Fu Xuan likes sweet food very much, so I packed more."

Bai Lu said while pulling Jing Yuan's arm, and he took one and fed it to her mouth.

Jing Liu blinked and looked at his little disciple without saying a word.

Jing Yuan shook his head and smiled, holding the green dumpling that Bai Lu had bitten a bite of in his hand and hesitated for a moment, and did not make the heaven-defying move of feeding it to his master.

After eating it himself, he took another one and fed it to Jing Liu.

She bit half of it, chewing it while continuing to stare at him.

Jing Yuan swallowed the one in his mouth, and put the green dumpling she had bitten half of into his mouth and continued to eat...

It's all red bean paste, so sweet... a little greasy...

Yu Chen looked at him and laughed at him without any conscience.

Le, you are awesome, you want both, now you are choking with sweetness!

"Jingyuan, you are a real clown~ ah... um..."

His mouth was too wide, and Fu Xuan stuffed it with something soft and sweet.

Of course, it was Qingtuan.

"Xiao, if you laugh again~ Taibu will help me punish you!" Jingyuan sneered at his appearance, raised his wine and took a sip, swallowing the sweetness in his mouth.

Fu Xuan glanced at him with indifferent eyes, which obviously meant "self-conceited".

The general silently moved his eyes away, touched Bailu's head, fed her a mouthful, ate the remaining half himself, and then fed Jingliu, and ate himself...

Such a blessing is really not something that ordinary people can bear...

Jingyuan drank loudly, Yuchen drank with Fu Xuan while drinking.

Jingliu was not to be outdone, and drank loudly while drinking with Bailu.

Fu Xuan was not less aggressive, and he used Yu Chen to make Qingtuan while eating it.

Bai Lu…Bai Lu silently endured Jing Liu’s rubbing her head and stroking her tail, and she ate snacks while Jing Yuan made snacks.

They were all good babies who were waiting to be fed~

They ate and drank at the same time, and the drunkenness gradually took over their heads, and they calmed down a little.

It’s not good to be really drunk, and we have to go back.

We can’t rely on Fu Xuan and Bai Lu to drag the three drunks back…

It will be fun if the boat flips halfway through rowing…

Although strictly speaking, water can’t drown these people at all.

Especially Bai Lu, who usually likes to dive in the bathtub.

If everyone wasn’t watching, she would be happy to take off her clothes and swim a few laps in the sea.

Dragons…are also amphibious!

"Tell me, in a few hundred years, can we come back here to drink again?" Jing Yuan looked a little dazed, his face flushed with wine, obviously a little drunk.

Yu Chen turned his head to look at him, and snorted: "Don't worry, even if you are gone by then, Fu Xuan and I will mourn you."

"Can't you hope for me..." Jing Yuan looked at him speechlessly, raised the wine jar and was about to drink, but was pressed down by a cold hand.

He looked back at his master in confusion, she shook her head and whispered: "Let's stop here today..."

"Oh..." Jing Yuan obeyed obediently, and said he didn't want to drink.

Bai Lu raised her little paw and pulled the bad woman's arm expressionlessly.

She seemed to be in a good mood today, and she didn't care about anything with her, but just reached out and rubbed her head again.

Yu Chen held Fu Xuan and leaned forward, and raised the jar to take a sip as if showing off.

She held the wine jar and shook it in front of Jing Yuan in a very proud manner.

The look that asked for a beating made Jing Yuan's mouth twitch, and he wanted to punch him.

Fu Xuan was a little helpless. Her husband was always so childish...

She must have been influenced by him, so she became more and more childish...

She silently attributed the reason for her childishness to Yu Chen, and then raised her little hand to hold the wine jar that was still shaking.

She didn't use any force, just gently placed it on the jar.

Yu Chen let go of her hand very obediently, but his face still showed that he was "taken" away by her.

Fu Xuan looked up at this drama queen, Yu Chen looked at him eagerly, and secretly blinked when Jing Yuan and the others were not paying attention.

She couldn't help laughing out loud...

This idiot...

The more she thought about it, the more interesting it became. Fu Xuan simply couldn't bear it anymore and laughed happily while lying in his arms.

The pleasant voice resonated into Yu Chen's heart, but he poked his wife's nose in his arms with some resentment.

Fu Xuan shook his head, shook off his hand, and took another sip of the wine jar.

Hmm... refreshing and cool, a little bit on my head.

"The wine... is still weird!"

"Try the one in my mouth, I guarantee it's sweet, not weird at all."

"Puh...You just know how to trick me into kissing you..."

She snorted, but still turned around with Yu Chen, facing away from the three people sitting on the other side of the blanket, avoiding their sight.

She raised her little face and kissed the corner of his lips...

Yu Chen's eyes were very soft, and his mouth was full of alcohol.

"How does it taste?"

"Just barely~"

Fu Xuan lay in his arms, looking up at him, their eyes met and gradually entangled.

He lowered his head again... This guy is also a little drunk...

Jing Yuan, Bai Lu, Jing Liu: (≖_≖ )

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