After a few rains, the weather became a little hot.

Summer is here.

"It's June..." Fu Xuan stood in front of the calendar that was as tall as her, frowned slightly, stretched out her hand to tear off a few pages of paper, and stopped when she turned to today.

"It must be intentional... put it so high!"

Hummed a few words softly, turned her head and looked behind her, but there was no sign of Yu Chen in the office.

If he wanted to go out for a walk by himself, then the sun must have risen from the west...

So, why did he take so long to make tea and still not come back?

Taibu pursed her lips and turned to walk out of the house.

She didn't care a little bit about where her husband was, but simply wanted to see if this little secretary who loved to contradict her boss was lazy or not...

The wooden corridor was accompanied by the broken sun, exuding a different flavor, and the breeze blew away a trace of warmth on the face, refreshing.

Following the shadows, she turned the corner and saw Yu Chen holding her teacup and leaning against a wooden pillar, staring into the yard in a daze.

Fu Xuan paused, her eyes fell on his profile, and her heart trembled slightly.

After a few careful observations, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Well... expressions can be faked, but eyes can't lie.

This idiot... his eyes are dull, and there is no trace of abnormal emotions at all...

But... as long as he is not indulging in the pain of the past...

If Yu Chen has been secretly alone and uncomfortable without telling her... then... then she will really cry out of sadness and heartache!

Fu Xuan walked slowly to his side and stood still, and her husband was still stunned and had no reaction.

Following his line of sight and looking into the yard, the flowers planted before were hidden in the shade of the corner and swaying with the wind~swaying~swaying~swaying~

Looking at the dazed Yu Chen, Fu Xuan couldn't help but laugh softly.

The clear and pleasant voice echoed in the corridor and slowly reached Yu Chen's ears.

His dull eyes slowly solidified, and he turned his head to look at his wife, his eyes a little confused.

"Fu Xuan... what are you laughing at?"

"I'm thinking~" The little fortune teller paused, pursed his lips and smiled: "Our husband is really a thousand-year-old old man~

Dumb, wooden, and still likes to stare at flowers and plants... Huhu~ Alzheimer's disease?"


The Sword Saint's face darkened, he picked up the teacup and took a big sip, then leaned over to her face, looked into the pair of eyes that hid tenderness and smiles, and snorted: "My husband, I am still strong, young and energetic!

You dare to call me an old man... Little Fu Xuan, aren't you afraid that I will... piss you off in a rage?"

As he said, he took another step forward, approached his wife and leaned against her, his tone meaningful.

Fu Xuan's face was slightly hot, and her husband's oppressive breath surged up and enveloped her, and she felt a little flustered.

That was a positive reaction to her husband's "strong body" ability...

She glared at Yu Chen and gently pushed away his thick chest, then raised her hand to pull the cup in his hand, pouted her lips and took a sip.

A small gulp~

Fu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, tilted her head and looked at her tall husband, wrinkled her nose and snorted: "Staring at flowers and plants in a daze is very old-fashioned~"

"But don't you also like to stare at the rain in a daze, so you are also an old lady?"

"Bah! I am in my youth, not an old lady! And... and I was thinking about something at that time!"

Yu Chen touched her face and smiled: "I was thinking about something too~"

"Oh... then tell me what you were thinking about just now?" Fu Xuan asked with half-closed eyes, looking at him lazily.

"Missing you."

Yu Chen looked as if it was a matter of course, and as soon as he finished speaking, he leaned over and picked her up with one hand.

Fu Xuan was stunned for a moment, but he was not too surprised by this answer.

However, this did not prevent her from secretly being happy...

Stupid husband, he spends two-thirds of the day being affectionate with her, and the remaining one-third is either in a daze or sleeping.

She is in his dreams when he sleeps, and she is also in his mind when he is in a daze...

Yu Chen held her and walked slowly into the house, holding up the teacup and raising it quite casually, showing a temperament that shows his lofty ambitions.

"I was just thinking about the past Fu Xuan, the present Fu Xuan, and the future Fu Xuan... Just like watching a picture, playing the bits and pieces of my experience with you in my mind. I was also thinking about what it would be like if I met you earlier, and thinking about what we would do in dozens or hundreds of years...

Well, it feels great! I was a little obsessed with it~"

"..." Fu Xuan pursed his lips and leaned on his chest. His heart was filled with a warm and sticky feeling, and he was a little speechless.

"I won't... be happy if you say something flattering..."

"I just explained the facts...But, wife, you are still a little happy, right?" Yu Chen smiled and leaned forward to nudge her with his cheek.

Fu Xuan pursed her lips, stared at him for a while with an inexplicable meaning, and then hummed, as if happy and unhappy, and suddenly hugged his head and kissed him...

The soft lips touched gently, and Yu Chen opened his mouth and took it in, savoring her taste carefully...

The distance between the hearts seemed to disappear, gradually merging and entangled together.

Warm, sweet things flowed through the channel between the hearts, nourishing each other's heart cavity.


"Is it delicious?"

Fu Xuan asked softly, her body collapsed in his arms, her eyes were soft, and her eyes seemed to be filled with melted sugar water, full of tenderness.

Yu Chen smacked his lips, nodded seriously, and said in an affirmative tone: "Delicious! The best taste in the world!"

"Eat it every day...don't you get tired of it?"

"Will you get tired of eating? Will I get tired of drinking water? Will I get tired of breathing? Neither will I get tired of eating your mouth! "

"...Yuchen, you are getting better at saying this... It should be easy to coax a little girl, right?" Fu Xuan looked at him dimly and whispered.

Yuchen's expression was indifferent, and he nodded very naturally.

"That's right, I don't need to coax at all, just beckon my fingers a little, and the little girl will come to my arms happily. "

"So confident?"

"Of course! A man must be confident!"

"Okay, then you continue to be confident, put me down, and go flirt with your little girl."

"Wife... do you know whose little girl I'm talking about..."

"So... don't you want it? "

Yu Chen stared at the little Taibo in his arms with a red face and a calm expression, and the corners of his mouth slowly rose. He couldn't help but lower his head and kissed her.

"...Don't go to the office."

"It's okay, I'll lock the door."

"That's where business is done!" Fu Xuan said shyly.

"Yes, it's business~"

Yu Chen smiled, and his steady steps revealed his determination...

Fu Xuan closed his eyes and chose to play dead...

She was forced to go...not, it's none of her business!


"Don't take it off...just like that..."

The next moment, there was a tearing sound and something was torn.

"...If people knew about it, you would definitely be put on the pillar of shame! "

Fu Xuan's face was flushed, her head was a little hot, she felt that she must be crazy.

Yu Chen hugged her silently, and said in a muffled voice: "Let's not talk about it, it's impossible to be known... Even if someone knows, I will push him to the pillar if he dares to say one more word!"

"So domineering... Xianzhou adheres to... um... freedom of speech..."

Kissing is really addictive...

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