"Woo wow~ la la la~ hum hum hum~"


At least she looked like a girl, and suddenly she meowed while looking at the bright stars.

Mr. Yu Chen, who was looking at the starry sky above his head and thinking about when he could take his wife out for a walk, looked down with a confused look on his face.

"Wife...what's wrong with you?"

"I'm in a good mood, can't I sing a song?"

Fu Xuan's little face was slightly red, her bright eyes were shining, her two legs wrapped in white silk were crossed, her buttocks were sitting on Yu Chen's abdomen, and she looked up at the starry sky.

Yu Chen blinked, stretched out his arms folded behind his head, raised his mouth slightly, and smiled and scratched her soft waist.

"Singing at least has a melody and a rhythmic tune...you just hummed, why do I hear it like... cough...you are sick..."

Fu Xuan opened his eyes, turned his body hard, and stared at him with a faint look.

"I just feel a little happy all of a sudden... hum it in your heart, do you understand?"

"Is that so..." Yu Chen smiled, looked at her bright eyes, and nodded in approval.

Then his waist suddenly tightened, and with a little effort, his whole body bounced up, and his face quickly pressed towards Fu Xuan, like a spring that was bent to the extreme and rebounded.

She felt the warmth coming from her, and her eyes did not blink...

It's so funny, I'm not afraid at all!

Even if the sky of Luofu falls, she believes that Yu Chen can protect her well without moving a finger.

This... is Fu Xuan's absolute trust in her husband!

Yu Chen smiled, and before touching her, he slightly turned his face, pecked the soft and elastic little mouth, tasted it lightly, and quickly separated.

He smiled, Fu Xuan stared at his little face, but his body was about to fall backwards because of the tilt.

But the Grand Master did not move, just quietly looking at her husband's smiling face.

The next moment, a pair of warm big hands tightly embraced her waist, and gently pulled her into his arms.

Yu Chen shook his head, bent over and buried his face in her chest and rubbed it hard, his breath was as rapid as a pervert...

"Fu Xuan, I like you so much..."

"Okay, now it has degenerated into love, right? Go away, go away, I won't let you hug me anymore."

She suddenly snorted angrily, pressed her claws on Yu Chen's chest, pretending to push him away, and twisted her butt dishonestly, trying hard to get out of his arms.

But... as she twisted, for some reason, Yu Chen happily hugged her tighter.

"Master Taibu~ liking and loving are not contradictory!"

Fu Xuan stopped struggling, leaned forward softly, and leaned his face against his shoulder, whispering: "Really? I know a lot about astronomy and geography, and I know a lot about the laws of operation of all things in the universe, but I have never heard of your statement..."

"Hehe, that means Master Taibu still lacks knowledge in this area~ You need to continue learning..."

"Then... my husband has to be responsible for teaching me. I know a truth, practice is the only criterion for testing truth."

"The practice of these things takes a long time...

Perhaps, even the lives of the immortal boat people can hardly achieve it."

"Then we will live longer and longer."

"It will be a long, long, long time..." he said softly.

She hugged him tighter and whispered, "Then forever. As long as we are together forever, we won't be afraid of not having enough time."

"..." He paused, gently lifted his wife's body and faced her.

Fu Xuan looked at him quietly, his eyes reflecting his face, and the stars dimmed.

"Then forever." Yu Chen said.

His voice fell into Fu Xuan's mouth with a hoarse voice, and the kiss fell again. The soft and intimate contact brewed the intoxicating love that the two wanted to spend eternity together.

Fragrant and soft, sweet, after a long time, the panting sounded gently.

Yu Chen hugged her and lay down again, then lifted a handful of her beautiful hair and kissed it gently, and asked, "So, what are you happy about just now, wife?"

"I don't know... I'm just happy suddenly, and I've shared it with my husband."

Fu Xuan smiled and leaned forward to kiss his throat.

"Well... this happiness is quite sweet and soft." Yu Chen nodded in approval.

The tip of her ears turned red, and she said shyly, "Don't say it."

Yu Chen smiled and stretched out his hand to hook her chin, his eyes soft, "But if you are not satisfied yet... I just can't help wanting to talk more..."

"Bad guy..."

She whispered, wanting to become fierce, but her eyes could not withstand his gaze, and gradually melted and softened...

The warm breath came closer again.


Fu XuanruanLying softly on Yu Chen's shoulder, her tender face still had a touch of pink warmth. She squinted her eyes and weakly patted her husband's back, humming: "Bad guy... you kissed me so hard that I have no strength left..."

Yu Chen walked lightly, and was so happy that he almost hugged his wife and flew to the sky, saying: "It's okay, go back to the room and lie down, your husband will give you another massage."

"I haven't taken a shower yet... I smell of sweat, so I won't go to bed."

"Anyway, your sweat is fragrant, my wife, it's okay."


"Okay, okay... Then help Master Taibu wash your body first."

"I'm thirsty."

"Then drink some water first~~"

Mr. Secretary is naturally obedient to Master Taibu, even if she wants to use unspoken rules, she can only lie down obediently...

After all, no one in Luofu dares to look down on our Master Taibu who is not tall enough.

He went to the water room to pour a cup of warm water for his wife, and she lifted the cup and drank it with her snow-white neck raised.

Yu Chen was a bit bad. He didn't let his wife drink cold water, but he blew the cold kettle directly to his mouth.

Fu Xuan burped a little after drinking the water, his face warmed up, and he looked at his husband with blinking eyes.

"Bad habit! If you grew up with me, you would definitely be scolded by the elders or even beaten if you dared to drink water like this."

"Burp~" Yu Chen put down the kettle, glanced at her, and put his mouth to the cup in her hand, sipped the last sip, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who dares to say that I am wrong in this world now? I must open his head!"

"Oh~?" Fu Xuan crossed his arms and stared at him with a smile.

Yu Chen touched his nose, avoided his wife's sight, and whispered: "Of course... Wife, you are an exception. Even Lan's words are not effective, but I will listen to you carefully."

"If the Emperor Gong Siming hears you, he will shoot you with an arrow..." Fu Xuan rolled his eyes, stretched out a white finger, and gently pressed his mouth.


"Okay, let's go!"

His stomach was full of water, and he made a little DuangDuang sound when he walked.

Putting Fu Xuan down, Yu Chen took off his clothes in a few seconds, revealing his strong upper body.

Admittedly, with his wife supporting him and the influence of a stable mood, he did gain a little weight.

But the muscles on his body did not lose at all, and he was still loved by a certain Setaibu.

Just like now...

Fu Xuan blinked, touched his belly with curiosity, and then leaned forward with his head tilted, patting his little hands to hear something.

Yu Chen's mouth twitched, and his palm touched her waist and untied her clothes.

"What are you doing? I won't get pregnant."

"There's so much water in my belly."

"..." Yu Chen slowly took off her clothes, bent down and looked directly into his wife's eyes.

Why do I feel that Fu Xuan is a little silly today...

"What are you doing?"


He was doomed if he said what was in his mind. The smart Mr. Yu Chen chose not to question his wife's intelligence.

When he touched the last piece, Fu Xuan suddenly held his hand, and Yu Chen looked at him in confusion.

The Grand Master said expressionlessly: "Turn around, I'll do it myself."

"...Wife, have we reached a point where we need to avoid this kind of suspicion?" Yu Chenchen said frankly that he couldn't understand.

Fu Xuan stared at him for a while, and seeing that he was determined not to give up until he took off his clothes, he sighed helplessly, and then silently held his face.

"I'm shy, don't look."


You are shy, but I still have to look!

The rebellious Mr. Yu Chen took off her pants.

Well...it turned out to be shy.

Yu Chen couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, looking at his wife with a teasing face.

She stood there with a red face, pursed lips, closed her eyes and didn't look at him.

Yu Chen picked up the lovely Taibu Lord, stepped into the bathtub and sat down, then scratched her chin, and couldn't help teasing: "Even though we are so close, you are still so innocent~"

"Shut up." She wanted to hit someone.

Fu Xuan puffed his cheeks, looked at the mist in front of him, and suddenly said: "It's all your fault... holding me and kissing me non-stop... Otherwise, I wouldn't be so embarrassed!"

"Hey~ Taibu Lord, you were very active in kissing me at that time. If you have to care about it, we should each take half!"

"I don't care, you wash the clothes tomorrow, otherwise I will be angry for a long time tonight!"

"Hehe... You are so cunning to use yourself as a prop to threaten me~"

Yu Chen hugged her tighter and tighter, and the burning love in his eyes couldn't be suppressed. Then he held her face and kissed her again

"Wife, I love you the most."

Fu Xuan slightly turned sideways to look at him, staring at him for a long time with her lips pursed before she said "hmm".

Then she pouted her lips slightly and closed her eyes.

Kissing is indispensable...

After taking a bath for half an hour, it is unknown how many times the Master Taibu was kissed by a certain sword saint...

Anyway, it is impossible to count them.

Back to the bedroom and lying down, Yu Chen suddenly said: "Wife, I want to hear you sing!"

"If you don't tell me, does my singing look like an attack? I won't sing."

"I was wrong, slap me twice with your face, that's the punishment!"

Mumu, Mumu...

Without giving Fu Xuan a reaction, he had already punished himself.

Master Taibu gave the person beside him a speechless look, then turned over and rolled into his arms.

"What to sing? I don't really listen to music..."

"Sing a song... "Will You Be My Wife?"

"I can't sing it."

"It's okay, I'll teach you, I'll sing a line, you sing a line."

"It feels clumsy..."

"Oh, I'm going to start, listen carefully, wife...

If you don't know where to go tomorrow, stay by my side and be my wife, okay..."

"If you don't know where to go tomorrow, stay by my side and be my...husband, okay~"

"Hehe...I sang it wrong, but I like it.

My arms that are not broad enough will also be your warm embrace~"

"I'm not..."

Love songs are rippling in the house, the night outside is deep and intoxicating, and love flows gently...

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