The two of them were so drunk that they had to fight.

"Do you want to fight?"

The Sword Master was drunk and had no resentment towards him. He stood up on the spot. Although his eyes were scattered, they contained a gleam of brilliance.

Jing Yuan curled his lips and said, "Who wants to fight with you? I just want to say that at least you can drink with me for the last time today!"

Yu Chen felt a little puzzled again, "It's not like you'll quit drinking today, so why talk about the last time?"

"You've been lonely for a thousand years, so you finally have someone to care about! Hehe~

But the sword master of a generation actually has bronchitis. If I want to find you again, I'm afraid I have to report to Fu Qing, right?"

Jing Yuan hummed, staggered to his side, hooked his shoulders, and then pressed him down to sit down.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who has... that thing!

In the future..."

Yu Chen was hard-mouthed and raised his face. Just when he was about to speak nonsense for a while, his head unconsciously glanced at Fu Xuan.

His expression suddenly softened again,

"Well, there should be no need to report, right? Of course, if there is anything, I will tell you..."

He approached Fu Xuan in a soft voice, blinking his eyes and said.

Fu Xuan's earlobes were a little bright, and she pushed away the guy's drunken face,

What are you asking? What's the point of asking her?

You just agreed to what Jing Yuan said, right? She hasn't...

agreed yet!

"Go away, drink your wine, don't bother me!"

The last jar was taken up, Fu Xuan pushed away the guy who was clinging to her, and sat away from them silently.

"Come on, keep drinking! Fu Qing, you can hug and kiss me anytime, why rush now!

Brother, I can't be with you day and night, I might be gone someday, why don't you hurry up and talk to me?"

Jing Yuan pulled him into his arms, Yu Chen struggled madly and shouted, "You're drunk and talking nonsense, right? You're yelling such unlucky words, I'll seal your mouth!

Also, don't touch my breasts!"

"Hahahaha! It was just an accidental touch, we're both men, what's the problem, drink quickly Drink! Drink to your heart's content!

I finally don't have to worry about you anymore!"

"When did I need you to worry...

Hey, hey, hey, your cup is against my face, look carefully before pouring!!!"


The room was filled with joyful laughter, which was cheerful, relaxing, liberated, and melancholy...

Fu Xuan sat quietly, but her eyes were always fixed on Yu Chen, as if the general didn't exist.

She watched him laugh, watched him and Jing Yuan try to get each other drunk, and watched him brag about himself.

The lamp above her head was still shaking, the candlelight flickered, and she suddenly chuckled.

Suddenly, her mind twitched, and while Yu Chen and Jing Yuan were fighting and pulling, she reached out and took his cup.

There was still some crystal liquid in the cup, with a faint fragrance, but more of it was the slightly pungent smell.

She frowned slightly, but still took a sip of the wet area.

It was still as pungent and spicy, but the experience was a little better than last time.

Is it because of the different types of wine?

"Hey, your little Fu Xuan is stealing your wine..."

Jing Yuan suddenly spoke, Fu Xuan's body trembled slightly, his face flushed slightly, and he put the cup back to its original place as if nothing had happened, as if he knew nothing and did nothing.

But the flushed cheeks betrayed her.

Yu Chen pressed Jing Yuan, who was pressed under him, and looked back.

He looked at the pretty girl sitting there and smiled softly, "It's okay... Fu Xuan, if you want it, just try it a little bit. If you don't like it, put it down. I'll deal with him and come to accompany you~"

Fu Xuan glanced at him and snorted, "I don't want you to accompany me!"

After a while of silence,

she suddenly turned her head and looked out the window, as if she said something inadvertently.

"My hands are a little cold..."

The window was wide open, and the wind rushed in with the starlight. As the night deepened, the wind was slightly cold.

The smile on Yu Chen's face gradually grew, no longer restrained, and smiled wantonly.

Jing Yuan, who was pressed under him, looked at the smiling face as bright as a chrysanthemum and the eyes of La Si, and felt that he was uncomfortable all over.

He took advantage of Yu Chen's daze, raised his hand and pulled his arm that was pressing on him, and when his body escaped from the heavy pressure

The momentary moved out as if horizontally on the ground.

Yu Chen didn't care, just straightened his back, clapped his hands and walked towards Fu Xuan, gently grabbed her little hand and held it in his palm.

Fu Xuan looked at him, his mouth slightly raised, and turned his head to look at the night view outside the window.

The remaining jar of wine was basically drunk by the general alone. A certain sword master drank a little too much before, and fell asleep leaning on Fu Xuan.

Jing Yuan wanted to wake him up, but as soon as he approached, Fu Xuan's sharp eyes swept over him, and the coldness in his eyes made him a little afraid to approach...

This couple is good, I set up a bridge for them, and it hasn't been long since they started to exclude each other!

You pamper me, I pamper you, it's so sweet!

Jing Yuan became more and more angry, damn, this also made him lose a good brother who could drink with him!

But when he turned his eyes and glared at him fiercely, he saw him sleeping soundly with a peaceful face and a relaxed expression leaning on Fu Xuan, and the anger in his heart dissipated instantly...


He sighed sadly, what else could he do? Isn't this the best result?

He suddenly laughed a little self-deprecatingly. Yu Chen might be safe, but...

How can he save himself?

Jing Yuan raised his head and drank the last drop of wine in the glass, knocked the glass on the table with a little force, and Fu Xuan looked at him slightly sideways.

He stood up shakily on his knees, looking a little disappointed, and walked slowly to the window to lean against it, looking at the starry sky.

The golden light was shining, but his mind drifted a little bit to the golden knife he had cut in the past.

Some people secretly criticized him for being cowardly, but how could they know that his sword cut off the disaster that almost overturned the immortal boat, and also cut off the shackles with the person he was most attached to in this world?


Disciple, I miss you..."

The golden and majestic pupils were full of waves, and a touch of crystal light quietly slipped down with infinite tenderness and longing.

Jing Yuan leaned against the window, leaned on his arm and slowly closed his eyes.

Flying light, flying light, I advise you to drink a glass of wine.

I don't know the height of the blue sky and the thickness of the yellow earth. I only see the cold moon and the warm sun, which are used to fry people's life.

Eating bear makes you fat, eating frog makes you thin.

Where is the God? Where is Taiyi?

He seemed to have a dream. In the dream, she came back, still the same as before, still so cold… But she seemed different too. The evil spirit was gone, and there seemed to be a little more tenderness between her eyebrows. She seemed to touch herself and whispered, ‘Jing Yuan, we will see each other again… Only then, it will be real…’

The hazy and illusory voice gradually dissipated. Jing Yuan opened his eyes in a daze, staring at the night sky in a daze. He didn’t hear her last words clearly…

But, can we see each other again?

His eyes trembled slightly, accompanied by the stars in the infinite universe, and the deep golden pupils buried unknown emotions…

“Disciple is waiting for you…”

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