The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.


Fu Xuan covered his mouth and yawned. Xing Xuan in front of him walked back and forth with an inexplicable restlessness and a feeling of restlessness.

She fiddled with it here and there for a while, and suddenly became dazed while fiddling.


"Xing Xuan, are you worried about something today?"

Fu Xuan finally couldn't help asking.

Xing Xuan was stunned for a moment, then quickly waved her hand to deny it, "Ah? Oh... No, no, hehe... No~"

As she spoke, she began to giggle for no reason, with a look of "a little girl who has fallen in love and can't help herself".

Fu Xuan frowned, she was a little worried that her useful and capable subordinate might have something wrong.

"Really... nothing? Your face is a little red, do you have a fever? If you are sick, go back and rest, and take care of your body first!"

"No... Master Taibu, actually I was..."

Xing Xuan's face became more and more rosy, and there was a strange ripple in her clear eyes.

She shyly talked about the beauty of the galaxy last night, and the joy and happiness brought by being able to have a Zhougong ceremony with her beloved.

As Xing Xuan's story gradually deepened, her expression gradually blurred, and the happiness emanating from her body almost swallowed Fu Xuan.

And Fu Xuan's little face, who was listening to her quietly, gradually became familiar, her eyes trembled violently, and her mind was shaken.

As a knowledgeable Master Taibu, he would naturally not be so innocent that he knew nothing, but knowledge is knowledge, and the formal education read from books and the process and experience told by others in person are completely different feelings.

Fu Xuan's heart was beating faster and louder. Her head seemed to be filled with pink air, hot and dazed.

Xing Xuan, Xing Xuan... Xing Xuan...!

Xing Xuan was getting more and more involved in what she said. Her expression seemed to have returned to the scene of last night.

Fu Xuan felt hot and trembling all over. She spoke so vividly that it was like watching a movie...

"Stop... Stop! Don't describe this kind of thing in such detail!"

Fu Xuan couldn't stand it anymore. How could this guy be like this!

"Hey, don't be shy, Master Taibu~ I heard from the Yunqi Army guarding the gate that Yu Chen seemed to have left you at dawn today...

Something must have happened, right?"

"Nonsense! I didn't do... that kind of thing with him!"

Fu Xuan blushed with shame and retorted with his eyes wide open.

"Oh~ I'm not shy, and Master Taibu doesn't need to be shy either... Actually... It's normal..."

Xing Xuan became a little shy as she spoke. She touched her cheeks and found that they were also a little hot.

"I'm not!"

Fu Xuan stared at her hard and angrily, but her rosy little face didn't look majestic under the filter of shyness.

Xing Xuan blinked, her tone became strange, "Really...? Didn't do anything all night?"

"Of course it's true, and there's no whole night... We went to dinner, he and the general got drunk, woke up in the middle of the night, and then came back together...

There was nothing at all... Nothing..."

Fu Xuan's tone became weaker as he spoke, and now thinking back, it seems that there were indeed a lot of ambiguous things and small actions...

Kissing and hugging, and he also...

However, she soon hardened up again, staring at Xing Xuan with her pink and rosy face and said firmly:

"In short, the kind of thing you think about is definitely not happening!"


Xing Xuan's expression became complicated, she was a little strange...

Looking at the performance of the Grand Master, it was obvious that something had happened, but she could say with such confidence that there was no such thing, obviously she was not lying to herself...

If that's the case...

How did Yu Chen hold back? Can he hold back such a cute little Grand Master?

Fu Xuan looked at her face, thinking she was still doubting, "You don't believe it?"

"I believe it! But... Master Taibu..."

Xing Xuan looked at the little Taibu who was trying hard to prove his innocence and said softly.

"There's really nothing to be ashamed of... Besides, proper intimacy can also promote feelings~"

"I don't want to use this method to enhance feelings..."

Fu Xuan lowered his head and hummed softly.

"But maybe Yu Chen needs it?"

Xing Xuan glanced at her and said in a faint tone.

"And Yu Chen and the general are about the same age.

age, right?

I don’t think I’ve heard of any emotional experience he’s had, and he’s a sword master. Although he’s relaxed now, he’s been fighting for years before... The pressure must be very great...

He was in a coma before, and the main reason was heart disease or something...

If you can really dredge his depression, maybe it will be good for his body, right?

And I heard that direct and intimate contact with the opposite sex will produce something that makes people relax and happy, and help to improve happiness...

That’s right, after all, yin and yang blend..."

She was talking nonsense seriously.

Fu Xuan stared at her desk blankly, a little lost, it was knowledge she had never heard of, and she believed it a little.

"And Yu Chen seems to really like you, sir. If you take the initiative, he will definitely be happy, right?

Ahem...Yanqing was...very happy yesterday..."

She even sacrificed herself to stimulate little Fuxuan. Such an "excellent subordinate" is so touching that it makes people cry.

If Yuchen knew that she was trying so hard to pack up her own Taibu and stuff it into him, he would definitely be moved to tears, right?


Fuxuan was silent, and his heart gradually wavered.

"Should we prepare some medicinal food for Yanqing to nourish him? "

It is enough to plant a seed in the heart of Master Taibu first, and then all you have to do is wait for it to take root and sprout...

Xing Xuan stopped provoking her, and started talking to herself, thinking of her little swordsman.

But thinking back to yesterday, it was a pleasant surprise that the progress bar was stretched so much at once!

I don't know when I can completely eat this little swordsman, she is really looking forward to it~


The older sister who is over a hundred years old, who tasted the sweetness, was a little crazy.

Little swordsman, her little swordsman~

Fu Xuan was brought back to his senses by her obscene laughter,

She looked at her capable subordinates with a complicated expression, and reminded her of her infatuated smile.

"Xing Xuan, some things can only be done with your consent! If you force others, the Cloud Cavalry will come to arrest you..."

Fu Xuan's tone paused slightly, she suddenly remembered that Yan Qing seemed to be a member of the Cloud Cavalry, and was a very famous genius.

The young Cloud Cavalry Xiaowei...

From this point of view, it seems that Xing Xuan's ability is really amazing?

Then can we really believe what she said?


"Sir... If you don't get up, Master Taibu will come to arrest you!"

Yu Sheng lifted the quilt of his master and revealed the strong body inside.

Several hideous scars lay quietly on his body, but Yu Chen frowned and turned over with sobs and continued to sleep.

"Don't make noise... I'm so sleepy..."

Yu Sheng looked at him, his mouth twitching. It was noon, he had prepared the meal and the medicine, but he was still sleeping here!

"No, get up and take the medicine first! Otherwise, I will tell Master Taibu! ”


Yu Chen turned over with a dark face and rolled his eyes at him.

This kid is now holding his lifeline, right?

Just then, his cell phone suddenly beeped and lit up.

[Lovely Master Fu Xuan] A message popped up.

[Are you up yet? Take your medicine! Serious little Taibu.jpg]

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