The two of them were so close that they had to wait for each other.

"But... I can't massage you that way, won't it hurt more?"

Yu Chen frowned and said softly.

"It doesn't hurt, I just want to hug you..."

Fu Xuan repeated in a low voice, her face aggrieved, as if she was bullied.

He was silent, slowly lifted Fu Xuan's body and turned around.

How could he refuse her request when she spoke to him pitifully like this!

Fu Xuan threw herself into his arms, buried her face in it, wrapped her hands and feet around his body, and hugged him very tightly.

Yu Chen stroked her head and rubbed her gently.

Although I don't know why she suddenly became delicate and wanted to act coquettishly with me, as long as I hold her tightly and don't let go, I won't be afraid of any problems.

Hidden in his arms, my mood gradually calmed down. Fu Xuan gently sniffed his scent, hugged him, closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

Yu Chen held her and exhaled gently. He seemed to have heard somewhere that girls' emotions would suddenly become sensitive and unstable during those few days, and they would easily become excited and impatient...

It seems that little Fu Xuan can't avoid this...

But it's okay, now I have him.

I don't know if it was one hour or two hours, when Fu Xuan woke up in a daze, he found that his saliva had wet a piece of Yu Chen's clothes.

Although he didn't care at all, and was even quite happy and a little excited...

But for the person involved, this was a bit too embarrassing...

Fu Xuan blushed and grabbed her sleeves and lay on his chest to rub it quietly. She hadn't slept so well for a long time...

Yu Chen seemed to have a hypnotic effect, a huge sleeping pill, so that she actually... drooled.

Fu Xuan hoped that he didn't notice, and then after secretly rubbing for a long time without drying, Master Taibu finally stopped his stupid behavior and gave up struggling.

She slowly raised her head and looked over, and her eyes met with Yu Chen who was looking at her with a smile.

"Yo~ Good afternoon, how did you sleep?"


Fu Xuan let out a soft moan, quickly lowered her head and buried her face in his arms again.

Everyone was seen... I'm so embarrassed!

Yu Chen chuckled twice, gently stroking her back, feeling the softness and weight of the body pressing on his legs.

"Fu Xuan, eat more meat to grow taller. You're a little light now~"

"What do you mean..."

She blushed and asked softly, "Do you dislike my small size?"

"...Well, small and big is a serious issue. I think they each have their own advantages and benefits, but no matter what, this is everyone's own characteristics and should not be a criterion for measuring a person's value, and..."

"Don't talk nonsense, speak quickly!"

The death gaze of the Grand Master fell on Yu Chen's face.

He paused and gently touched Fu Xuan's upturned little nose with his nose.

"I don't really care about this, but if you force me to choose between the big one and the small one, I must like the small one...


The person I like is Fu Xuan~"

The death stare gradually weakened into a shy roll of eyes...

Her delicate little face gradually matured, and the tender pink color of the hard-boiled egg just opened appeared on the face of little Fu Xuan, delicious... so cute!

"Humph, you only know how to say this to trick me!"

"I don't deny that I am tricking you, but it is absolutely impossible to trick you, and what I said is really from my heart~

And as the saying goes, how can you rule the world if you don't have a flat chest?

Besides, isn't the Marshal also a flat chest? No one dares to look down on her because of this!"

"Why do you care so much about the Marshal's figure?"

Fu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at him, instantly capturing the key words in his words.

"…I'm just giving you an analogy. Little Fu Xuan, you're a little sensitive~"

Yu Chen looked back at her with a smile, his heart was clear, so he was not panicked at all.

However, although...she is so jealous, it makes her more likable...

This full of possessiveness is really pleasing.

"Hmph~" Fu Xuan raised his little face undeniably, and then suddenly said faintly: "So you think I'm very small?"

Yu Chen paused slightly, his mind spun rapidly, and then suddenly a light bulb went off, and the corners of his mouth raised up to form a strange arc.

"Well...I have to measure it myself to get the answer, but

…No matter what the result is, the answer must be the number I love the most in my heart! ”

He paused slightly, licked his lips gently, looked at the little Fu Xuan who was sitting on his lap with his arms around his neck and said: "So...

I wonder if Master Taibu can give me a chance to know what size my beloved is? ”

“No!! "

Fu Xuan's face looked like she was stacking up layers of killing books, becoming more and more charming, and the tips of her ears were ripe and emitting a light pink.

She glared at Yu Chen fiercely, her tone was firm and left no room for maneuver.

But Yu Chen didn't care about this attitude. He was already very satisfied after kissing her, and he would just take things one step at a time~

Being too hasty would affect the relationship, and there were some things she said she couldn't do...

When the atmosphere and timing were right, it might not be certain who would take the initiative...

"Okay, okay~"

Yu Chen smiled and moved forward to rub her gently, and then hugged her tightly in his arms regardless of her struggles.

The little Taibu struggled a few times, and then took the initiative to hug her.

"Are you still uncomfortable now? "

Yu Chen leaned close to her ear and asked softly.

Fu Xuan shook her head gently, leaned on his shoulder, and hugged him a little tighter.

"Does your head and stomach still hurt?"

"My stomach still hurts a little..."

The two leaned against each other tightly, and Yu Chen gently hugged her slender waist, making their lower abdomens close together.

The warm heat continued to flow from Yu Chen, suppressing the coldness in Fu Xuan's body that should have been causing trouble.

He was too masculine...

You know, she always suffers during these days...

It came a few days early today, and I thought the pain would be more severe, but I didn't expect that being hugged by him would have such a miraculous effect...

The pain was the mildest ever...

I don't know if it will continue to occur when I sleep alone after letting go...

"How about I massage you again?"

"No... I just want to hold you like this! "

Fu Xuan clung to me again, as if he would not let me go even if I killed him.

"Master Taibu will be laughed at if others see you like this, right?"

Yu Chen touched her head and chuckled.

"Except Xing Xuan, no one will come here under normal circumstances, and those who come will knock on the door..."

"...That means no one will come to disturb us~"

"...What do you want to do?"


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