hong long!

in the sky, the robbery is densely covered with clouds, that is the Thunder Tribulation of the cursed spirit!

The curse spirit has successfully reached the tempering Perfection ten times, and one after another thick thunder throbbing on the cloud above the head will drop the terrifying Thunder Tribulation at any time.

“When I become an emperor, kill you!”

The voice of the curse was faint and full of coldness.

Mu Qing’s eyes were full of murderous intention, and he responded: “Even if you become an emperor, you are not my opponent!”

He raised his hand and grabbed it, and the two lower Emperor Treasures fell. Get in.

Two fairy swords!

The Evil Palace Great Emperor is resisting the power of the Sky Forbidden Bottle, and he doesn’t know what Mu Qing is going to do.

When the Devourer in the distance saw it, his eyes flashed.

Mu Qing injected demonic energy into these two fairy swords, condensing them into one after another mysterious mysterious lines.

After becoming the emperor, he became more familiar with this detonation rune and easily branded it.

“You will be the first high-ranking emperor I kill!” Mu Qing’s face flashed a ruthless look.

The two fairy swords are both the lower Emperor Treasure. After Dao Ze manifested Demon God, he killed two Celestial Court Great Emperors!

Now, Mu Qing uses the Secret Detonation Technique to imprint the lines on the lower Emperor Treasure. The speed is very fast, and it is completed in the blink of an eye.

The complexion of the emperor of the evil palace suddenly changed, he broke free from the gravity range of the sky forbidden bottle, and saw two immortal swords being thrown in front of him.

Throw it over!

Obviously he couldn’t hurt himself, but he felt a fatal threat.

Immediately afterwards, the lines on the two fairy swords bloomed with dazzling bright radiance.

The two fairy swords vibrated violently, and an incomparable energy exploded!


The earth-shaking energy explosion, the rays of light swallowed everything, the huge power swept everything and shattered everything!

The emperor of the evil palace was naturally the first to bear the brunt, and was enveloped by energy shock.

Mu Qing himself was affected to a certain extent, but he had been prepared long ago, only one arm was blown off, and soon condense came.


Most of the body of the Emperor Evil Palace was blown up, and he fell to the ground and gasped.

Divine Soul was hit hard!

However, even if severe pain swept through his body, he knew that he had to run away!

Otherwise, in your own state, you will definitely be killed by Mu Qing!

“Damn! Those two fairy swords were obviously not refined, how did he make them self-destruct?”

The emperor of the evil palace simply gave up the fleshy body and the Divine Soul turned into one black light escape.

Although the curse spirit has reached the tempering Perfection ten times, it is now in Transcending Tribulation, lightning is gathering on the dark clouds, and there is no time to help him.

He is seriously injured, if he faces Mu Qing, I am afraid he will really be beheaded!

The Evil Palace Great Emperor thought that his strength was higher than Mu Qing, even if he couldn’t kill Mu Qing, he wouldn’t be defeated, let alone be killed.

The upper emperor has a huge advantage over the upper and lower emperors.

An upper order, the power far exceeds the lower order.

Mu Qing’s ability to compete with him is already very surprising.

What the Great Emperor of Xie Gong didn’t expect was that Mu Qing had some decisive methods on him!

With these methods, Mu Qing has the ability to kill the enemy more and more!

In terms of strength, Mu Qing may be far from the upper emperor, but the secret technique and the bottle of sky forbidden to detonate the Divine Item are two killing moves.

The power of Supreme Item, even the upper emperor can hardly resist.

Under the suppression of the Sky Forbidden Bottle, and then attack with Divine Item self-destruct, few people can withstand it!

Mu Qing did not move, he was suppressing the Monster Race energy in his body, and at the same time his eyes fell on the cursed spirit, a trace of murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

The other party is in Transcending Tribulation!

He may be able to take the opportunity to kill the opponent!

Before this group of people made trouble during his Transcending Tribulation, now it’s his turn.

At this moment, no one can help the curse spirit.

The Divine Soul of the Evil Palace Emperor is on the run. Tianyin and Hu Yibiao are chased by twenty Demon Gods, and they have no time to take care of themselves.

Mu Qing breathes deeply, this is an opportunity that cannot be missed.

He slightly suppressed the Monster Race energy in his body, and then directly moved towards the curse spirit and rushed away.

In the distance, the Evil Palace Emperor who was fleeing glanced at Mu Qing, his face changed.

He saw Mu Qing’s intention that the other party wanted to interfere with Saintess Transcending Tribulation.

But now in his current state, to help Saintess stop Mu Qing, it may fall!

Different from the general evil palace dísciple, after reaching the emperor, they are regarded as the powerhouse in the evil palace. They will obey the orders of Saintess, but they will not easily sacrifice their lives for it.

During hesitation, the emperor’s body suddenly trembled.

A force shrouded myself, and at the same time, all around in the sky rushed out one by one, binding oneself.


The emperor of the evil palace pupil shrink, next moment, his body is pierced by lance-like branches.

His body, hung on the old dead tree, gradually collapsed, and the remaining Death Aura was swallowed up.

A high-ranking emperor has fallen!

There are also many powerhouses on the Celestial Court who are paying attention to this side, and their eyes are splitting.

They saw an incredible scene where the upper emperor of the evil palace was killed by a Heaven’s Chosen from the Ancient Immortal world!

The two Heaven’s Chosen from Celestial Court Immortal Palace were besieged by twenty Demon Gods, powerless to defend himself.

There are injuries everywhere!

At Celestial Court, there are many emperor powerhouses who want to take action against Mu Qing.

But the Holy Spirit universe did not agree.

In fact, it should be called the powerhouse of the Holy Kingdom!

The powerhouses that came through the passage of the universe are not too many. Most of the people who participated in the war were members of the forces of the Holy Kingdom developed by evil gods in the main universe.

The evil gods are extremely powerful. Perhaps the opponent has secretly arranged for many years, hiding a lot of power, and now shows unimaginable power, able to contend with the three Supreme powers.

Of course, the three Supreme forces have not all been dispatched.

The powerhouse of the holy kingdom saw Mu Qing killed a high emperor of Celestial Court. At the same time, he was shocked and delighted.

They dragged the many great emperors in Celestial Court, wishing Mu Qing would kill several Celestial Court great emperors in their hearts.

Mu Qing turned to the cursed flower.

The curse is concentrating on dealing with Thunder Tribulation, and is enveloped by densely packed Thunder.

The cursed flower has spirituality, and the vine contains Evil Power. It is directly moved towards Mu Qing and slapped.

Mu Qing raised his hand and it was a punch. Numerous Thunder Tribulation marks appeared, and disasters were everywhere!

Heavenly Tribulation print!

Heavenly punishment is a divine ability imparted to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing did not go deep into cultivation, but now he has reached the next great emperor, and the power he has shown is naturally different from the past.

The fist imprint was invincible, shattering the cursed vines, hitting the body of the cursed flower, and suddenly countless strength of Thunder Tribulation burst out!


The hideous thunder and lightning shattered the void, and the curse exploded part of the whole body. There was a huge fist mark imprinted on the body, which was very black, emitting blue smoke.

The curse flower fell from in the sky.

In the distance, Lei Ting was also watching the battle, her eyes flickering.

Heavenly Tribulation seal, Celestial Court Thunder Palace unspread secret!

The former Lord of Thunder Palace, created by heavenly punishment!

“Didn’t expect, the one who passed the seal of Heavenly Tribulation to him.” Lei Ting sighed.

Later, Lei Ting is complexion stiffened.

The Devourer in front of her ate all her thunder divine ability in one breath, and refined it into her own power at a very fast speed.

The Devourer at this moment is no longer so weak, barely able to condense the shape, and the weird giant beast is displayed in front of Lei Ting.

“Many thanks…” The Devourer burped. He used to not appreciate this energy, but now it is still the better.

Suddenly, the Devouring Demon was stunned. After a glimpse, he found that a beam of light penetrated in the sky at a very fast speed.

After a few breaths, it found that the a beam of light turned out to be a person!


Like a meteorite falling, a silhouette hit Mu Qing and the cursed flower.

A big pit appeared on the ground and it was dusty.

The attention of everyone is drawn to the past.

Mu Qing frowned, strength of Divine Soul dig out, eyes suddenly shrank!

“cough cough…really strong power, but the extreme powerhouse doesn’t seem to want to kill me…”

A silhouette came out from the dust, and the other side looked at it. all around, and then his eyes fell on Mu Qing.

He grinned, “didn’t expect we will meet again.”


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