Mu Qing and the Devourer are already far away, and suddenly feel a terrifying energy wave coming from behind.

They turned their heads and saw the four silhouettes rising into the air, the power that belonged to the supreme emperor oscillated all around, breaking a large area of ​​space.

“The Heaven’s Chosen of Celestial Court was very strong. He killed enemies of the same level and rushed to the Demon Lord to save two Heaven’s Chosen.” The Devourer sighed.

This was also due to the fact that it broke the blockade of Emperor Moreau, causing the aura inside to be exposed, allowing Emperor Zhentian to instantly capture the strangeness there.

“The four extreme emperors are fighting, and the scene will be more chaotic later. This is an opportunity, quickly find your parents’ Divine Soul!” Devourer loudly shouts.

It is also clear that it is impossible to ask Mu Qing to leave directly.

Mu Qing nodded.

Eighty Demon Gods in the body rushed out, and they were scattered.

He was originally the God Emperor Peak, and the twelve Demon Gods can be unified to break a soul nest.

But now, just a Demon God derived from a path, a simple ordinary punch can break the soul nest.

The efficiency is higher than before, I don’t know how much!

Eighty Demon Gods broke the soul nest and began to frantically search for the Divine Soul of their parents.

The Devourer is still the same, devouring other Divine Souls.

“en? Found it!”

The Devourer broke a soul nest in one bite, and the strength of Divine Soul swept across, immediately facing Mu Qing loudly roared.

It covers two Divine Souls with demonic energy, and it is Mu Qing’s parents.

Mu Yu and Shui Yuexi!

The Divine Soul of the two is in a deep sleep state.

Mu Qing directly transmitted from the black hole, and worriedly checked his parents’ Divine Soul, and then relaxed.

Fortunately, there was no problem, and because of the special nature of Land of Death, the Divine Soul of the two even got a certain benefit, which can be compared with the average god emperor!

It can be seen that this Land of Death is special. The Holy Kingdom also intends to use this special land to accumulate countless Divine Souls, which can be used as the energy of the universe.

Mu Qing brought his parents Divine Soul into the black hole space.

After that, the pitch black Sun & Moon Seal mark appeared on his chest, and a surging Monster Race energy emerged in his body.

Mu Qing’s face is slightly savage, and it took some time to completely suppress the Monster Race energy in his body.

After becoming the emperor, suppressing these Monster Race energy is a lot easier.

The Devourer glanced and reminded: “Before the Monster Race energy is completely refined into pure energy, it is better not to absorb it, otherwise it will cause problems in your body.”

It can be seen that Mu Qing somehow stole Monster Race energy from the two Monster Race corpses.

Because this method is special, Mu Qing can directly stimulate this Monster Race energy, and even transform it into demonic energy.

However, Monster Race energy does not fit Mu Qing at all. Even if it is converted into demonic energy, it will leave certain problems on the body.

Mu Qing now has to be careful about the explosion of Monster Race energy in his body at any time, any carelessness will lead to death!

After all, the energy of Monster Race is the energy of the extreme emperor, it’s no small thing!

“I know, but I must ensure that my strength is full to prevent any accidents.” Mu Qing said solemnly.

When the Devourer saw this, he didn’t say anything.

The two moved towards Land of Death outside, at a very fast speed. During the period, the powerhouse of the Holy Kingdom wanted to stop, but a Demon God separated by Mu Qing directly blasted the Holy Spirit.

“Do you know the Demon Lord?”

While fleeing, Mu Qing asked the Devourer about the Demon Lord.

To be honest, the appearance of the Demon Lord made him unbelievable.

At that time, he felt in desperation, but at a critical moment, the Demon Lord appeared!

This powerhouse, who has a high status in the Holy Kingdom, is on Mu Qing’s side.

And the one who invited the Demon Lord was the Devourer.

Mu Qing is puzzled that the Demon Lord should be Heart Demon, how could he know the old monster like Devouring Demon?

The Devourer groaned for a while, and then said: “The Demon Lord is actually a powerhouse in the demonic path. It’s just that the demonic path declined and the enemy came to the door. I even thought the Demon Lord had fallen. “

“Later, I learned that the Demon Lord possessed a Heart Demon of the Buddha. You see, the countless Heart Demons of Land of Death are actually the Demon Lord Divine Ability.”

There was a hint of pride in the Devourer’s tone, “The secret technique of feeding the demon is a terrifying Divine Ability in the demonic path, which can breed almost endless Heart Demon, and the Demon Lord obviously uses this star as a nourishment. , So there are such a large number of Heart Demon bred.”

“Now the Demon Lord has betrayed?” Mu Qing asked curiously.

The Devourer sighed, shook the head, “It’s not a betrayal, right… The demonic path has been gone for a long time, and the Celestial Court has always been prosperous, but the Celestial Court is not as good as it used to be.”


For the Demon Lord who chose to join the Holy Kingdom, it can also understand.

Including itself, it also didn’t think about staying in the demonic path. When it helped Mu Qing create the demonic path, it will leave and be completely free when it improves.

Mu Qing and Devourer quickly found their way out of Land of Death.

Of course, it can’t be called a road now, because the road has been destroyed by the powerhouse, and it is now a huge hole.

Outside, many Celestial Court powerhouses rushed in.

There are also powerhouses, ruthless palaces and Ancient Immortal circles of the other two forces!

Mu Qing saw this group of people, and everyone is currently in an alliance, working together to deal with the powerhouse of the Holy Kingdom.

But he knew that soon this alliance was about to fall apart.

The powerhouse of the Ruthless Hall tried to completely kill them in the Ancient Immortal world and Heaven’s Chosen of Celestial Court.

The Celestial Court’s Tianyin and Hu Yibiao fell even more!

If the plan of the Temple of Ruthlessness succeeds, it would be okay. The goal of the Ancient Immortal world and Celestial Court will be the Holy Kingdom.

But now, the ruthless palace plan has a huge accident.

By then, the Celestial Court and the Ancient Immortal world may be united to deal with the Ruthless Palace.

Especially Celestial Court, Heaven’s Chosen of Immortal Palace fell two at once!

Hu Yibiao is the descendant of Zhentian Emperor Hu Zhe!

Regardless of the attitude of Celestial Court, the temper of Emperor Zhentian will inevitably fight the Ruthless Palace.

Furthermore, there is no powerhouse behind Tianyin, perhaps not like Zhentian Great Emperor, reaching the extreme Peak, but at least it is a high-end extreme powerhouse!

“It’s best to mess up, you can take the opportunity to develop a demonic path.” Devouring Demon behaves indifferently.

It is afraid that Celestial Court will fight with Ruthless Hall.

Mu Qing slightly frowned, asked: “Is it really necessary to create a power?”

He was hesitating, although he had this idea for a long time, but he deeply knew , Creating a power is not that simple and requires various planning.

Furthermore, the resources required are huge!

“If the forces are condensed, luck will be born, and the power of luck will be infinitely effective. Back then, the demonic path, Monster Race, Celestial Court Saint, all went to the Sovereign road, almost all of them brought their many powerhouses. Enter together.”

“The Celestial Court you see now is actually far less than one-tenth of the Celestial Court before. In the entire universe, the top powerhouse has entered the road of Sovereign.”

The Devourer recalled, and said with some sigh: “I don’t know if the power of luck is useful. After all, many powerhouses did not create power, but they all became Supreme, and then entered The road of Sovereign.”

“The road of Sovereign, what exactly is it?” Mu Qing was curious.

“Seek the road to Sovereign. The realm above Supreme is called Sovereign. It is rumored that there is a road on the Unextinguishable Mountain in the Void Realm. Step on that road and you can find the Sovereign realm. “

“The Demon Ancestor took away almost all of the powerhouse in the demonic path. He probably wanted to use his luck to do something, including Monster Ancestor and Celestial Court Saints, too. I want to get angry. I am afraid that luck will help to become a Sovereign.”

The Devourer said.

Although Qi Luck can be condensed, Unextinguishable Mountain is special, and the force of outside air cannot enter. So the Demon Ancestor used his own power to protect almost all the powerhouses in the demonic path. Only so. , In order to borrow the power of luck!

Mu Qing is also startled.

It turns out that the road to Sovereign is on Unextinguishable Mountain!

And Unextinguishable Mountain is actually in the realm of imaginary wind!

In the ten realms of the universe, there are two realms where stars and creatures do not exist.

The black world is full of black hole singularities, and the emperor cannot survive. Many of the emperor powerhouse entered the black world, but did not find anything, and it is very likely to be lost. Few creatures go to the dark world.

Another realm is called the Xufeng Realm.

Void storms are everywhere in the Void Wind Realm, and weak storms can shatter the powerhouse of the God Emperor.

A powerful storm, even the extremely large Imperial Capital can’t bear it!

Mu Qing didn’t expect, Unextinguishable Mountain would actually be in the realm of imaginary wind.

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