
Rui Duan’s body was directly slapped to pieces by Wu Hong and turned into a ball of blood mist.

“This should be the last one.” Wu Hong said in a low voice.

Waving hands, removed the Formation of all around.

He led a group of Law Enforcers out of here.

The surrounding land clansman cast shocked glances at this time. Formation appeared before, and no one knew what was going on here.

“Law Enforcer came here to enforce the law?”

Until Wu Hong and the others left, the clansman next to him dared to approach.

“There is a smell of blood, Law Enforcer is really coming to enforce the law!” Someone said in horror.

The Formation is in a mess, and the original buildings are in ruins.

This place is a relatively barren place in the Diluo clan. Rui Duan is considered a genius in the vicinity and has a Heavenly God cultivation base.

The surrounding clansman naturally recognized Rui Duan’s residence, and his expressions were shocked at this moment.

“Rui Duan was killed? What law did he commit?”

“Law Enforcer personally shot, I am afraid that he committed a serious crime!”

all around clansman discuss spiritedly.

Everyone slowly reacted.

Now it is not the original Star Domain, but the Demon Domain!

Various rules have been changed, and Law Enforcer has been established.

Although most clansman does not know the existence of Mu Qing, Luo Daozhong has told everyone that Law Enforcer has nearly 500 people, and it is the highest organization under Elder, and it is even qualified to carry out law enforcement against Elder!

“Come on, this kind of thing is not something we can participate in.”

The people around soon dispersed.

Followingly, within a few days, a message spread throughout the Demon Domain.

Betrayers appear in Demon Domain!

Heavenly God has several names, True God has hundreds of them, and the instigator is Swiss.

All were killed on the spot by the Law Enforcer, none left!

Such iron and blood means really shocked many people.

“The Basic Manual chapter of Devouring Nine Methods was obtained by Rojo of Asura Race?”

The meeting room of the Moon Temple.

Mu Qing solemnly asked.

Luo Daozhong nodded, reported: “It has been leaked by the Swiss section, but it is only the primary level Basic Manual chapter. The Swiss section cultivation swallows the nine methods not very long, so the leaked nine methods of devouring, even People who have been cultivated by Asura Race can’t be so powerful.”

The three magic skills were the cultivation technique of the demonic path back then. Naturally, Mu Qing would not spread it so easily.

Each demonic cultivator can only receive a part of the cultivation technique at the beginning.

Wait until the cultivation is complete and perfection, then you can look for Law Enforcer to receive the first stage magic content.

Rui Duangang cultivation of the Nine Swallowing Techniques not long ago, so only a very small part of the Nine Swallowing Techniques leaked out.

Even if the powerhouse of Asura Race is cultivated, it is useless!

Of course, this incident also reminded Mu Qing.

What if someone always lurks in the Demon Domain and climbs up all the way to steal the entire magic?

These three magic skills, no matter which one they are, even if half of them are stolen, they are very peak.

“In the future, the supervision of the three magic powers will be more stringent. At each stage of the magic power, assessment and review must be passed before it can be issued!” Mu Qing said solemnly.


Luo Daozhong and the others responded.

“Myriad Demons, this Asura Race…” Luo Daozhong asked hesitantly.

Although you know that Mu Qing’s strength is terrifying, Asura Race is not so easy to mess with, it belongs to Peak in the high-level race.

And Asura Race has also been brilliant, there have been several great powerhouses.

Mu Qing sneered, said: “This matter will naturally be resolved!”

“I will let them know that our Demon Domain is not so messy!”

When Rui Duan was controlled by Parasite before, some news about Rojo was revealed.

Include location!

The location of Demon Domain is relatively far from Asura Race. Of course, with Mu Qing’s current strength, it can be reached within ten days.

Rojo is not in Asura Race, but in a medium Star Domain outside the galaxy.

Asura Race seems to be expanding its power, and their bloodline is inherently bloodthirsty.

The middle Star Domain named Arint tribe was just attacked by Asura Race and was forced to acknowledge allegiance.

Rojo is the general who led the Asura Race army to attack the Arint tribe.

After Luo Huo got the Nine Swallowing Techniques handed over by Rui Duan, he immediately took a fancy to this magic and thought about Demon Domain.

Although Demon Domain is a high-level race, Rojo believes that Demon Domain is not an opponent of Asura Race.

A few days later, the Arint Star Domain.

Rojo sits in the first seat of a great hall, holding his chin, looking thoughtful.

“No, I made the offer, even to help them break through the emperor, why didn’t one agree?”

Ruohu tightly frowns.

He can’t figure it out!

From Rui Duan, he has learned something about Demon Domain.

The highest institution, Law Enforcer!

According to what Rui Duan said, the status of Law Enforcer is very high, and even qualified to carry out law enforcement against Elder.

And Rojo’s idea is to buy the Law Enforcer, it doesn’t need much, but one or two is enough.

Most Law Enforcers are powerhouses of Heavenly God Realm. Rojo believes that as long as conditions are set to enable them to become God Emperors, Law Enforcers will definitely be hooked.

As a result, none of them were promised!

He even turned around and reported Rui Duan, which caused all the eyeliners Rojoan inserted in the Demon Domain to be pulled out, cut weeds and eliminate the roots!

Rojo was shocked by the execution of Demon Domain.

“You said, am I getting old? Can’t keep up with the times? Has this world changed?” Luohu looked towards a Heavenly God Peak next to him.

He is very depressed.

In these years, for Heavenly God, there is no attraction for Heavenly God to be able to break through the conditions of the Emperor?

The men on the side naturally know what Rojo is referring to.

He thought for a while, and then said: “General Rojo, I don’t think any Heavenly God can refuse the temptation of God Sovereign Realm. I think it’s likely that Luo Daozhong, the domain master of Demon Domain, This method controls these Law Enforcers, so they can’t have the idea of ​​betrayal.”

Rojo hearing this, nodded, “makes sense.”

next moment, he stood up, said solemnly: “No matter what, this Demon Domain is bound to win. The so-called nine swallowing methods are quite subtle. If it can be controlled by our Asura Race, it is definitely like a tiger that has grown wings!”

One of his subordinates stood up and echoed: “General, according to our investigation, Demon Domain was originally the Dilu Star Domain. Later, Luo Daozhong suddenly rose to become the domain master, and moved the Dilu Star Domain to the galaxy and changed its name. Demon Domain, I think he probably got some fortuuitous encounter!”

Some things about Demon Domain have been investigated.

However, some details have not been known by the Asura Race people. For example, when Luo Daozhong became the domain master, it was helped by powerhouses like Mu Qing.

Rojo tapped his fingers on the seat handle, and he shouted: “In the news that Rui Duan brought before, it was said that the central star and moon of Demon Domain is the cultivation Holy Land, and it may even be buried in it. High Divine Stone mineral vein!”

As soon as this word came out, all Asura Race powerhouses were shocked.

The high-level Divine Stone mineral vein, that is something that the Peak race can only possess!

Asura Race medium Divine Stone veins are unknown, but there is no high-grade Divine Stone veins.

Rojo’s eyes are like eagles, looking towards his men beside him, shouted: “The news of Asura Race was passed back a while ago, and the high-level staff will send reinforcements. Has it arrived?”

To attack the higher races, Rojo alone is obviously impossible to attack easily.

The subordinate immediately responded: “Already on the road, I expect to be there soon!”

tone barely fell, one after another outside the Arint Star Domain Came.

A smile appeared on Rojo’s face, “didn’t expect came very fast.”

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