“Boy, no one will come to help you now.” Ling Han came to Mu Qing.

He is big and tall, and blood spirit is a flaming lion, good at martial skill of fire.

Ling Han was full of flames, and there was flames burning in his eyes.

In the distance, Shenyi and the others are entangled by the water Avatar. Although the water Avatar is not strong, the entanglement is quite troublesome for several people.

Mulin is even more shooting cold arrows. He gathers origin power and forms energy arrows bursting out. The formidable power is terrifying, and Yang Jie and the others are injured.

Mulin may be inferior to others in close-range combat, but he is proficient in the arrow technique. When performing long-range attacks, he is like a Death God, and every energy arrow can accurately hit the enemy.

Ling Han approached Mu Qing, the fire on his body became more dazzling, his steps shook, and his figure came to Mu Qing in an instant.

A big flame hand moved towards Mu Qing shrouded, and raging flames burned.

The corner of Mu Qing’s mouth lifted slightly, and there was blazing lightning jumping in his eyes, and a dazzling lightning burst suddenly on his body.

Stab it!

He shot out with a palm, and a dazzling lightning flashed out of his palm.

This lightning is dim-blue, erratic, and it disappeared after it burst out with bright rays of light.

Ling Han’s face was moved, and he immediately felt a fatal threat.

He has no doubts about his feelings, and quickly dodges.

Ling Han directly retracted the flame from his palm. He has excellent control over energy. After displaying the martial skill, he immediately retracted it without receiving any backlash.

The flames on the soles of his feet are blazing, and the speed of evasion is extremely fast. Obviously, he is also a martial skill of cultivation speed.

However, above his head, a dim-blue lightning flashed suddenly.

The lightning is like coming out of in the sky. The speed is astonishing. Ka-cha hit Ling Han’s head all at once.


Ling Han coughed up blood, his face was scorched, his hair stood up and he was still smoking.

“hahaha! Come again!” Mu Qing laughed, he didn’t expect the Thunder Palm to be terrifying after the Purple Lightning Bamboo breakthrough.

The dim-blue lightning is even more weird. It will even disappear when it penetrates through it. It will not appear until it appears in front of the enemy.

This is simply a lightning that will be invisible!

Ling Han was angry. He dignified a Martial Artist cultivation base of Heaven’s Chosen, but he was scorched by Mu Qing, who had ten qi and blood, which was really shameful.

He can even feel the strange look from his family.

“Wow!” Ling Han yelled. He was entangled by the fire, and rushed to Mu Qing. The flames reached out and grabbed Mu Qing.

Mu Qing was shocked, the opponent’s speed was very fast, and the electric light of his feet bloomed, moving towards the side and fleeing.

Ling Han chased him, he was a few points faster than Mu Qing, and he caught up in the blink of an eye, the flames came down, and the flames burst out.

Mu Qing burst out in his mouth, and the dim-blue lightning rushed out between his palms, which was very dazzling and contained extremely strong formidable power.

He wants to use Thunder Palm to defeat the opponent’s flame hand. He believes in the power of Thunder Palm.

However, when the dim-blue lightning was about to collide with the flame hand, the dull light flashed, and it was actually disappeared. It was like the Nether Soul, which faded away in midair.


A scream came from Mu Qing’s mouth, a big flame hand fiercely hit his chest, his clothes exploded, and the flames spread across his body.

He sprayed a large amount of blood, and there was a sharp pain in his chest.


Ling Han also screamed, and he struck a dim-blue lightning bolt above his head, unable to defend him at all.

He has no idea when the dim-blue lightning will fall, at most he can only vaguely perceive the faint crisis of all around.

Ling Han’s head was completely burnt black, his face was torn skin and gaping flesh, and blood flowed out. It was even worse than Mu Qing who was struck by lightning before.

“hahaha, look at you, it’s an explosion!” Mu Qing mocked, winking at Ling Han.

The bottom of his heart is very solemn. After all, the other party is Heaven’s Chosen, so he cannot be underestimated.

It was just a single blow that caused him to be seriously injured, which shows how powerful Ling Han is.

“courting death!” Ling Han ran again, the flames in his hand sprayed out, forming a flame ball, and moved towards Mu Qing blasted.

Mu Qing’s eyelids trembled. The flame ball was only the size of a palm and was held by Ling Han, but the energy in it was terrifying, spinning like a spiral crazily.

He didn’t dare to shake it hard. He stepped on the electric light to avoid him. At the same time, he slapped his palm, dim-blue lightning flashed into the void.


The flame ball in Ling Han’s hand hit the ground, a huge pit appeared, the fire was flickering, and the formidable power was amazing.

He exploded, he palpitated Mu Qing’s strange lightning, and quickly backed away, his eyes scanned all around.

He paid special attention to the top of his head. The first two dim-blue lightning bolts fell from the top of his head.

This time, Ling Han is fully prepared and confident in his heart. Once the dim-blue lightning appears again from the top of his head, he can immediately resist it.


“ao!” Ling Han cried out painfully, his whole body jumped up, and he saw smoke from his butt, and his whole body was charred.

He looked very embarrassed and funny, even the Ling Family dísciple of his own camp couldn’t help it, and laughed in a low voice.

Ling Han feels hot on his face and looks good. If it weren’t for the blackening of his face by the lightning at this moment, everyone would be able to see his red face.

“Mulin! Lend your black robe to Lao Tzu!” Ling Han shouted.

Mu Qing cultivation used lightning flash. It was given to him by Mu Yu. It belongs to a speed martial skill. It can be used very fast and very flexible.

Especially Mu Qing used lightning flash to cooperate with Thunder Palm. His figure was erratic, and his attack was erratic. No matter who met him, he would have a headache.

Ling Han is annoyed.

He borrowed a black robe from Mullin, and he had been wearing it by Mullin before. It was obviously a treasure.

Mu Qing saw it, pupil shrink, he remembered that Mullin had attacked him many times, and in the end he couldn’t catch up no matter how he chased him.

The last time Mullin attacked him, he even saw Mullin was wrapped in a black mist and disappeared directly.

Ling Han grinned, he put on the black robe that Mullin handed over, and with a bang, the whole person turned into a black mist and disappeared.

Mu Qing inwardly shouted it’s not good, there was a burning breath behind the next moment.


Ling Han did not know when he appeared behind him, a flame ball in his hand condensed, spinning frantically, fiercely hit Mu Qing’s back.

Mu Qing coughed up blood. There was a large blood stain on his back. He was seriously injured and the flames spread.

This fire is very peculiar, the temperature is extremely high, and it will not be extinguished by rain.

Even if it is raining heavily in the sky now, Ling Han is still full of flames.

“I see how you escape this time!” Ling Han laughed, and suddenly felt relieved.

His figure turned into a black mist again, and when he appeared, he was already in front of Mu Qing.

Mu Qing hurriedly resisted, blasted with a punch, and nine blazing white thunder and lightning burst.

A huge force tore through his thunder and lightning, flames swept in, a flame ball in Ling Han’s hand rotated, and the flames broke out.

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