“You do have some means to hurt Ling Han like this. You are the first one!” Mulin looked at Mu Qing coldly.

He has to admit that Mu Qing is very powerful. He is obviously only a cultivation base for the tenth stage of vitality and blood, but he can beat Ling Han to death.

Mulin stared at Mu Qing with gloomy eyes. He noticed a detail, that is, the power that Mu Qing had just displayed, it was the Thunder Attribute.

He knows that Mu Qing’s father is Mu Yu, who was once the first alchemist of Mu Family, and Mu Qing, as Mu Yu’s son, has a pure bloodline and awakened blood spirit should also be a mad shark.

“is it possible that…” He had some guesses in his heart.


Ling Han, lying in a pool of blood, suddenly roared. On his body, a drop of green liquid emerged, crystal clear and near-transparent .

This drop of green liquid burst into a rich Life Aura instantly, blending into Ling Han’s wound.

The green rays of light sprayed out, and still contained the delicate fragrance. The injury on Ling Han’s chest unexpectedly recovered miraculously.

He stood up. Although his lips were pale due to excessive blood loss, he didn’t seem to be a serious problem.

Ling Han returned the black robe on his body to Mu Lin, looking towards Mu Qing, very vicious, without saying a word.

He admitted defeat this time, and he really did not expect Mu Qing to have the Secret Realm Treasure Item. Although the wound was small, the bleeding did not stop.

The most important thing is the faint blue lightning of Mu Qing, which bursts after it is split off. The formidable power is terrifying, and it blows a big blood hole in his chest.

Ling Han almost died. Fortunately, the treasure given by the elders in the family quickly recovered from his injuries.

But he still has a bit of pain. The treasure is that even the Martial Master of the fifth-order bloodline can recover from the injury, but he didn’t expect to use it on Mu Qing, a man with ten stages of blood and energy.


At this time, there was a sound in the distance, making everyone’s face slightly changed.

That is the sound of blood bats!

Mu Qing moved towards Looking over there, I saw that the appearance of the blood bat changed again.

His body is a sea of ​​blood, his head is a human face, there are more than a dozen bloody claws on his abdomen, and two large bloody wings spread out on his back, which can reach more than ten meters.

I saw that the blood bat completely absorbed the power of the Toad King, and suddenly there was a flame on his body, and then masses of molten slurry rushed out of the sea of ​​blood.

There was a boom.

Two big wings emerge from the back of the blood bat again, which are made of molten lava.

Behind him, a molten tail grew out, like a molten river.

And at the end of the molten tail, it is actually the head of King Toad!

The appearance of the blood bat has become more and more weird, and it looks like a creature combined with the Toad King at the moment.

It looked like it moved towards Mu Qing. From this point of view, there was molten slurry flowing in its mouth, and every time it roared, molten slurry would splash out.

“What the hell is going on with this monster?” Jiang Yuanjie collapsed a little.

After he entered the Kunlun Secret Realm, he was first caught by Spider-Woman, and then he encountered the cursed flower in the museum. At this moment, there is a terrifying monster.

Heaven and Earth all around were stained red with blood, and the blood bat moved towards this side, and the black hole in its chest slowly rotated, extremely deep, as if it could swallow everything.

“It is the power that the three-legged jade toad brings to it!” Mu Qing expression congeals.

He knew that the blood bat had incorporated the three-legged jade toad into the body, and it became like this.

I originally thought that blood bats could only absorb energy, but I didn’t expect to take away the power of Toad King.

Mu Qing realized how precious the three-legged jade toad is.

hong long long!

The lightning crimson in the sky smashed down.

The rain of blood continued to fall, and the blood bats came to ride the sea of ​​blood, and the molten lava continued to gush out, enveloping everyone.

Everyone’s all around is a vast sea of ​​blood, in which molten lava erupts from time to time, and the energy contained is amazing.

“Damn it! If it weren’t for you, we would have escaped!” Yang Jie cursed at Mullin and the others.

Yang Shanshan’s injuries have been healed by Shenyi, and there is a goblin standing next to her.

Her abilities are amazing. The goblin that came out of the foreign world summon was injured, and returned to the foreign world and came out again in the summon, without any injuries.

Yang Shanshan also frowned, and she was a little uneasy.

“It’s useless now.” Shen Yi shook his head, his heart heavy.

After being able to completely kill King Toad’s blood bat, and taking the ability of King Toad as his own, its strength is not known how terrifying.

While waves of white light vent from the statue, everyone has benefited, and the cultivation base is rapidly increasing.

The biggest gain is the blood bat. The black hole in its chest devours the energy of the statue crazily.

“Ah! Help!”

Suddenly, a voice came from the dísciple of a Yang Family.

This person has ten levels of cultivation base qi and blood, and he has just broken through soon, but one is accidentally caught by a huge blood claw.

He was resisting fiercely, but the blood claw directly grabbed it and threw it into the black hole in his chest.


A group of blood mist emerged, and the whole person burst into pieces.

Everyone was horrified. The blood bat probed its bleeding claws, grabbed a dozen people in the blink of an eye, and plunged them into the black hole.

A bloody claw fell, this time moved towards Ling Han and grabbed it.

However, Mullin responded quickly, with golden rays of light bursting out of the bow and arrow in his hand.

The bow and arrow in his hand is entirely wooden, but after injecting the origin power, the golden brilliance erupts, which is a gold-level Secret Realm Treasure Item.

The gold-level Secret Realm Treasure Item currently appearing in this city is Mu Qing’s long spear and his bow and arrow.

In addition, there is a golden robe on the Mu Yu statue, which is suspected of being a gold Treasure Item.

Mulin shot an arrow, the energy arrow turned into a stream of water, rushing forward, the power contained was extremely terrifying, and it actually blasted most of the blood claws.

He held his breath and fired an arrow again, the water ripples, and the blood claw was completely defeated.

Ling Han escaped, he immediately came to Mullin.

The blood claws kept falling, grabbing one after another.


A lava fell, Shen Yi was injured, and his arm was almost burned.

Fortunately, he has the medicine bottle gourd to protect his body and he recovered quickly.

The blood bat drove over the sea of ​​blood, its body flashed suddenly, blood light rushed out, and a bloody rays of light fell from the sky.

The whole ground trembled, a deep gully appeared, and the people touched by the blood light died instantly.

At this time, more than 30 people died!

Blood bats use scarlet wings to attack, and the formidable power is too amazing.

Moreover, its target seems to be statues, not deliberately targeting other people, otherwise more people will die.

The sea of ​​blood slowly approached, and each blood claw came.

Even people with ten levels of qi and blood could not resist, the wailing continued, and more and more people died.

Heaven’s Chosen’s faces were all blue, Shenyi and the others watched their family’s dísciple die one by one, their hands trembling.

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