Mu Qing took a deep breath, and I felt that things were a little weird.

They have been to the museum before, where it is covered with weeds and vines. It is as old as other buildings, as if it had not been taken care of for many years.

But now, the museum has become extremely new, so new that makes people feel chilling.

The whole city is old. The museum seems to have just been built. The glass is smooth and shiny, and there is no altar on the 6th floor. It is all antiquities.

“What the hell is going on?” Mu Qing’s face was strange.

He explored it again, and his pupils revealed horror.

The Spider-Woman is gone!

The entire spider cave disappeared together. The place where the spider cave was originally located became solid, as if it had never appeared on the entire world.

Mu Qing body trembled, feeling weird.

Like Cursed Flower, Spiderwoman and the entire Spider Cave are gone. Where did they go?

Mu Qing retracted his consciousness and opened his eyes.

He has many doubts in his heart, but there are more important things right now.

Mu Qing turned around, his eyes gleaming like electricity, looked towards the leader of the rat man.

The Ratman leader’s heart sank. After Mu Qing was approved by the City Lord Token card, the golden light converged. Without golden light suppression, its strength returned to the Rank 2 bloodline level.

But his heart is flustered.

“That guy is really rubbish!” the leader of the rat man cursed secretly.

Originally planned to cooperate well and let Mullin get the City Lord Token card.

But it never thought that Mullin was not Mu Qing’s opponent.

When everyone entered the entire city, it, like Spider-Woman, was observing secretly, choosing people to cooperate or controlling it as a puppet.

The plan of the leader of the rat is naturally to cooperate, and find the strongest Mullin.

It can be seen that all Heaven’s Chosen suppressed the cultivation base from entering Kunlun Secret Realm.

Most Heaven’s Chosen can only suppress the cultivation base to the tenth stage of qi and blood, which is the limit, but Mullin has suppressed the Ninth Stage of Blood and Qi.

Although his strength is not as good as other Heaven’s Chosen, once the breakthrough begins, he will continue to reach Martial Artist directly.

And the origin power is purer than other Heaven’s Chosen, and the potential is amazing.

“zhi zhi.”

The rat man ran with his tail between his head and collar, and his hands were digging on the ground. In the blink of an eye, he dug a big hole, and his whole body got in. .

Shen Yi and the others were surprised. Is this the legendary mouse punching holes?

The speed of the Ratman leader is amazing. After a few breaths, he completely disappeared, leaving a dark hole in place.

“This mouse is punching too fast, right?” Jiang Yuanjie opened his mouth wide, in disbelief.

Mu Qing strode forward, a sneer sneered from the corner of his mouth, he wouldn’t let the Ratman leader just leave.

I saw him wearing a black robe, moving towards the distance, his figure turned into a cloud of black mist, and he appeared above a sewer in an instant.

Mu Qing held a golden long spear fiercely through the hole, one after another blazing white strength of Thunder, the ground was shattered.

A piece of blood light burst out, accompanied by a scream, it was the leader of the rat man.

After he has the City Lord Token card, he can see the entire Thunderstorm City. As long as the Ratman leader is still in Thunderstorm City, Mu Qing can detect its actions anytime and anywhere.

Golden light emerges from Mu Qing’s body, and a golden stone tablet emerges with the three characters Leiyucheng on it.

One after another golden light is like a sharp sword piercing through it. The ratman’s head screams constantly in the neckline. The golden light has extremely powerful restraint against ominous beasts.

Mu Qing basically doesn’t need to do this, just use the power of the City Lord Token card to suppress the golden light, and the ratman leader screams again and again and immediately begs for mercy.

“Big brother, uncle human, please, accept the divine ability!” The ratman leader doesn’t have the slightest powerhouse demeanor, he only knows that the pain is severe now, that golden light is too torturous.

Looking at Mu Qing remain unmoved, it continued to yell: “Master, uncle human, you are my grandfather!”

Mu Qing moved his heart when he saw it. The City Lord Token card takes back the golden light.

“In that case, you hand over the Secret Realm Treasure Item to me.”

The ratman leader is hearing this, the golden-bright and dazzling eyes are twirling, and he has The space ring was captured by killing some humans.

It took out a few weapons from it, all kinds of weapons, shining with silver, it is the Secret Realm Treasure Item of the silver rank.

Mu Qing’s eyes froze, and a golden rays of light on the City Lord Token card rushed out and hit the ratman’s body.

“ao wu!” The Ratman leader shouted, his shoulders scorched and his body trembling.

It didn’t dare to play tricks this time, and took out the golden sickle. This is a gold-level Secret Realm Treasure Item, which is very rare.

Mu Qing packed the golden sickle with satisfaction, and did not forget to take those silver rank treasure items as well.

At this moment, he sighed from the bottom of his heart. Sure enough, he made a fortune by robbery.

Mu Qing has a stone tablet floating on top of his head. It is one meter long and half a meter wide. The golden light shines like the sun.

He thought about it, and suddenly a golden light on the stone tablet hit the ratman’s head again.

“ao!” The mouse leader screamed again, and he could hear it many miles away.

With tears in the corners of its eyes, it said: “My uncle human! Didn’t I give you the sickle?”

The leader of the rat man felt like he was suffering. Generally, although it is an ominous beast of the fourth-order bloodline, it is now controlled by others, especially the pain caused by the golden light is almost deep into the soul, which is too torturous!

Mu Qing is coldly snorted, with disdain in his eyes, and said: “Who told you to only take out the Secret Realm Treasure Item? Give me your space ring directly!”

The leader of the rat is bleeding in his heart, and he is even more aggrieved. Before, he clearly said that he was asked to hand over the Secret Realm Treasure Item. Why did you say that you handed over the space ring?

Under Mu Qing’s eyes, it unwillingly took out the space ring.

Mu Qing took a look, his eyes lit up, there are some heavenly materials and earthly treasures, almost piled up into mountains.

The leader of the rat man was crying, watching as the medicinal herb he had collected over the years was taken away by the human demon in front of him.

“Very well, you will be my mount from now on!” Mu Qing nodded, very satisfied, immediately remembered something, and said: “You are a bit ugly, let’s be my little brother!”

Mu Qing looked reluctant, the golden stone tablet floating above her head flashed with golden glow, as if she was about to fall at any time.

The Ratman leader was instinctively angry, but when he saw the golden stone tablet, he shrank his neck and was nodded very aggrievedly.

It wants to cry without tears, didn’t expect that it would be threatened by a human being like this.

If you don’t have the City Lord Token card, even if you only have the strength of First Rank bloodline, you are sure to leave calmly, but the suppression of golden light makes it impossible to move even a little bit, and only feels endless pain .

The most annoying thing is that the human in front of him, actually said that it looks ugly, and has no qualifications to be a mount, and can only be a little brother.

Mu Qing led the Ratman leader back to the crowd, and reintroduced his identity under the eyes of everyone’s astonishment.

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