Mu Qing and the others took a deep breath, as they had imagined, there was a huge spider on the exhibition stand on the 3rd floor.

The upper body of this spider is a beautiful woman, with no strands of body, with a faint poison qi lingering, exquisite facial features are extremely white, red lips and flames, crisp chest is tall, a green silk hanging down on the chest, it is the spider. Female.

The spider woman has no injuries, but her body is full of black lines, which makes her look extremely hideous, and her black power has turned into haze.

“The disappeared spider woman and spider cave have all come here!” Mu Qing looked all around, and the small booths nearby were full of human-faced spiders.

These face spiders seem to have lost consciousness, and they also have densely packed black lines.

“Damn it, what are these black lines?” The third mouse was terrified.

It has lived here for many years, but it did not expect to have power that it has never seen before.

Furthermore, the leader of the Four Great Vicious Beasts of Thunderstorm City and the other three ominous beast leaders entered the museum, even if they died, they were treated as exhibits.

The third mouse has a hairy heart. He is thinking, if he died or disappeared inexplicably, would he appear on the 4th floor when the time comes.

Others also took a look at it, and their thoughts were the same.

“Perhaps, if you don’t follow us, you are already on the 4th floor at the moment.” Mu Qing indifferently said.

The third mouse is full of hair, it really feels fear, brace oneself, and Mu Qing and the others went to the 4th floor.

The fourth floor is empty, there is nothing but exhibition stands and some antiquities.

Shen Yi took a look, shook his head, and told Mu Qing that there was nothing special here.

Musician stared at the largest exhibition stand, it’s empty above, but there is always a voice in my heart telling it that the location is for it.


A black shadow slammed on its head, the third mouse cried out, and there was another bag on his head.

It’s Yang Shanshan’s goblin. Everyone has gone to the 5th floor. Seeing that it is still in a daze, they just stick it down.

The goblin screamed and urged the old rat to go faster.

The third mouse was frustrated and wanted to attack, but when he remembered Mu Qing’s City Lord Token card, he finally admitted it and obediently followed along.

The 5th floor was also empty, there was nothing, and everyone went to the sixth floor.

Mu Qing found that the light azure Formation on the sixth floor had disappeared. After arriving on the sixth floor, the altar he had seen before also disappeared.

“Wait, there is a stone tablet over there!” Yang Jie found something and called everyone.

Mu Qing and the others went and found that this stone tablet was very old and was placed on the exhibition stand. It can be said to be the only exhibit on the sixth floor.

Mu Qing realizes that it is not simple and observes carefully. There are texts on this stone tablet, but it is intermittent and many places are destroyed.

Yang Shanshan studied carefully and finally told everyone that this stone tablet records a major event that happened three hundred years ago.

Because the stone tablet is too damaged, only so much information can be obtained.

Mu Qing They are a little confused, an important event that happened three hundred years ago.

They have all taken history classes and followed news and news, but they have never heard of a major event 300 years ago.

Mu Qing asked the third mouse, he guessed that this stone tablet refers to Kunlun Secret Realm three hundred years ago.

The third mouse shook his head. He had never heard of any news three hundred years ago.

As an ominous beast, it has lived in this Kunlun Secret Realm for many years, and has also heard some ominous beasts who have gone out to the outside world to say secrets.

Kunlun Secret Realm is not that simple. Many things need to be explored to get the chance.

The ominous beast was very strong at the beginning, and it has reached the Kunlun Secret Realm level that it can leave the Kunlun Secret Realm on its own. It is very free and easy to tell Old Trinity where the opportunity lies, and let its cultivation base reach the current level.

“There are also words on the reverse side of this stone tablet!” Shen Yi made a new discovery.

Mu Qing was suddenly startled when he looked at it.

The text behind the stone tablet does not seem to be damaged. The above describes a place where there are flowers everywhere, with a terrifying curse.

And, in that place, there is the inheritance of terrifying mystery, waiting for the cursed person.

“It has something to do with the cursed flower!” Mu Qing’s expression was excited, he finally saw the clue to the cursed flower.

The stone tablet only describes the cursed place, claiming that there are countless flowers there and the inheritance of terrifying secrets.

The general idea is to let people go to the Cursed Land to obtain the inheritance of the secret technique.

“Could it be that the Cursed Flower came out of the so-called Cursed Land?” Jiang Yuanjie whispered.

The specific location of Cursed Land is not indicated on the stone tablet, but at least it gives Mu Qing a clue.

“I feel like a trap.” Shen Yi said.

In the weird museum, a stone tablet suddenly appeared, telling them that going to Cursed Land will have the inheritance of the secret technique, which seems to be tempting people to pass.

Mu Qing nodded, if the cursed flower really came out of the Cursed Land, then the Cursed Land must be very dangerous.

According to the description on the stone tablet, there are flowers everywhere in Cursed Land, and there is a terrifying curse. If the flowers are cursed flowers, wouldn’t it be a white mist, and you will be shrouded in white mist when you enter.

The trip to the museum is less rewarding. Apart from Cursed Land, there is only one news about unfathomable mystery.

It is written on the stone tablet that a major event happened three hundred years ago, but everyone does not know what happened and what effect it had, and can only ignore it for the time being.

The third mouse also said that he had never heard of Cursed Land.

“Of course, there are many opportunities in Kunlun Secret Realm. We, Four Great Vicious Beasts, only the Toad King relies on its own breakthrough.” It told Mu Qing that Kunlun Secret Realm is amazing, and there must be some unknowns. Place exists.

“Only Toad King relies on his own breakthrough?” Mu Qing was taken aback.

Immediately, he learned from the mouth of the old mouse that the blood bat, the spider woman and it all rely on chance to break through to the level of the fourth-order Martial Master, otherwise they may still be Rank 2 or 3 Ominous beast of the order.

“Speaking of which, the blood bat and the spider woman have a very easy breakthrough. When they enter a certain place together, they immediately break through.” The third mouse murmured to himself, speaking, pupil shrink.

Its golden eyes shrank like needles, and the body shook, and it screamed.

“I remember! Spider-woman and blood bat, there are black lines on the back of the breakthrough body, which lasted for several days before disappearing!”

Everyone was surprised.

Musician’s face was shocked. It used to envy Spider-woman and Blood Bat. It got a chance and immediately broke through.

And it itself, the breakthrough process was very difficult, almost failed, and finally swallowed two of its own brothers, and purified the bloodline to finally break through.

The third mouse body trembled, it said in disbelief: “Does it mean that everything is a means of existence?”

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