“Be careful!” Shen Yi reminded Ji Jia.

He deeply knows the formidable power of Yin-Yang Symbol. This secret technique is amazing. He doesn’t know what price Wang Sheng paid to get Wu Duannan to hand over the Yin-Yang Symbol. he.

However, Ji Jia didn’t mean to evade in the slightest. There were bursts of dragon roar on her body, and her eyes became azure.

She holds a bronze ancient sword. This is her blood spirit. It is more powerful than the gold Treasure Item. The hazy azure glow bursts out, and the azure clouds skyrocketed.

Wang Sheng turned the Yin-Yang Symbol with both hands and crushed it, but Ji Jia is even more amazing here, with green clouds everywhere, and mysterious and mysterious runes everywhere.

She whispered, and the bronze ancient sword in her hand was cut off, and the dazzling light burst out with the dragon roar!

The Yin-Yang Symbol was torn apart and re-transformed into the two powers of One Yin One Yang, and finally disappeared in midair.

Wang Sheng’s expression was astonished. He saw an azure Divine Dragon rushing, and an inexplicable coercion swept out, making people tremble.

He didn’t expect, he was pregnant with both sun and moon blood spirits, and the Wudang Yin-Yang Symbol was a perfect fit, but he was broken by the other’s sword.

Wang Sheng did not choose to continue fighting, his figure was hidden in the sky feathers, disappeared.

Ellie, the Western Heaven’s Chosen, has amazing abilities to display. She responds to Wang Sheng and the others so that they can leave without a single blow just like Peak Assassin.

Mu Qing also suffered a sneak attack. It was the mysterious spirit one. A golden light bald head emerged with a gentle smile on his face. The diamond-stone-like palm slashed with a sharp aura.

Xuan Ling Yi, like Ling Fei, has a blood spirit with Metal Attribute, and it is a rare beast in human form with the golden body of Luo Han.

However, Mu Qing waved the golden sickle in his hand and resisted the past. Golden’s sharp rays of light tore Xuan Lingyi’s arm apart.

Xuan Ling was shocked, and retracted his palm, a hole was already open in it, and blood was flowing.

Especially on the golden sickle of Mu Qing, there is one after another blazing white lightning hovering, fiercely bursting.

Xuan Lingyi’s body was golden, but he couldn’t resist the lightning burst, and several wounds exploded on his arm, especially the paralyzing power pouring into his body, making him very uncomfortable.

“What kind of weapon are you?” The golden light on Xuan Lingyi’s body faded, and he stared at the golden sickle in Mu Qing’s hand, seemingly surprised.


A water snake came with a bite, and Xuanling immediately escaped into the feathers in the sky.

Mu Qing holding a golden sickle, he recalled the words just said by Xuan Ling, frowned.

Xuan Lingyi doesn’t seem to know the Gold Treasure Item.

He thought of a detail and found that Wang Sheng and the others, including Ji Jia, did not have a Secret Realm Treasure Item, not to mention a gold Treasure Item, even a silver rank Treasure Item. Never owned.

“Is it possible that Secret Realm Treasure Item only appears in Thunderstorm City?” Mu Qing guessed.

Because Thunderstorm City is too special, the strength of ominous beast is much higher than the other four cities, and there are cursed flowers and weird museums.

Especially the explosion of energy also started in Thunderstorm City.

Mu Qing is a bit regretful. He knew that the gold Treasure Item was less than he had imagined. He should have taken the golden bow and arrow off Mulin back then.

“Mouse, is there a way?” Mu Qing resisted Wu Duannan and Xuan Lingyi’s attacks one after another.

He asked the old rat next to him.

This sky full of feathers obscures the sight, and the breath is hard to feel.

Wang Sheng and the others are hidden in the feathers in the sky, without seeing the silhouette. Although Mu Qing can contend in front of him, Yang Jie and the others are injured.

“Little Handsome Brother!”

At this time, a soft voice suddenly came from behind, Mu Qing complexion changed and turned around quickly.

A white jade hand is printed on his chest. It is very fast and exploded with terrifying power. The large white cloud light vented out, and the divine aura permeated.

Mu Qing’s body was shaken, and a lot of blood spurted out of his mouth.

He has a fierce look in his eyes and endures the severe pain, sweeping the golden sickle in his hand.

In front of him, there is a proud figure of a lovable body with a pair of white wings behind him. The golden hair is like a waterfall, hanging down to his hips.

Aili has an angelic smile on her face, her hands are still stained with Mu Qing’s blood, her hot body is wrapped in feathers, and disappeared.

Mu Qing’s mouth overflowed with blood, and Ai Li’s strength is much stronger than others. As the Western Holy See Heaven’s Chosen, she possesses terrifying secrets.

The third mouse dug his nostrils and looked absent-minded. He turned a deaf ear to Mu Qing’s question.

It mainly focuses on Ji Jia. It is worried that Ji Jia will be killed, but also wants Ji Jia to be harmed.

After all, Yang Shanshan is related to whether it can transform into bloodline and become a dragon mouse man!

Mu Qing and the others are like trapped beasts fighting, Ling Fei was seriously injured. He had a feast with Wang Sheng before, and now he has been targeted by Wang Sheng many times.

Wang Sheng holds the condense Yin-Yang Symbol, the sun and the moon are in the sky, and a person owns these two terrifying blood spirits, which is very scary.

Ling Fei’s blood spurted out, and his strength was lower than that of Ji Jia.

Ji Jia has an inexplicable strength of Dragon on his body, which can smash the Yin-Yang Symbol forcefully, even Ai Li’s attack can barely resist.

Kunshan was attacked by sea hatred.

Haiqi and Kunshan are both Heaven’s Chosen in the desert city. There had been conflicts and they fought to win the City Lord Token card. Unfortunately, Kunshan was defeated and Haifeng became the Desert City Lord.

Now the enemy is looking for Kunshan again, holding a black sword in his hand. The mist rolls on it, and hideous faces emerge.

This is the soul swallowing knife of the Hai family!

Mu Qing had also seen before entering Kunlun Secret Realm, a giant knife appeared torn the sky. I think it is the elder of the Hai family.

The enemy has blue hair and a cold expression. With a wave of the Soul-Swallowing Knife in his hand, a black mist will emerge.

When these black mists stick to people, they will cause great harm and even cannibalize the origin power.

After the cultivation progress of the sea hatred, this soul-swallowing knife can swallow the soul in the true sense, and the black mist will cover it and swallow the enemy’s soul.

Kun Shan is very difficult to deal with, his strength is equally strong, his body bursts with rays of light, and the origin power is in midair condense a Dao Talisman.

I saw him mutter incantations, talisman glowed, turned into a flash of lightning, and rushed out.

Kunshan also condense several Dao Talisman, some turned into sharp swords, some turned into Fireball, all kinds of attacks blasted past, making people look dazzling.

He is Kunlun Mountains Heaven’s Chosen, who has learned the most precious Taoism.

Kun Shan said that he is the blood spirit of Earth Attribute, but relying on the mysterious Taoism of Kunlun Mountains, he can explode attacks with different attributes.

But the sea hatred did not show weakness, blue hair was fluttering, the soul swallowing knife in his hand continuously cleaved rays of light, and a large black mist gushed out.

Even he can summon a stone tablet, which is also surrounded by black mist.

This piece of stone tablet injured Kunshan, and a black flame spread on him.

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