Under the terrifying energy fluctuations, all the sacred lances are shattered and turned into light spots disappeared.

With a sound of ka-cha, the trunk couldn’t support it, and a long and narrow crack stretched out and broke into two pieces.

“How come?” Allie exclaimed and screamed.

Her miniskirt was lifted by a gust of wind, and she was completely gone, but she was still in a daze, wondering whether Mu Qing had brought high-tech explosives or high-quality star-core grenades.

The sky feathers all around were turbulent, and under the burst of the transparent crystal, they were greatly affected.

The black robe on Mu Qing agitated, and there was a coquettish cursing flower on his eyebrows, exuding purple brilliance.

Next moment, I saw Mu Qing’s eyes suddenly shrank, and there was a faint lightning glow flickering. This is Purple Lightning Bamboo’s ability to perceive weaknesses!

The Purple Lightning Bamboo given to him by Mu Yu contains many secrets and many abilities.

Mu Qing exerts the power to perceive weaknesses, and his few spirit strengths are quickly consumed, because Ai Li’s realm is higher than his First Rank, and the consumption increases exponentially.

Finally, Mu Qing’s eyes lit up and he sensed the weakness of the feathers all over the sky. All feathers are transformed from energy and possess special power, but there is a core feather.

After consuming most of the spirit strength, Mu Qing accurately captured this key point.

A drop of water condense comes from his fingertips. These water drops contain symbols, which are the water drops of Wanshui Formation!

Mu Qing had clearly understood Ai Li’s method not long ago. The sky feathers displayed by the other party reached the Formation martial skill of Small Success Realm!

This young girl from the West is too terrifying, not only strong, but also has Formation martial skills.

In particular, Formation martial skill was cultivated to Small Accomplishment realm by her.

You must know that even if it is Ke Fei, the Formation martial skill of cultivation is only Small Accomplishment, and it is still close to Great Accomplishment.

Although Mu Qing doesn’t know how the other party is cultivation, but now he has clearly understood the other party’s weaknesses, which means that Ai Li has only just learned about it.

At least Ke Fei’s Small Success Realm’s Formation martial skill, Mu Qing is absolutely imperceptible.

The origin power in the body was consumed crazily, and it turned into a drop of water, the rune was densely covered, forming a water snake, crystal clear and near-transparent, with mysterious symbols flickering.

Ke Fei once said that in the face of Formation martial skill, you can only use Formation martial skill to fight against.

Mu Qing’s current realm is still far away from Formation martial skill Small Accomplishment, but he has clearly understood the weak point of the opponent. All the strength of Wanshui Formation is condense, and it explodes like a water snake.


A clear voice came out, and Allie’s crystal face was full of surprise. She saw that the core feather of her condense was shattered.

Mu Qing displayed the water snake finger, with one pointing, pierced through the feathers until the core, terrifying energy burst out and penetrated thoroughly.

The feathers all over the sky are disappeared, and everyone’s vision is restored.

Ji Jia and the others looked surprised. Without the feathers in the sky, Wang Sheng and the others would not be able to do a sneak attack in secret. At least the two sides can face each other head-on.

The clothes on Ai Li’s body are a bit broken, which is caused by Mu Qing’s transparent crystal just now, and her snow-white skin is exposed.

If she hadn’t reacted very quickly, that would be enough to hurt her seriously.

She looked at Mu Qing, her blue eyes twinkled with strange lights, she was very curious how the man in front of her could see through her Saint Feather Formation?

Small Success Realm’s Formation martial skill is Ally’s proud capital. It completely surpasses peers, without any disadvantages. Today, it was broken by someone lower than his realm.

“hahaha! Bald donkey, see where you hide this time!” Ling Fei exclaimed excitedly.

His body is full of blood, but his battle strength is getting stronger, and the second head of the golden lion behind his back is getting more and more obvious.

He is suspected of being a mutant blood spirit of the Ling Family Flame Lion.

Mutated blood spirit has two major characteristics, one is that each stage will produce transformation, and the other is that each stage requires a lot of attribute energy to break through.

The mutant blood spirits of Yang Shanshan and Mu Qing are both second characteristics and require a lot of attribute energy to break through.

And Ling Fei’s mutant blood spirit seems to be the first. He is bathed in blood, his fighting spirit is getting higher and higher, and his aura continues to rise.

Mu Qing looked and guessed in his mind that when the second head of the golden lion behind Ling Fei appeared, it would be when he broke through to the Rank 2 bloodline.

He may be the first person to break through.

Ling Fei yelled. His opponent was Xuan Lingyi. At this moment, the situation changed and Ling Fei left many injuries on Xuan Lingyi.

Xuanling recites the Buddha’s name in one mouth and displays Flower Plucking Finger. The flower disappears, but Ling Fei ignores it at all.

He let the golden-bright and dazzling flowers fall on him, bursting into a blood hole, and the violent pain made him even more excited.

“roar! ”

The golden lion burst out roaring, Ling Fei punched and killed it, the golden light flashed, actually has several points of the shadow of Arhat Fist!

“Why are you Arhat Fist?” Xuan Ling was shocked, and immediately there was a sharp pain in his chest, and the entire population vomited blood and flew out.

Ling Fei looked up to the sky and laughed. The golden lion behind him was also roaring, and the golden light became more and more intense.

Finally, next to the golden lion’s head, the second head is completely solidified, as if emerging from in the sky, the roar of one after another swept out, the essence of sound waves.

Ling Fei is surrounded by a powerful aura, he has a breakthrough!

Everyone was amazed, feeling that Ling Fei was weird. He actually broke through to Rank 2 bloodline during the battle.

“His blood spirit is terrifying and needs constant fighting to improve!” Shen Yi’s face was solemn.

He thinks Ling Fei has something to do with Ling Family, but he is not sure.

Yang Jie nodded, he said: “If Ling Fei is really related to Ling Family, once entering Ling Family, Ling Han’s status will be greatly reduced.”

Ling Fei’s current situation is just like Yang Shanshan. Mutant blood spirits are good and bad. Mutant blood spirits like Ling Fei and Yang Shanshan are undoubtedly very powerful.

Wang Sheng was surprised and felt something unexpected, Xuan Ling was seriously injured, and Ling Fei broke through to Rank 2 bloodline.


Ling Fei gasped and lay down on the ground. He was so badly injured that he passed out into a coma.

The two sides are glare like a tiger watching his prey. In terms of strength, Wang Sheng still has the advantage.

Neither Wang Sheng nor Ai Li has suffered any serious injuries, and the power of a Rank 2 bloodline can explode at any time.

On the other hand, on Mu Qing’s side, the third mouse was covered in blood, and his mouse tail was exploded by Wang Sheng’s Flower Plucking Finger.

“wu wu, Heaven’s Chosen is too terrifying for your human beings.” Oldest mouse came to Mu Qing with his butt.

It feels ashamed. The ominous beast of its own dignified fourth-order bloodline was killed by someone who was not Wang Sheng’s opponent.

“If you give me more Dragon Girl’s blood, I will be able to blow him up!” The old mouse said angrily.

It always thinks that Ji Jia is the daughter of the dragon.

Mu Qing corner of mouth twitching, I seriously suspect that there is something wrong with this mouse’s head.

This guy also said that he could transform into a dragon mouse man, but he was beaten into his original form without showing much power. He was not Wang Sheng’s opponent at all.

“Hand over the City Lord Token card!” Wang Sheng’s face was gloomy.

Mu Qing is at a disadvantage and Ji Jia is also injured.

“Why does Wang Sheng want the City Lord Token card so much?” Mu Qing looked puzzled, he felt Wang Sheng was a bit too persistent.

Although the City Lord Token card is precious, since the integration of Five Great Cities, the City Lord Token card has lost almost all its functions.

Shen Yi was beside Mu Qing and told him in a low voice that, in fact, the City Lord Token card had other functions. It was said that he could comprehend the Kunlun secret technique by relying on the token.

“Kunlun secret technique?” Mu Qing was surprised.

He asked Shen Yi, but Shen Yi also shook his head, because he was also hearsay, did not know the specifics, only knew that Kunlun secret technique was very powerful.

“Wang Shengshen is pregnant with Wudang Mountain and Shaolin’s secret arts. Obviously, he is amazing in martial skill. He is probably the idea of ​​Kunlun secret arts.” Shen Yi guessed.

Ji Jia took a deep breath, and she looked towards several people around her, all of whom were injured. Among them, Ling Fei was the most injured, and Shen Yi was healing him at this moment.


Wang Shengzheng intends to further persecute Ji Jia, but suddenly his face changes and he finds that the battle below has changed.

Below, Wang Sheng’s power, many people, is several times more than Ji Jia and the others.

Haijia, Shaolin, Wudang, and Wang Family, the dísciples of these four forces have all gathered. If Jiang Yuanjie hadn’t helped them, I’m afraid they would be defeated in an instant.

It was Ellie. As the Western Holy See Heaven’s Chosen, she did not bring anyone, because she took the college entrance examination as an international student and could not bring her own influence.

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