“What do you mean?”

Mu Qing frowned, her eyes flickering fiercely.

Finally passed 20 levels, but the illusory shadow of Scarlet Sovereign told him that in this Scarlet Sovereign hall, there is simply no so-called Sovereign inheritance.

Everything is a scam!


At this time, the illusory shadow of Scarlet Sovereign was suddenly sluggish, and then immediately showed a grin.

“Didn’t expect the ontology is still alive, then forget it, just kill you directly.”

The illusory shadow of Scarlet Sovereign murmured.

He is just part of the power of Scarlet Sovereign.

Actually, the five Sovereigns of Tianqing Universe all have a certain amount of back-up to deal with disasters.

But the catastrophe of the universe came ahead of schedule because of disasters. After these Sovereigns were completely unprepared, at most they could only have time to leave their own inheritance and they would fall.

However, Scarlet Sovereign had a different idea. He wanted to survive by himself, so he split a part of his power.

This is the so-called inheritance trial.

In other Sovereign halls, there may be real inheritance trials, but Scarlet Sovereign is not here.

When the Scarlet Sovereign faced the terrifying power of cosmic catastrophe, his first thought was to survive.

At this point in time when other Sovereigns used the inheritance trial, he left part of his power.

The reason why Scarlet Sovereign arranges so many levels is because he wants to select a person with a very good innate talent.

If you are weak, you don’t deserve to be parasitic.

The scarlet power given to each level is even more of a potential threat.

Once someone passes the twentieth level, then the illusory shadow of Scarlet Sovereign will use its own power to communicate the scarlet power in the opponent’s body, carry out forcible body possession, and live again!

Of course, it is not needed for Scarlet Sovereign illusory shadow now.

Because the body has successfully obtained the body of Killing Supreme.

Even if the strength of Killing Supreme is not strong, and there are even some problems, but Killing Supreme has the Perfect level road, which is the Heaven’s Chosen that is very difficult to find in the Tianqing universe.

Since the body has been guaranteed to survive, there is no need for this Scarlet Sovereign Hall to exist.

A single thought that the ontology passed to Scarlet Sovereign illusory shadow is to kill Mu Qing and Xinrui!

“Well, you can come here, it shows that your strength is at least able to compete with those Heaven’s Chosen of our Tianqing universe.”

“It’s just that you In the end, you still have to fall here. Your remaining power will be assimilated into scarlet power and transported to the body with me.”

The scarlet Sovereign’s illusory shadow grinned, followed by a tentacle Lashed sharply.

Mu Qing has a dignified face. He has serious injuries on his body now, and he can only rely on the Star God body to slowly recover.

The scarlet Sovereign illusory shadow in front of me is not comparable to those of other guys.

Mu Qing’s starlight bloomed and the Milky Way flickered, avoiding the blow at an astonishing speed, and then slashed with a palm to cut off this tentacle.

He didn’t use the power of Crimson Power, because he knew that the Crimson Power itself belonged to the other party’s power. If Crimson Power was used at this critical time, most of it would suffer.


The illusory shadow of Scarlet Sovereign looked towards Mu Qing in surprise.

On the huge head, a hint of surprise appeared, and then opened the mouth and said: “There are other powers in your body.”

“No wonder You were able to pass the first twenty trials, and you have passed other methods to cheat.”

The illusory shadow of Scarlet Sovereign, this time released all the tentacles, covering the sky, like a piece of blood Sea-like assaults the senses, which makes the scalp numb.

He grinned and said: “I want to see what kind of power is it that can stop the exploration of Scarlet Power!”

Mu Qing’s face changed suddenly, right? I was planning to spare no effort, but a sharp pain came in my chest.

He revealed a trace of blood light all over his body, and then the scarlet power in his body raged, as if it turned into countless small insects, wandering in his body.


“This is my scarlet power!”

The illusory shadow of Scarlet Sovereign laughed.

These scarlet powers obtained through level trials, even if Mu Qing wanted to do or not, turned out to be a reminder at this time.

Mu Qing’s eyes were congested, and there was smoke in his throat. With a slam, his left arm exploded directly, and the smooth tentacles from the scarlet power condense came out of the body.


Mu Qing saw that half of his body had begun to move towards Scarlet Sovereign, and the monster was assimilated. He cursed in his heart, and at the same time urged the Star God body To the extreme.

The power of the Star God body, at this time, seems to have broken through the limit of the blockade, the dazzling galaxy blooms, and the starlight blooms all over the body.

Mu Qing rose into the air, slapped the Scarlet Sovereign’s illusory shadow with a palm, and then grabbed the slippery tentacles that emerged from his left arm, fiercely crushed!


The scarlet Sovereign illusory shadow stared wide-eyed, looked towards Mu Qing, with a horrified face.

The Sovereign power he used erased Mu Qing’s strength. Even the Star God body was suppressed by most of his power.

But at this time, Mu Qing used the Star God body, and actually broke through the power of scarlet, and regained all the power that he should have!

“hmph! No matter how much you use, it’s useless!”

“Your body is full of scarlet power. He will assimilate you and become my servant!”

Scarlet Sovereign illusory shadow shouted loudly.

At the same time, Mu Qing’s body trembled, his body trembled.


His back exploded, and the creamy scarlet tentacles that were also densely packed came out.

Mu Qing’s breath suddenly dropped a thousand zhang in one fall.

“Return to the embrace of the Scarlet Gate.”

“Let all your power be dedicated to the deity!”

The illusory shadow of Scarlet Sovereign twists With slippery tentacles, he waved in midair, and a door emerged.

Mu Qing can’t control his body, it’s useless to even spur the Star God body, he has a lot of scarlet power in his body, and his body no longer belongs to him.

He was forcibly pulled to the scarlet door.

This scene seems familiar, watching the tentacles emerging from the Scarlet Portal entwining himself.

He suddenly remembered that Mo Xu Supreme seemed to be like this too.

Now it’s his turn.

“Damn it!”

“Get off!”

Mu Qing gnashing teeth, he naturally gave up impossible, and the starlight on his body bloomed more dazzlingly. He even plans to display Heaven and Earth Chaos!

Here, in addition to being able to use Star God, the only Divine Ability he can use is Heaven and Earth Chaos.


However, at the crucial moment, a more dazzling starlight burst out of Mu Qing’s body.

It is the star book!

Mysterious starry sky book, as if containing the entire universe, is so profound that people can’t help but sink into it.

At this time, the Starry Sky Book automatically opened the second page that had not been opened.

A portal similar to the one in front of you appears, but it contains rays of light!

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