Ji Jia looked at the awe-inspiring Rat 3, she could feel the familiar aura of the other person.

She remembered that Mu Qing had taken some blood from her before, and her heart suddenly understood that it must be her own blood, which caused the third mouse to transform.

The third mouse snatched Wang Sheng’s space ring, and laughed slyly, trying to torture the Heaven’s Chosen in front of him.

However, at this time, the Dragon Qi on its body collapsed, its tall body shrank, its azure scales disappeared, and hairs burrowed out.

Mouse was astonished, and in less than three seconds, it changed back to the shape of a ratman.

“This…” The third mouse was dumbfounded for a few seconds, and then leaned back and cried out painfully.

“My dragon mouse man bloodline Ah! Ah! !” It finally knows that taking Ji Jia’s blood cannot completely change its bloodline, but can only temporarily transform itself.

However, the third mouse didn’t feel too frustrated. He cheered up again, because the origin of his bloodline had changed a little.

If you keep taking Ji Jia’s blood, maybe one day, you can transform into a dragon mouse man.


A dazzling light swept across, the flowers were disillusioned, and fiercely hit the rat third.

It screamed, flew upside down, and fell down beside Mu Qing.

Wang Sheng stood up, and when he found that the draconian state of the old mouse had disappeared, he immediately used a sharp method.

“Let’s go!”

Things were beyond his expectation. He originally thought that the two powerhouses of Rank 2 bloodline would be enough for Mu Qing and the others, but he did not expect Mu Qing. The power they burst out is more terrifying.

Ling Fei has a sudden breakthrough. Although there are still injuries on his body, he is still there. He is healed with medicinal energy, and it will take a long time to regain his strength.

The thing that looked like a star-core grenade in Mu Qing’s hand was even terrifying, and Ally was seriously injured and unconscious.

Wang Sheng was even more worried that Mu Qing still had a transparent crystal in his hand, so he didn’t plan to stay, and rushed into the white mist with Wu Duannan and the others.

As soon as Xuanling carried Ai Li on her back, she was seriously injured and unable to move.

Yang Jie controlled the plants, one after another vines appeared, trying to stop it.

But a big day suddenly appeared, and the billowing flames fell, forming a fire sea, accompanied by the sound of suspected Insect Cry.

The sound of Insect Cry is weird and it can control people’s minds. Duan Ce even displayed a killer move, with red eyes, covering Wang Sheng and the others.


Shen Yi cursed secretly. He didn’t dare to step out of Yuhua’s sword array, worried about being controlled by Insect Cry.

The few people present all rely on Yuhua’s sword array’s sound of sword cry to resist Insect Cry.

They are worried that they will end up with Duan Ce.

hong long!

In midair’s big sun bursts and derives into terrifying energy, and the beam moved towards all directions sweeps out like a tide.

When Mu Qing and the others reacted, Wang Sheng and the others had disappeared in the white mist. They held the cube spar and were able to move freely in the white mist.

After the big sun burst, the sound of Insect Cry stopped, and Duan Ce’s eyes became clear. He was astonished and didn’t know what he had just done.

“Wang Sheng’s black chip is not in this space ring.” Mu Qing complexion sank, a good way to secretly thought.

Originally, he planned to take away Wang Sheng’s space ring and destroy his black chip, so that Wang Sheng would be rejected by Kunlun Secret Realm and expelled.

But he still underestimated Wang Sheng’s methods. The other party’s black chip was obviously on another communication device.

“This guy has a lot of methods.” Shenyi complexion sank.

Wang Sheng and the others have thousands of people, but they disappeared just a moment ago. There must be some means.

“Ai, the college entrance examination this time is indeed more difficult than before. There should be only one or two thousand people in each city who have not been eliminated.” Yu Hua sighed.

Mu Qing several people corner of mouth twitching, they came out of Thunderstorm City even worse, only a few people remained.

At this moment, Mu Qing and the others already know that there is a problem with the college entrance examination, Kunlun Secret Realm has undergone many changes, and the federal powerhouse plans not to continue.

Because in accordance with the previous college entrance examination model, the federal powerhouse will continue to publish tasks, and after completion, it will increase the score and finally rank.

But now the Federation has not issued tasks through the black chip, but instead intends to end the college entrance examination.

“It is very likely that there will be no rankings in the college entrance examination this time.” Shenyi said, too many accidents have occurred, and I want to come to the Federation and have no time to publish tasks and rank them.

“What about the reward?” Yang Shanshan asked curiously. She knew that the top ten in the college entrance examination were rewarded with generous rewards.

Yang Jie laughed and said: “People in the Federation will always find a way.”


The white mist of all around is shrouded, but Mu Qing took out the cube spar in the Wangsheng space ring, and the blue rays of light inside shone out, allowing the white mist to disperse.

There are still eight cube spars left in the Wangsheng space ring. Fortunately, the rays of light of this spar are very large, and thousands of them have been shrouded.

After Duan Ce regained his sanity, he regained his gentlemanly demeanor and apologized to Ji Jia, but ignored the others. Of course, Mu Qing and the others didn’t bother to pay attention to him.

“Old Iron, what are these white mists?” Yu Hua didn’t understand, and looked all around.

“A kind of terrifying flower is coming out.” Mu Qing said.

The old mouse is very cleverly following him, because it knows that Mu Qing still has the blood of Ji Jia, and now he looks at Mu Qing eagerly, wanting to transform into a dragon mouse man again.

Mu Qing ignores it, intending to meet a powerful enemy before transforming it.

He found that Ji Jia’s blood is more useful than the City Lord Token brand, and it has an extremely powerful appeal to the third mouse.

Mu Qing also asked Ji Jia. The other party said that he has other opportunities. As soon as he entered Kunlun Secret Realm, he fell into a pond.

The azure pond was turbid, containing a certain mysterious power, all pouring into her body.

Since then, every time Ji Jia uses origin power, he will be accompanied by dragon roar and Azure Dragon body protection.

“Is it really dragon’s blood?” The third mouse guessed, but he didn’t understand it. After all, it was just another ominous beast of Martial Master Level.

For the existence of True Dragon, I am afraid that even the ominous beast of the ninth-order bloodline cannot be touched.

Although it knows that Ji Jia is not the daughter of True Dragon, she still calls her the Dragon Girl and wants to please her, but Ji Jia is filled with Dragon’s Might, and she does not dare to approach her.

Everyone intends to leave here, because it seems that the entire Lin City is flooded by white fog, and they plan to go to other cities.

At this time, Mu Qing’s footsteps stopped, and the City Lord Token card in his body was abnormal.

I saw a golden stone tablet one meter high popping up, blooming with golden light, and the third mouse wailed and ran away.

Mu Qing frowned, since the integration of Five Great Cities, the City Lord Token card has no effect, did not expect to produce transformation now.

On the golden stone tablet, black silk threads spread. Obviously, they finally formed a map with dots of light on it.

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