“This…what hatred do they have?”

Seeing this scene, countless people on the Holy Seven Stars are shocked, and Supreme has fallen for thousands of years. I can’t see the scene once, but I saw it twice today!

This scene shocked everyone, and the rain of blood was still falling, never stopped.

On the sky, two illusory Supreme Avenues are cracking!

Everyone is puzzled, why these Supreme powerhouses suddenly got into a fight, even Mu Qing was the most ruthless, killing two Supremes in a row!

“Mu Qing! you are courting death!”

The Chilong Supreme made a roar while fighting Thunder Punishment.

His eyes were splitting, and he watched Mu Qing see black python Supreme and Qing Yao Supreme killed!

Red Dragon Supreme didn’t expect no matter what, the helper that Thunder Punishment called was Mu Qing, and the strength of Mu Qing didn’t expect Mu Qing to be terrifying to such an extent.

“hahaha! Good job!”

Thunder Punishment laughed and felt comfortable.

“Thunder Prison!”

Suddenly, Thunder Punishment loudly roared, with lightning raging on his body, and the huge condense of the thunder cage, trapping the Chilong Supreme.

“Take a hand!”

Thunder Punishment loudly shouts.

Mu Qing hearing this, strode out, and once again used the divine ability, an illusory starry palm in the starry sky gate came out and crushed towards the Red Dragon Supreme.

“They…wouldn’t they want to kill the Red Dragon Supreme too?”

Everyone saw that the Supreme War hadn’t ended yet, and it was even getting more and more intense. Was horrified.

They didn’t expect that Mu Qing and the others would kill black python Supreme and Qingyao Supreme. It’s not enough, even Chilong Supreme would kill!

You know, Chilong Supreme is the powerhouse of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer!

In Monster Realm, Chilong Supreme is also considered the top of the Supreme powerhouse, and belongs to the real high-level.

If Mu Qing and the others kill Chilong Supreme, it can almost be said to be piercing the heavens. Once Chilong Supreme falls, then Mu Qing and the others will completely break with Monster Realm.

Everyone is puzzled, Mu Qing, the Supreme Starry Sky, forget it, because the Three Realms themselves are looking for Mu Qing and the others, and every realm in the universe knows that behind Mu Qing is the mysterious Black Realm, no I must be afraid of Monster Realm.

But in the Ancient Immortal world, most people still know it.

The Ancient Immortal world today is no longer as mysterious as before. Many people know that the most powerful house in the Ancient Immortal world is the old man, with the strength of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven.

However, the current times are different from the past. Although Supreme Nine Layers Heaven is powerful, it is also the Peak powerhouse, but it is not enough to see in the face of Supreme Tenth Heaven.

If the Ancient Immortal world dares to offend Monster Realm, I am afraid it will encounter unimaginable disasters!


In the battlefield, the battlefield has evolved into three people beating the Chilong Supreme, Thunder Punishment loudly shouts, both hands forming seals, two huge Thunder Dragon roars, moved towards Chilong Supreme

Faced with the attack of Thunder Punishment, Chilong Supreme naturally ignored it, transformed itself into a scarlet demon dragon, with five claws tearing through the sky, and vomiting fierce fire!

Thunder-fire intertwined, suddenly bursting out terrifying energy, bursting apart.

The brilliance gradually dissipated, and the Chilong Supreme showed its body, unscathed!

After all, Chilong Supreme is also the powerhouse of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer, it is not so easy to deal with.

At the same time, Chilong Supreme’s tail waved and the red light flickered, smashing Mu Qing’s hand of illusory starry sky.


Red Dragon Supreme coldly snorted, two scarlet arrogance burst out from his nostrils, shattering the sword glow coming from a hole in the distance.

Mu Qing’s attack is unlikely to pose a threat to Chilong Supreme.

As for the ancient peak of Immeasurable Supreme that attacked from a distance, it is even more impossible to threaten Chilong Supreme.

“It’s a bit troublesome.”

Mu Qing frowns, his attack can threaten the powerhouse of Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer, but it doesn’t seem to be very effective for Chilong Supreme.

Gu Feng’s face is even more ugly, and he deeply understands how big the gap between Supreme is.

“No problem, help me continue to harass him.”

Thunder Punishment lightly sound transmission to Mu Qing and Thunder Punishment.

He seems confident to kill the Chilong Supreme!

“roar! ”

At the same time, Chilong Supreme was tossing his body, hovering in the thunder sea, his claws teaching the world, but he could not crush the thunder. Thunder Prison.

“Get out of here!”

The Chilong Supreme lashed his tail on the Thunder Prison, and then roared, yelling: “Your Ancient Immortal world is dead!” “

“The black python and the blue demon are dead, you absolutely can’t run away, then the demon Yan Supreme will come in person, not only you, but even the Supreme Taoist will die!”

The sky was full of fire, but the thunder hell was extremely strong, and there was no trace of destruction.

“Unfortunately, who told you to know what you shouldn’t know.”

Thunder Punishment’s face is cold, his hair stands up in anger, and he is bathed in thunder in his hands. Thunder Punishment’s hammer suddenly burst into a dazzling lightning,

It can be seen that behind Thunder Punishment, an incomparable gigantic lightning giant appeared, and the vast ocean only submerged the lightning giant’s knees, towering high. Into the cloud!

“Suffer to death!”

Thunder comes!

Under the control of Thunder Punishment, the lightning giant behind him holding a giant hammer, fiercely slammed into the Chilong Supreme.

“Nine days of demon fire!”

Red Dragon Supreme sensed a strong sense of threat, and quickly displayed his Divine Ability. The Supreme Avenue behind it skyrocketed, but it was still thundered. Imprisoned in prison.

He vomited a terrifying demon fire, burning the sky!

Red Dragon Supreme didn’t know what the Divine Ability of Thunder Punishment was. He could actually imprison him of the same level completely, and he couldn’t break free for a while.

But he will definitely not sit back and fight with his amazing divine ability.

It can be seen that countless terrifying demon fires condense into a giant dragon in mid-air, rushing towards the lightning giant.

Although this thunder and lightning prison trapped Chilong Supreme, it had no effect on Chilong Supreme’s strength. It simply confined Chilong Supreme in place, losing mobility and flexibility.

“It’s now!”

Mu Qing and Gu Feng both spotted the timing.

The giant dragon formed by the terrifying demon fire collided with the sledgehammer in the hands of the lightning giant.

At this moment, Mu Qing and Gu Feng both appeared.


Gu Feng whispered, and countless sword lights turned into a sword sea swept away, bashing on the body of Chilong Supreme.

The space all around shattered one after another, but Chilong Supreme just shook it slightly.

“Pupil of Annihilation!”

Mu Qing loudly shouts, he displayed Divine Ability from the Star Gate.

In an instant, the starry sky door mirrored an expanse of starry sky, and the sky full of eyes opened!

There is no doubt that the starry sky gate that was born on the second page of the starry sky book made Mu Qing more capable.

As in the current situation, Mu Qing is definitely impossible to rely on the Star God body to meet the Chilong Supreme meet force with force, but Mu Qing later digs out a divine ability from the starry sky gate.

The pupil of annihilation!

I saw ka-cha!

All the starry sky pupils blinked, and the starry sky vision shattered.

After the fragmentation, a huge dark eye pupil appeared, with an aura of annihilation, like a black hole condensed!


In an instant, the pupil of Annihilation burst out with a thick beam of light, which is the power of the terrifying black hole, condensed into annihilation energy, running through the Chilong Supreme!

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