“It seems that the powerhouses in the holy world are still in front, or have entered the Sovereign Hall of the Sun.”

Mu Qing whispered.

He came down this way, but met many people from the holy world, but they were basically around the extreme emperor.

For the guys in the holy world, Mu Qing will not show mercy, so he will directly kill them when he encounters them.

Of course, this way down, I encountered the most powerful one, which is the powerhouse of the Holy Realm of the Supreme Emperor.

For the face of the holy world, Mu Qing would go to deal with these guys, otherwise he would not even bother to pay attention to the great emperor he usually meets.

“It’s the end?”

After moving on for a certain distance, Mu Qing suddenly discovered that this blazing road had come to an end.

With the power of the Star God body and the fourth-order destiny form, Mu Qing can easily resist the golden flames emerging from the white road.

“Weird, this golden flame does not seem to be aimed at the cultivation base.”

Mu Qing glanced at the front, there was a silhouette there, obviously only the realm of the lower emperor, but Come here.

“Who are you?”

When the lower emperor saw Mu Qing, his face suddenly changed.

“Mu Qing?!”

Obviously, Mu Qing is still quite famous now, this person looked at Mu Qing and recognized it.

However, before Mu Qing could take action, the aura of the lower emperor was disordered and was directly enveloped by the golden flames.


With a screaming sound, this person was completely burned to death and turned into a pile of ashes.

Mu Qing touched the chin, lost in thought.

“Thunder Punishment said, the Sun Sovereign is upright, and even the Sovereign Temple is not allowed to kill each other. Why is there life danger on the road to the Sun Sovereign Temple?”

Mu Qing Surprised, just to enter the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, I am afraid that a group of people will die.

This is inconsistent with the solar Sovereign set in Thunder Punishment.

“Forget it, leave it alone, first enter the Temple of the Sun Sovereign and talk about it.”

Mu Qing shook the head, throw away the distracting thoughts, and walk the golden vortex in front of you. in.

After a burst of dazzling golden light, Mu Qing saw a familiar place. He suddenly knew that he had entered the Palace of the Sun Sovereign.

Of course, it’s not that Mu Qing has been to the Sun Sovereign Hall, but the structure of the Sun Sovereign Hall is very similar to the Scarlet Sovereign Hall.

Perhaps, these Sovereign halls are all the same!

“There are quite a lot of people…”

Mu Qing restraining aura, looked at all around, and found that there are already thousands of people present here. Of course, this number of people is very important to the sun As far as the Sovereign Hall is concerned, there is nothing difficult at all. The internal space of the entire Sun Sovereign Hall is very huge.

“Monster Realm, Demon Realm, Holy Realm, sure enough, the people of the Three Realms come the most!”

Mu Qing glanced at it and found that most of the people are powerhouses of the Three Realms. Obviously, Monster Realm’s body is full of Monster Qi, and Demon Realm’s is enveloped by demonic energy.

After all, all realms in the universe are now controlled by the Three Realms. The moment the illusory shadow, the passage of the Sun Sovereign Hall, appeared on the sun, there was a powerhouse sent to guard it!

No one can come in at all.

“Brother Mu.”

At this time, a silhouette approached Mu Qing.

Mu Qing turned his head and took a look, a trace of surprise appeared on his face. Didn’t expect it to be Thunder Ape.

“haha, didn’t expect us several wanted criminals, but they have gathered in this Sovereign hall.”

A rough voice came from the other side, and I saw Ou Jia, Sword Demon, and Dao Demon came over.

They are also quite surprised, didn’t expect to be able to meet here.

After that, several people looked at each other and smiled at the same time, because they were able to come in, they all used some means to forcibly break the blockade of the three realms against the illusory shadow of the sun.

After all, the illusory shadow appeared too suddenly on the sun, and the Three Realms couldn’t send a powerful enough Supreme powerhouse to guard it for a while, just some semi-Supreme, extreme great emperors, to Oga, Lei Yuan and the others, there is no difference with the ants.

“The leader of the black world said before that there is Sovereign inheritance in all worlds of the universe, and didn’t expect to appear so soon.”

Oga touched the chin, he was looking at it. all around.

After all, if you can get Sovereign inheritance, when the time comes, it will be cultivated by the leaders of the black world.

“Wait! Those guys!”

“They are the people wanted by our Three Realms, those guys under the Black Realm!”

Suddenly, someone found Mu Qing and several people, and a powerhouse hurriedly surrounded them.

“You dare to come in, okay! Very good!”

An old voice came from the white-haired Netherworld Sovereign demon. He looked towards Mu Qing, said solemnly: “I let you run away before, this time I see where you go!”

Beside, a beautiful image of sexy bearing and charming temperament walks slowly, it is the ink shadow.

She has a frosty face, icily said: “It’s quite courageous, but unfortunately, you are destined to miss Sovereign inheritance. The person competing for Sovereign inheritance will only be the powerhouse of our Three Realms.”

“Success to death!”

Netherworld Sovereign demon loudly shouts, behind the Netherworld road emerges, displaying the peerless divine ability of Monster Race, ten thousand magic spells!

In an instant, the endless demonic beast illusory shadow appeared beside the Netherworld Sovereign demon, and the next moment was all grabbed by his spying hand in his palm.

“Netherworld Celestial Demon palm!”

With a cry from the Netherworld Sovereign demon, the dark hands that covered the sky and the sun moved towards Mu Qing and several people shrouded them.

Oga and the others changed face suddenly and felt the suffocating threat of death.

But soon, their expressions became surprised again.

The corners of Mu Qing’s mouth also lifted slightly, revealing a faint smile.

Looking at the expression of Mu Qing and the others, the Netherworld Sovereign demon was shocked. He didn’t understand why these guys were still laughing when they died. They didn’t even resist, and stood. As if waiting for him to kill him in the same place.

“Netherworld Sovereign! Your avenue!”

Aside, there was also a hint of horror on the cold pretty face of Ink Shadow.

The Netherworld Sovereign demon only noticed something wrong at this time. The Celestial Demon palm he used to display, before hitting Mu Qing and the others, collapsed on its own in midair.

The terrifying demon power collapsed every inch and disappeared.

The Netherworld Sovereign demon suddenly turned his head, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

He found that his nether avenue began to disappear gradually, as if it had been erased by a mighty force.

The Supreme Avenue, which was able to pierce the sky, was erased and disappeared inch by inch, and nothing was left in the end.


“My power!”

The Netherworld Sovereign demon roared, and his old face appeared lose one’s head out of fear.

The breath of realm, from the Supreme Realm, fell to the extreme emperor Peak!

Different from the complete erasure of the Scarlet Sovereign Hall, in the Sun Sovereign Hall, only the part of the power belonging to the Supreme has been erased. Those who perform the trial will perform with the power of the extreme powerhouse. .

“hahaha! old bastard!”

“Look at your bear!”

“If you have the ability, come and kill us!”


Oga and Lei Yuan ridiculed and mocked.

They can also feel their strength gradually disappearing, but they are not panicked.

At this time, everyone has guessed that in this Sovereign hall, one’s own power will be suppressed!

In just a few breaths, thousands of people who entered the Temple of the Sun Sovereign were all suppressed to the extreme realm!

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