
Summon once again has a bright star, punch towards a Monster Race.

However, this time, this Monster Race actually raised his hand to resist the fist of the dazzling star, and revealed the shocking Immortal Qi on his body, condensed into a white air blade, fiercely cut it down!


The arm of the dazzling star broke off!


Mu Qing coughed up blood violently, pulled the distance immediately, and let the dazzling star return to him.

He has a gloomy face, and there is a sound in his throat.

“Celestial Emperor!”

The Celestial Emperor has appeared again!

As soon as this Immortal Qi with a sense of evil appeared, Mu Qing knew the identity of the opponent, who was definitely the Celestial Emperor!


Mu Qing did not keep his hands, the annihilating pupils of the bright star’s eyebrows burst out with a beam of black hole power, smashing the Monster Race corpse in front of him. .

The corpse that had become fragments was burned by the supreme strength of yang, but a broken head was left, shrouded in malicious immortal strength, suspended in front of Mu Qing.

“Quite amazing formidable power, fast too, is the pupil of annihilation? I wrote it down!”

Even if the head is broken, the voice of the Celestial Emperor still passes Came out, and did not seem to be affected in any way.

After that, Immortal Qi dissipated, and the head was not protected by Celestial Emperor Immortal Qi, and was directly burned into nothingness by the supreme strength of yang.

Mu Qing’s face is ugly, this time he still hasn’t been able to find the breath of Celestial Emperor, the other party appears and disappear unpredictably, suspected of possessing the ability to take possession of someone else’s body at any time.

“This guy called Celestial Emperor has some tricks, he is testing your abilities!” White Wolf’s eyes were also very solemn.

Mu Qing nodded, he also knows this point.

“The injury of the shining star…”

Mu Qing once again summon the shining star to check the injury.

The dazzling star is derived from his avenue of stars. The dazzling star is damaged, and his avenue of stars is still damaged.

“Fortunately, it can be recovered.”

Mu Qing relaxed, the bright star is separated from the Sun Sovereign Temple, drawing energy from the universe, and giving the severed right arm to Recovered.

“It should be the ability of the Celestial Emperor. Since he and the calamity have gone together, then it is very likely that he has also learned the secret technique of the Sovereign body.”

“This A weird ability, the Celestial Emperor must have been the body of the Condense Sovereign!”

White Wolf said solemnly, it told Mu Qing that the Celestial Emperor’s ability to appear and disappear unpredictably should belong to the body of the Sovereign ability.

After all, in White Wolf’s perception, Calamity is an extremely casual person, and it is still possible to easily hand over the secret technique of Sovereign’s body to the Celestial Emperor.

In Tianqing Universe, the secret technique of Sovereign’s body is not a bad street, basically only circulated in the city of Sovereign, and rarely passed to the outside world.

The secret technique of Sovereign’s body is basically only in the hands of the dignitaries of Sovereign.

Only disasters, I don’t care about the rules of Sovereign City at all. When I am in a good mood, various secret techniques of Sovereign City can be sent out at will.

“The body of the Celestial Emperor’s Sovereign……”

Mu Qing took a deep breath and felt a burst of pressure.

It’s weird!

It was the same as when facing the Celestial Emperor for the first time, facing the Devouring Avenue.

At this time, the body of Sovereign from the Celestial Emperor condense possesses weird energy and can occupy the body of others, appear and disappear unpredictably.

There is no way to discover the other party’s whereabouts!

“You have to find a way to figure out the opponent’s ability, so that you can find a way to exercise restraint.”

“There must be certain restrictions, otherwise, why doesn’t he directly take possession of your body? “

White Wolf opened the mouth and said.

Mu Qing also understands this. Although the Celestial Emperor’s abilities are weird, there must be some limitations.

At the very least, the opponent cannot take possession of himself and White Wolf. At present, it seems that only those Monster Races are possessed.

“One thing is certain is that the Celestial Emperor is in the Sun Sovereign Temple!”

“Even, it should be in the solar trial!”

White Wolf’s eyes twinkled with different lights, and he knew better about the body of Sovereign. The Celestial Emperor must be here, otherwise it was impossible to interfere here through the body of Sovereign from the outside world.

“Go ahead, if Celestial Emperor is really here, it will appear sooner or later!”

Mu Qing’s face is heavy.

In addition to the Yaoyan Supreme, there is also a Celestial Emperor!

The Demon Flame Supreme is not considered a threat, because the Demon Flame Supreme does not have the body of Sovereign, and the main body will be punished by the Temple of the Sun Sovereign if it shoots.

Mu Qing didn’t care about the remaining six creation Monster Races of Yaoyan Supreme.

The creation Monster Race whose soul consciousness has been erased, its strength plummeted. Even if the Monster Flame Supreme is controlled, it can’t exert much strength. Mu Qing has the confidence to directly kill these creation Monster Race!

But Celestial Emperor is different!

The Celestial Emperor already has the body of the Sovereign, which means that in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, the Celestial Emperor has battle strength!

At the same time, Mu Qing is still thinking about a question now in the heart.

That is, did the disaster follow the Celestial Emperor?

If calamity also comes, then things will be troublesome. After all, calamity is not weaker than Celestial Emperor, and he is still the owner of Innate Perfect level Avenue.

Several days have passed…

Mu Qing has absorbed the supreme strength of yang from the seven sun altars. Within the Star God, three suns were born.

His strength has also improved a bit.

In this period of time, Celestial Emperor never appeared again, as if completely disappeared.

But Mu Qing knew in his heart that the Celestial Emperor must still be in this solar trial space. He had always been on guard and was alert to any Monster Race he saw!

At this time, Mu Qing is heading to the location of the eighth sun altar.

Above the head, the eighth sun seems to be bigger than before, the temperature is terrifying, and even on this golden ladder, there is too Yang Fire!

These are too Yang Fire clusters, Mu Qing personally saw a Monster Race touched, the whole body was burned into nothingness in an instant!

Even Mu Qing who has a Star God body, dare not approach these too Yang Fire!

Whether it is the gentle supreme strength of yang in the sun altar or the violent supreme strength of yang pervading the golden ladder, for Mu Qing, it is the supreme strength of yang, which is the body of Star God nourishment.

But these are too Yang Fire different. Although they are all condensed from supreme strength of yang, they cannot be absorbed by the Star God body. Even Mu Qing will be injured if touched.

However, the Sun Sovereign obviously will not set the trial of nine deaths and still alive. In fact, this cluster is too Yang Fire floating in midair, floating back and forth on the golden stairs.

The speed is very slow, as long as you see it, it’s too late to move slowly and hide!

Not to mention that Mu Qing is different from others, others have to move slowly while contending with the violent supreme strength of yang.

Mu Qing does not have this restriction at all, he can dodge directly, so for Mu Qing, avoiding Yang Fire is very easy.

He and White Wolf are fast, they are like lightning, fleeting, and the eighth sun is right in front of them.

After a while, Mu Qing and White Wolf arrived at the eighth sun altar!

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