“The strength of this guy!”

Mu Qing’s face changed slightly.

The strength of this Netherworld Sovereign demon is almost equal to him!

At this time, two powerful forces swept out of thin air, hitting Mu Qing and Netherworld Sovereign respectively.

The two coughed up blood and went back dozens of steps.

This is the rule of the Sun Sovereign Temple. Once you do something to others, you will be punished by the power of the Sun Sovereign Temple.

Only the body of the Sovereign or these methods like the Monster Race that the Monster Flame Supreme controls the creation of the Monster Race can evade the rules of the Temple of the Sun Sovereign.

Netherworld Sovereign is not afraid at all, and continues to stride forward, his eyes are like two suns, and the dazzling golden light runs through this space!

He didn’t use Monster Race Divine Ability either, because to him now, he is no longer a Monster Race powerhouse.

Monster Qi, who has been cultivating for many years, has been fed by him to supreme strength of yang to cast the body of Sun God.

The current Netherworld Sovereign demon relies entirely on the Sun God body to fight.

With the mentality of going to death, the Sun God body has been moved to an incredible level!

At this time, even if the Netherworld Sovereign monster casts the Monster Race divine ability, it is useless. After all, Monster Qi is gone, so his battle method relies entirely on the power of the Sun God body to fight.

However, the only drawback is that the Netherworld Sovereign demon does not inherit the sun.

There is nothing that can match Divine Ability with the supreme strength of yang, otherwise his strength will be increased several times!

This is the case, the power of the Netherworld Sovereign demon is quite terrifying now.

His speed is amazing, and he rushes to Mu Qing again, his body is shrouded by Yang Fire, just like a sun bathed in flames, War God!

“The pupil of annihilation!”

Mu Qing loudly shouts, the bright star appeared in front of him in an instant, and the pupil of annihilation in the center of his eyebrow burst out with a pitch-black beam.

“It’s useless!”

The Netherworld Sovereign demon loudly roared, the Sun God body broke out, fiercely punched it, and forcibly shattered the black hole beam from the pupil of Annihilation Up!

His speed is extremely fast, he has come to the dazzling star, blasting out hundreds of punches one after another.

The speed of the dazzling star is not bad, and hundreds of punches are also blasted, and at the same time the pupil of annihilation in the center of the eyebrow bursts out a dark beam again.

The Netherworld Sovereign demon held his arms against his chest and forcibly resisted the blow.

But at this time, Mu Qing has appeared behind him, and the illusory Star God body blooms with a dazzling starlight, slamming behind the Netherworld Sovereign demon.

There is a galaxy vision in the palm of your hand, and it is terrifying!


The Netherworld Sovereign demon coughed up blood, was violently knocked out and hit the eighth sun altar.

hong long!

The entire altar collapsed and became a ruin.

The Netherworld Sovereign demon stood up again, his face was gloomy, looking at Mu Qing and the shining star beside Mu Qing.

The current situation is one-on-two. Whether it is Mu Qing’s body or the shining star, both possess good power.

In a one-on-one situation, the Netherworld Sovereign demon even has the confidence to hurt the opponent, but facing these two guys…

He is not an opponent!

Mu Qing also stubbornly resisted the punishment power of the Sun Sovereign Hall at the same time, and he was also secretly surprised.

Mu Qing also clearly felt it when Bright Star fought with the Netherworld Sovereign demon.

In terms of strength, the power of the Netherworld Sovereign demon is stronger than the shining star!

After the confrontation, the Netherworld Sovereign demon seemed to have nothing, but it was a shining star with trembling arms, not the opponent of the Netherworld Sovereign demon.

“It looks like it’s going to be real.”

Mu Qing took a deep breath, and then his face condensed, accompanied by shouted in a low voice, a golden burst from the soles of the feet The air current erupts.

The violent golden arrogance burst out from Mu Qing, a black hair turned into golden, and his eyes turned into silver.

Without the terrifying breath as imagined, Mu Qing’s breath at this moment is completely disappeared!

The fourth-order destiny form!

That’s right!

In the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, the strength was suppressed, but the power of luck was not suppressed!

It is also Mu Qing’s backing!

The advanced Star God body itself is already very terrifying, not to mention that Mu Qing also displayed the fourth-order destiny form on it.

The function of the destiny form is to completely conceal the breath and improve in all aspects at the same time!

The speed of Mu Qing, speed to the pinnacle at this moment, even the Netherworld Sovereign demon can’t catch it!


In the blink of an eye, the Netherworld Sovereign demon felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. I don’t know when, Mu Qing disappeared in place, appeared in front of him, and hit him with a punch Abdomen.

The Netherworld Sovereign demon’s eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to spit out a stream of blood.

Before the Netherworld Sovereign demon could react, Mu Qing blasted thousands of punches in succession. In an instant, the palm of his hand gathered strength, and the 10,000-meter-diameter star fell on the Netherworld Sovereign demon at close range.


The platform of the eighth sun has been on the verge of collapse, and a large area has been destroyed.

Netherworld Sovereign demon battered and exhausted, half kneeling on the ground, panting.

The blood dripped down!

Relying on the powerful Sun God body, the Netherworld Sovereign demon carried Mu Qing’s attack hard, and was not directly killed by a spike, but it has also received more serious injuries.

“That is…the power of luck?!”

White Wolf is also pupil shrink, it showed an incredible look, I thought there would be a fierce battle, didn’t t expect Mu Qing actually still have this hand!

“Is the ability to master Qi Luck a unique ability of this chaotic universe? Or is it only Mu Qing can do it?”

White Wolf whispered.

You must know that even in their Tianqing universe, no one can master the luck.

Qiyun naturally exists, but illusory, who can control it?

Even Sovereign can’t do it!

It can only gather the power of air transport, it is impossible to use the power of air transport to fight like Mu Qing!


“I will never fall here, I have the power of the sun, and the inheritance of the sun will also be mine.”

Netherworld Sovereign gnashing teeth said.

He struggled to stand up, then opened his arms and absorbed the supreme strength of yang all around.

The face of the Netherworld Sovereign demon is a bit hideous, angrily roared: “Monster Race, will definitely rule the universe!”

“And I will definitely stop you here! “

“In this solar trial, I am an invincible existence!”

With the roar of the Netherworld Sovereign demon, he began to absorb all around the supreme strength of yang, and He began to recover from his injuries.

The Sun God body does have a very big advantage in it!

The corner of Mu Qing’s mouth showed a disdainful smile.

“Do you think you are a Sun God body here?”

As soon as these words came out, the Netherworld Sovereign demon was shocked, and there was a bad feeling in my heart.” What do you mean?!”

Mu Qing slowly walked towards the Netherworld Sovereign demon. At the same time, the supreme strength of yang all around was absorbed by Mu Qing’s Star God body.

Although Mu Qing is not a Sun God body, his Star God body is obviously more powerful than Sun God body, more terrifying than Netherworld Sovereign demon, madly devouring all around supreme strength of yang .

Soon, even those supreme strength of yang swallowed by the Netherworld Sovereign demon were swallowed away by Mu Qing’s Star God body.


At the same time, the disciplinary attack of the Sun Sovereign Palace came again, which was caused when Mu Qing attacked the Netherworld Sovereign demon.

But Mu Qing directly ignored it, that disciplinary power attack fell on Mu Qing’s body, not painful or itchy, and had reached the point of complete ignorance!

Because the attack itself is to punish people who have been suppressed to the extreme realm, the power is not powerful.

If Mu Qing is only in the state of Star God, he will naturally be injured.

But now, with the blessing of the Star God body and the fourth-order destiny form, it is already possible to ignore these attacks.

“You damn…”

Mu Qing said indifferently, and immediately appeared behind the Netherworld Sovereign demons before they could react, punched out!


Destruction Strength The cohesive giant dragon roared out of Mu Qing’s arm and directly penetrated the body of the Netherworld Sovereign demon!

Sun God body, in this environment, it is really difficult for Mu Qing to deal with.

Even if Mu Qing goes to snatch those supreme strength of yang, the Netherworld Sovereign demon with supreme strength of yang can still recover quickly, and the body strength is also very amazing.

To kill the Netherworld Sovereign demon, Mu Qing has two plans in mind.

One is purely procrastinating, relying on the powerful endurance of its Star God body and dazzling star, slowly consuming the Netherworld Sovereign demon.

After all, the current Sun God body of the Netherworld Sovereign demon was created by special means, and it will not last long!

The other is to rely on a higher strength than supreme strength of yang to directly kill the Netherworld Sovereign demon!

Mu Qing didn’t want to waste too much time, urged Destruction Strength, with no difficulty, broke the defense of the Sun God body, and penetrated the entire body of the Netherworld Sovereign demon.

At the same time, Destruction Strength spread in the body of the Netherworld Sovereign.

“Bright Star!”

Mu Qing controlled the Destruction Strength and recovered it in time, but failed to completely kill the Netherworld Sovereign demon, and then loudly shouted.

The dazzling star came in front of the Netherworld Sovereign demon, and blasted tens of thousands of punches in an instant, and then the pupil of Annihilation burst out with a black hole beam, completely killing the Netherworld Sovereign demon!

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