The Toad King’s body is mutilated, and there is some kind of existence. The body is stitched up with needles and threads, and the body is filled with strong black power.

“The power of Tier 4!” Mu Qing trembled, he could feel the huge aura of King Toad, no different from its Peak moment.

After the energy burst, the ominous beast’s strength was suppressed. Similar to the third mouse, Tier 4 strength can only exert the power of Rank 2.

But the Toad King in front of him has obviously become a puppet of cursed power, and it is no longer suppressed, and Tier 4 power bursts out directly.

Even if Mu Qing and the others are both breakthroughs, they are definitely not their opponents.

The gap between Martial Master and Martial Artist is very big.


A harsh voice came from the depths of the white fog, and another black shadow appeared.

It was a huge bat, like a corpse, with black patterns all over the body, and it also possessed Tier 4 power.

Mu Qing’s body was shaken, he knew this bat, it was the body of the blood bat!

At this moment, the blood bat body is no longer scarlet, but pitch black.

On top of his head, there is still a person standing in the form of a blood bat!

“gē gē gē, we meet again!”

There is a soft voice, and there is a female voice in the white mist. The voice is penetrating and familiar.

Mu Qing’s pupil shrink, this sound, he couldn’t be more familiar with it!

Jiang Yuanjie is also suck in a breath of cold air.

A black shadow appeared from the white mist, it was a spider, but the upper body was a beautiful woman.

The person who appeared was Spider-woman!

The Toad King and the Blood Bat both uttered wild beast-like roars. Unlike Spider-Woman, they are unaware.

Mu Qing’s face is ugly, he moved towards Spider-woman and looked at him. The opponent’s original strength was suppressed, but now the breath on his body is the fourth-order bloodline.

She turned black with blue silk, and her proud body was covered with black lines, like a armor from the power of a curse.

“Surprised? I don’t need your City Lord Token card now. As long as I have enough curse power, I can go directly to the outside world and conquer the outside world!” Spiderwoman laughed, laughing Very harsh.

Her temperament seems to have changed drastically, but she retains all her memories and spiritual wisdom.

On the contrary, it is the Toad King and the Blood Bat, these two existences that should have died, were eroded by the power of the curse, and became the puppets of the Spider Woman.

The spider woman is in the white mist, her body is hazy, with strands of white mist entwined.

She controlled the Toad King and the Blood Bat, and let the two ominous beasts rush up to kill Mu Qing and the others.

“Humans are useless to me, I can go to the outside world by my own strength!” Spider-woman has an extremely strong hostility.

The King Toad jumped up, but his huge body was in midair like a big bird, and the masses of molten slurry rolled down, and the temperature was terrifying.

The blood bat uttered a harsh scream in its mouth, setting off a large sea of ​​blood. The sea of ​​blood was no longer bloody, but pitch black, like an ink-like sea of ​​blood rushing into the sky.

The gap between the Martial Master Level and the Martial Artist level is too big. Even Heaven’s Chosen can barely compete with the fourth-order Martial Master until the breakthrough to the third-order Martial Artist.

“Go to the museum!”

Shen Yi suddenly yelled.

He saw that in the sky, there was a hot molten slurry falling on the museum side, but the mysterious symbol emerged from the museum at the next moment, annihilating the molten slurry.

Mu Qing and the others means terrifying to the enemy, and quickly moved towards the museum and ran.

Behind the Toad King and the blood bat roared, a sea of ​​blood set off a huge wave, covering it.

Wang Shengji people are also running away, and their direction is also the museum.

“Xuanlingyi!” Wang Sheng shouted.

Xuan Ling touched his bald head, the golden light gleamed on it, and then took out a pearl from the space ring.

He handed the bead to Wang Sheng, and saw a round of sun rise behind Wang Sheng, and continuously sun power poured into it.

This bead suddenly burst into dazzling rays of light, it turned into a round of sun, and the sound of Insect Cry was heard.

This round of sun directly rushed out, bursting instantly, a terrifying wave swept out, the ground shattered one after another, and the sea of ​​blood was also blown out of a gap.

They entered the museum smoothly.

“Not good!”

Jiang Yuanjie yelled, the sight above his head was covered, and the sea of ​​blood was surging.

“You go first!” Mu Qing let out a cry, and he stopped.

Mu Qing took out a piece of transparent crystal. When he was at the research institute in Lin City, he gave the little black fish many precious medicinal herbs and luminous plants, condense a full five transparent crystals.

At this moment, Mu Qing directly took out the killing move, threw the transparent crystal out, and detonated in an instant.


A large expanse of blazing sunlight burst out, more terrifying than Wang Sheng’s sun explosion, and a big crater appeared on the ground.

The sea of ​​blood rolled over, was blown to pieces, turned into a patter of blood, and sprinkled all around.

Mu Qing turned around, only to find that the gate of the museum was closed, and Ling Fei and the others roared outside.

“It’s Wang Sheng and the others! Damn it!” Jiang Yuanjie cursed.

Ling Fei was even more rude to display his whole body strength, hitting the gate of the museum with one punch after another. The golden light appeared at once, but he couldn’t break the gate of the museum.

The gate of the museum seems to have a mysterious invisible force, forming a guardian.

Ling Fei’s mutant blood spirit is a double-headed Golden Lion. Its domineering golden power is completely terrifying even than the cultivated Luohan’s golden body.

His close explosive power even surpasses Ling Han, but he can’t help the museum gate.

“It’s Wang Sheng! They ran into the museum first and closed the door directly!” Shen Yi gritted his teeth.

Not far away, Blood Sea Overflowing Heavens, flooded again, and at the same time, there was a cloud of molten spilt in the sky, like a lance of flame, cutting through the sky.

“Let me try it!” Mu Qing took a deep breath and stepped forward.

He can feel the movement of his eyebrows.

Under everyone’s surprised eyes, the cursing flower on Mu Qing’s eyebrows emerged, and the purple glow flickered.

A strip of black lines appeared on the gate of the museum. It was the power of the curse that guarded the gate. It was originally invisible and colorless, but it appeared under the shining of the purple light of the cursing flower.

The curse flower revolves in midair, and the curse force on the museum gate gushes out, and it is stripped away by a trace, and finally the curse flower is absorbed.

Its tenth petal is also slowly blooming.

The door opened, Mu Qing and the others entered, and the curse flower returned to Mu Qing’s eyebrows again.

And after they entered the museum, the door was automatically closed, and one after another black pattern spread up, turning into the power of the curse of guarding again.

In the distance, after watching everyone enter the museum, the Toad King and the blood bat roar towards the sky, seemingly angry.

On the contrary, it was Spider-woman who was entangled in the white mist, with a charming arc at the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were shining with a strange luster, and she waved her hand, carrying the Toad King and the blood bat disappeared.

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