“Supreme-Yang Essence Fire pith?!”

Mu Qing didn’t change much on the surface, but in fact she was shocked.

Zhou Qing did not elaborate too much on what the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow is, but Mu Qing learned from White Wolf that the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow is a Sovereign sacred relic!

It is the key to Sun Sovereign’s breakthrough to the Sovereign realm!

There are only two of the entire Tianqing universe!

“What’s the matter? Sovereign sacred relic, isn’t it gone after being used?”

“Why is the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire still here?”

Mu Qing has doubts in his mind.

However, he has never seen Sovereign sacred relic after all, he has only heard of it from White Wolf.

Maybe, Sovereign sacred relic can be reused.

In other words, the Sun Sovereign only consumes the power of the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire, and the body still exists.

No matter what, Mu Qing will definitely not let the Celestial Emperor take advantage of this group.

“Where is this?”

Mu Qing asked quickly.

“It should be one of the three forbidden places in Ash World, the Dragon Nest in the center of Ash World!”

Zhiqing immediately recognized the position in the mirror image.

After that, she was a little helpless, saying: “Father once said that as a Sovereign, you must have some dignity, and then they caught many Dragon Races and locked them there, so they became one of the forbidden places. Dragon Nest.”

Zhou Qing led the way, and Mu Qing followed closely, and the two were very fast.

After a while, the two came to the center of the ashes world, which is the so-called dragon’s nest.

It’s just that, the corpses of giant dragons are everywhere here, and blood flows all over the place.

“It seems that the giant dragons in the Dragon Nest were all killed by the Celestial Emperor.” Mu Qing frowned.

The two went deep into the dragon’s nest and saw the double dragon statue, as well as the Celestial Emperor and the others.

“Magic Ancestor, go in the middle position surrounded by the double dragon statue, take down the sun and give it to me.”

“After giving me things, I will give your daughter Let it go.”

Celestial Emperor lightly said with a smile.

The Demon Ancestor did not respond, he condensed all the anger in his body, and at this moment he showed a smile.

Even the Celestial Emperor was shocked by the smile of the devil ancestor.

Too abnormal!

Should the Mozu look at him with hatred?

Why smile at him?

There is something wrong in the Celestial Emperor’s heart.


The demon ancestor’s face is fierce, and the devil bones Heavenly Venerate around him appear in an instant, holding the Bone Blade fiercely and cutting it down!


Mu Qing and Zhouqing just saw it, but saw a shocking scene, which made Mu Qing exclaimed.

The demon ancestor controlled the devil bone Heavenly Venerate, and did not attack the Celestial Emperor, but personally…

Beheaded the ink shadow! !

Blood spurted out frantically and spilled all over the place.

The Celestial Emperor opened his mouth slightly, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

Why? !

The devil ancestor would actually attack his daughter?

The body of Ink Shadow was chopped in half, and the magic bone Heavenly Venerate slashed again to completely kill it!

The Celestial Emperor looked at the demon ancestor in surprise.

The demon ancestor’s expression is very calm, and the devil bone Heavenly Venerate is floating around, as if he has done an insignificant little thing.

“Hehe, is the demon ancestor? Interesting.”

The mysterious woman next to the Celestial Emperor chuckled lightly and made a charming voice.

“You would actually act on your own daughter. It was beyond my expectation, Demon Zu.”

Celestial Emperor looked towards Demon Zu, opened the mouth and said.

He couldn’t read it wrong before. Mozu and Ink Shadow are indeed fathers and daughters, and Mozu is indeed controlled by Ink Shadow, and he is full of killing intents.

“My demon ancestor, will not be controlled by anyone. If there is something that will put me in a passive situation, then destroy that thing.”

Mozu is very calm, his expression does not fluctuate at all.

It seems that it was not his own daughter who killed him just now.

“His! fierce person!”

Mu Qing also saw this scene and had to admire the devil ancestor.

Too ruthless!

In order to protect myself from the Celestial Emperor, I took the initiative to kill my biological daughter!

“Ink shadow… she is just a tool that I can use that’s all. Now that I know what you need, she naturally has no use value.”

Zu indifferently said.

At the same time, he slowly walked forward and stared at the Celestial Emperor.

There is a trace of murderous intention in the eyes!

“Celestial Emperor!”

“Next, it is time for you to fall!”

There was a hoarse voice in the throat of the demon ancestor.

In an instant, the demon ancestor rushed to the Celestial Emperor, and the devil bone Heavenly Venerate was slashed!

Celestial Emperor dodged sideways, and at the same time a dark long sword emerged in his hand, slashing towards the demon ancestor.

“The people over there, leave it to you, Madam Xuan!”

Celestial Emperor loudly shouts.

They naturally also noticed the arrival of Mu Qing and Zhou Qing.

“It’s been a long time since I took action. It’s time to move my muscles and bones.”

The mysterious woman called Mrs. Xuan made a silver bell-like voice. Her voice was full of charm. Will disturb people’s minds.

Mu Qing frowned, the bright star emerges around him, ready to fight at any time.

“Can you stop this woman? I will seize the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow. As long as I can touch the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow, I will have a way to control the entire Sun Sovereign Temple. Several guys killed!”

Zhou Qing hurriedly shouted to Mu Qing.

“Go.” Mu Qing nodded, regardless of the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire essence at this moment, the most important thing is to solve the Celestial Emperor and the others.

Let Tianqing touch the marrow of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire and control the entire Sun Sovereign Temple. This is the best choice right now!

“Little brother, fight with me, don’t be distracted…”

Madam Xuan’s voice came again, and she didn’t know when she would appear next to Mu Qing!


Mu Qing’s chest, there were three deep bone scars, and blood splashed out!

Mu Qing pupil shrink, just the moment he talked with Zhou Qing, Mrs. Xuan hurt him!

“Sure enough, as the Celestial Emperor said, you have an extremely powerful fleshy body. If you were an ordinary person, you would have already become two halves.”

Appeared beside Mu Qing instantly Mrs. Xuan’s body pressed the perfectly curved body against Mu Qing, feeling a burst of softness.

However, Mu Qing had a chill in his heart. He suddenly entered the fourth-order destiny form, shook Madame Xuan away, and at the same time, the shining star punched out!


A silhouette appeared next to Mu Qing, banging against the bright star, and making a slightly harsh sound.

It was a more exposed woman, suspended in midair, her body was even hotter, her exposed skin was branded with densely packed mysterious lines, and her hands were two black claws.

Mu Qing relied on the Star God body and quickly recovered from his injuries.

His face is dignified and looked towards the woman.

The body of Sovereign!

If it hadn’t been for the speed of the dazzling star, it would have resisted this time’s attack, I’m afraid he would have three more claw marks on his body!

“This is the body of the little girl’s Sovereign, named Demoness. Does the little brother like it?”

Madam Xuan gave out an ethereal and charming laugh again.

Mu Qing’s eyes are wary, the speed of this charm Demoness is very fast, if you don’t pay attention, you will be injured!

“But, let’s try it too, the Sun Sutra I just comprehended.”

Mu Qing took a deep breath, and then the Star God body bloomed one after another golden light, hiding the sky and covering the earth rays of light burst.

He leaped into the air and approached Madam Xuan very quickly. His whole body seemed to have turned into the sun, and he raised his hand to Mrs. Xuan.

At the next moment, Mrs. Hyun disappeared in front of her and appeared behind her at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, the attack of Charm Demoness comes one after another.


At this time, a long spear runs through the sky, and the bright star holds the sun long spear to prevent the charm of Demoness.

Mu Qing runs the sun scriptures, his body is like a Golden Crow, and the speed is quite amazing. It shattered the space and hit Madam Xuan’s abdomen with a punch.


Mrs. Xuan was blown out and hit the ground far away.

Then, the dazzling star blasted tens of thousands of punches at the Charm Demoness, and then the pupil of Annihilation burst out a black hole beam, and a hole penetrated its body!

“Damn! It’s been years, someone dared to hurt me!”

Ms. Xuan’s gnashing teeth, her long snow-white legs have been scratched, and there is even one in her abdomen Blood hole!

Although the injury is slowly recovering, she naturally feels very angry.

At the same time, I was quite surprised by the power Mu Qing showed!

“Don’t meet Mu Qing with force with force, you are not good at fighting!” Celestial Emperor shouted from a distance.

Mrs. Xuan naturally knows this. Her charm Demoness is best at her charm ability. At the beginning, Storm Sovereign was hovered between life and death by her, and it was precisely by this point!

“It seems that it is time to find a new tool man, little brother, you are very good.”

Soon, Mrs. Hyun chuckled lightly again, and the charm of Demoness blew With a tone of breath, a black butterfly flaps its wings and flies towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing expression congeals, intending to avoid it, but found that he couldn’t help moving towards the black butterfly to look.

The whole person no longer has any movements, even the bright star disappeared.

“The sun-swallowing snake is controlled by your charm!”

Zhouqing suddenly appeared behind Mrs. Xuan, urging the sun scripture, one finger is as bright as the sun, His shoulders shattered!

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