
The expression of Celestial Emperor showed a trace of confusion.

The storm sickle, which was originally difficult to control, became easy to control at this moment. At the same time, the suppressed power in his body began to gradually recover.

“so that’s how it is, has the regular power of the Sun Sovereign Temple begun to disappear?”

The Celestial Emperor whispered.

He urged energy, the injury on his arm began to recover, and at the same time the terrifying Devouring Power suppressed this Sovereign Holy Artifact forcibly.

Under the circumstance of being suppressed by the Sovereign Temple of the Sun, it was very difficult for the Celestial Emperor to control the Storm Scythe, and his arms were even more bruised by the force of the storm.

But when he returns to the Supreme Ten Heaven, it will be much easier to suppress this storm!

“It runs very fast.”

The Celestial Emperor’s face was gloomy, but he believed that the storm power he had just cut out was enough for Mu Qing to eat a pot.

At the same time, he was even more surprised by the means Mu Qing showed.

The Sun Formation, even the Celestial Emperor, must rely on the power of the Sovereign Holy Artifact to break open.

However, Mu Qing shuttled past in the blink of an eye!

Celestial Emperor coldly snorted, turned around and left the Sun Formation.

At the same time, he was thinking about one thing.

That is, the rules of the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, the power comes from the essence of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire!

As long as the essence of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire is still there, Rule Power will still exist!

But why did it disappear after Mu Qing took away the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire?

“Is it really as he said, the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow was refined?”


Celestial Emperor came to mind A surprising guess was made, but it was quickly denied.

The essence of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire is Sovereign sacred relic, and it is the most precious thing in the universe.

How can it be easily refining?

Maybe Mu Qing just relied on some means to seal the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow.

The Celestial Emperor came outside, but still did not find Mu Qing’s silhouette. It seems that the other party has escaped, and it is even possible to leave the Sun Sovereign Hall!

“The leader of the black world…will it be you? The first generation!”

Celestial Emperor icily said.

He secretly planned something, and he was also clear about Mu Qing’s news.

Mu Qing has joined the black world, and it is rumored that there is not only the existence of Jianxin Supreme in the black world, but also a mysterious leader of the black world, but no one has seen it!

The Celestial Emperor has some speculations about the leader of the black world, that the opponent may be the first generation of Star Supreme!

He is very jealous of this person, because the other person is born with the power to control the luck and is a well-deserved son of luck!

“Celestial Emperor, what’s going on?”

“Supreme-Yang Essence Fire got it?”

At this time, Mrs. Xuan strode forward , Asked.

She also found that her strength began to return, and she also reached the Supreme Ten Heaven!

“Snatched by Mu Qing, it is very likely that the leader of the black world is behind the scenes.”

“First find a way to get the Holy Spirit universe crystal in the hands of evil gods.”

Celestial Emperor indifferently said, there was no disappointment or regret on his face.

Mrs. Xuan was nodded, and did not say much.

The essence of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire is part of their plan, but it is not the key thing. The Holy Spirit universe in the hands of evil gods is the crystallization!

At the beginning, Celestial Emperor reached an agreement with Calamity and asked Calamity to help him obtain the Holy Spirit universe crystal, and then informed the other party of the whereabouts of Mrs. Xuan.

After all, what the disaster hates most is his bewildered father Storm Sovereign and Mrs. Xuan.

However, I am afraid that disasters didn’t expect, Madam Xuan and Celestial Emperor are in one group!

The Celestial Emperor naturally has the ability to figure out a way to get the crystallization of the universe, and it needs the help of disaster.

Furthermore, Celestial Emperor’s avenue of devouring has also been tempered by the body of Sovereign, and has reached the perfect level avenue of the day after tomorrow!

This is why he can swallow the power of disaster!

“Supreme Nine Layers Heaven?”

At this time, Celestial Emperor looked towards Tianqing, but found that Tianqing only has Supreme Nine Layers Heaven.

Actually, Celestial Emperor did not know the identity of Xiuqing, and even though Mrs. Xuan had heard that Taiyang Sovereign had a daughter, she had never seen Xiuqing himself.

Originally, they all thought that Zhou Qing’s original strength was also Supreme Ten Heaven, but now, they only saw Supreme Nine Layers Heaven.

The cold glow flashed in the eyes of the Celestial Emperor, and the storm sickle in his hand waved, slashing towards the day!

The current Celestial Emperor, but the strength of the Supreme Ten Heaven!

With the Sovereign sacred relic storm sickle in your hand, the power that erupted is terrifying to the extreme, and even the entire ashes world is trembling!

hong long!

The terrifying storm power raged around, directly enclosing all the retreats of Tianqing!

Zhou Qing’s face looked desperate. She knew that she was the opponent of Celestial Emperor and Madam Xuan by herself.

Not to mention that Celestial Emperor still has a storm sickle in his hand!

It’s just that, at this time of life and death, Zhou Qing still hates Mu Qing very much, and that guy actually left her and fled!

“ao wu!”

Suddenly, a round of sun rose up in the ashes world, and the rays of light were so dazzling and hot that the entire ashes world was burning. !

next moment, the sun turns into a white giant wolf, majestic and majestic, coming from the sky, with endless supreme strength of yang in the mouth, bursting out a sun beam, strikes above the storm!

At the same time, on the other side, the sword light suddenly appeared, and the endless sword qi Wang Yang lifted up in an instant, an old man came from the sky with a faint smile, and between his fingers, the nine handles behind him carried through Heaven and Earth. The Divine Sword emerges.

“Nine Heavens Divine Sword!!!”

The old man lightly shouted, his sword pointed at the Celestial Emperor. At the same time, the nine Divine Swords turned into streamers, tearing the space apart , Set off countless sword lights, moved towards Celestial Emperor strangling away!

White Wolf and Kenshin Supreme!

At the critical moment, these two broke away from the insight of the Sun Sutra, and immediately felt the battlefield!

Of course, the main reason for this is that Mu Qing used the Star God body to completely refining the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire.

The power of the sun altar with the Sun Sutra is also the essence of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire.

So, after Mu Qing thoroughly refining Supreme-Yang Essence Fire, White Wolf and Jianxin Supreme were forced to wake up from their sentiments.

However, this is the case, their harvest is quite rich, and their strength has risen!

White Wolf itself is the body of the Sun God. It is most concerned about the Great Sun Saint Physique in the Sun Sutra. It has the charm of Great Sun Saint Physique.


The two Divine Ability attacked and collided with the power of the storm. An astonishing energy storm was set off in an instant. A dazzling light wave exploded and the air wave vented all around. !


Although Zhouqing has the strength of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, the gap with Supreme’s tenth heaven is still quite large. It was immediately affected, coughing up blood and flying upside down. go with.

Fortunately, with White Wolf and Kenshin Supreme, she was finally rescued!

“Jianshin Supreme!”

“I heard that you have joined the black world?”

“I would like to know, what is your leader of the black world? Who…”

When the Celestial Emperor saw it, he didn’t get annoyed. Instead, he slightly raised the corner of the mouth and looked at Jianxin Supreme with a smile.

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