“What’s going on? What happened to the Sun Sovereign Temple?”

At the same time, the demon Supreme, the evil gods and the others who are located somewhere have their faces A slight change.

They also realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately looked for the exit, which is the illusory shadow of the sun when they came in, got in and left the Sovereign Temple of the Sun!

Soon after a while, the illusory shadow on the sun also shattered.

The temple of the Sun Sovereign began to gradually turn into darkness, and all the power was disappearing!

The original Supreme battle stopped for a moment, and each fled here.

None of the powerhouses present are stupid. They know the seriousness of the collapse of the Sun Sovereign Palace!

In all sectors of the universe, Jianxin Supreme and the others appear in different places.

“It seems that the power of the Sovereign Hall of the Sun has collapsed, causing the transmission power to be affected.”

Jianxin Supreme looked at all around and found that there was no one else. His silhouette suddenly understood what was going on.

“Where did Mu Qing go?”

Jianxin Supreme frowns, when he fought Celestial Emperor earlier, he didn’t find Mu Qing’s silhouette.

“No matter what happens in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, we still have to report to the leaders of the black world. I don’t know if Oga and the others managed to escape.”

Jianxin Supreme touched the chin whispered.

Immediately, he turned into a sword light and moved towards the distant starry sky to escape.

Some things in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign are of great importance, including the mighty Celestial Emperor and the others, which are likely to be potential enemies.

The most important thing is that Kenshin Supreme learned the method of breakthrough Sovereign in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign!

That is the body of Sovereign!

Later, when the two rushed to stop the Celestial Emperor from taking action, White Wolf also informed him in detail about the Sovereign body.

At the same time…

Star void world.

Mu Qing appeared from the starry sky gate and took a deep breath.

hong long!

As soon as he appeared, a powerful breath surged, and the Star God body urged to the extreme, and the dazzling starlight bloomed.

Endless divine glow, dazzling glow, hiding the sky and covering the earth!

Mu Qing sits in the starry sky, the light is the escaping power, all transformed into the sky full of stars, making the surrounding hundreds thousand li into a Divine Kingdom.

The dazzling star walked out of the starry sky gate, and then transformed into a starry sky avenue!


Mu Qing glows all over, ten thousand zhang starlight emerges between raising hands and feet, like an ancient giant, eyes open and closed, like splitting heaven and earth apart The divine light pierced out, and he rose into the sky, breaking the sky with his strength, punching towards the shackles on the Avenue of Stars!


The Avenue of Stars trembled lightly, and the shackles on it instantly shattered and turned into powder and disappeared.

The starlight hiding the sky and covering the earth swept across the ocean.

Mu Qing successfully breakthrough to Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer!

And his own battle strength has reached Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer, even Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer!

Especially this time I completely swallowed the refining of the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow with the Star God body. You must know that it is the Sovereign sacred relic, even if only a small amount of power remains, it can still maintain the entire Sun Sovereign Temple. The rules work!

This kind of power was swallowed by Mu Qing in one breath, even if most of the power was consumed by the Star God body and used for advanced transformation, the remaining energy still let Mu Qing directly break through .

Even all the way, Mu Qing’s realm at the moment arrived at the Peak of Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer!


In an instant, all the stars converged.

Mu Qing let out a long breath, feeling the stronger power in the body.

“It is indeed a Sovereign sacred relic. If the power of a small part of the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire can really be swallowed, my realm may directly soar to Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer or even Nine Layers. Heaven!”

Mu Qing sighed for a while. He could clearly feel how strong the energy in Supreme-Yang Essence Fire is, and the quality is so high that it is unimaginable.

He guessed that perhaps the power of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire is pure Sovereign power!

“Now, even Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer, I am afraid I will be beaten to death by a punch?”

Mu Qing squeezed his fists, quite confident.

With his own ability, he can’t swallow the power of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire at all, let alone refining and breakthrough.

White Wolf said long ago that the requirements of Sovereign sacred relic are quite clear.

Perfect level avenue, Supreme realm!

This is a hard requirement and cannot be changed!

But it does not mean that to meet these two requirements, you can refining Sovereign sacred relic.

These two requirements are to ensure that one’s own avenue and body will not be forcibly burst by the power of that pure Sovereign.

After meeting these two requirements, you also need to look at the conditions of the Sovereign sacred relic itself.

The essence of Supreme-Yang Essence Fire is the Sun God body.

Tianqing Universe, another Sovereign, the Sovereign sacred relic obtained by Tianba Sovereign that year, the additional condition should be to require users to reach the limit.

Mu Qing at best relies on the acquired Perfect Level Avenue to meet one of the requirements, but the other two conditions are not met.

Relying entirely on the dominance of the Star God body, it forcibly swallowed the power of refining the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire!

“Now I have completely reached the late stage of the Star God body, but it seems to be a little bit short of the real Perfection.”

Mu Qing carefully sensed his body, Star God The body was ready to stare at any time, but he knew from the bottom of his heart that he was still a little short of Perfection.

“Where is the difference?”

Mu Qing was a little confused, swallowing the remaining power of the Supreme-Yang Essence Fire marrow, couldn’t he push the Star God body to Perfection? ?

What makes Mu Qing even more surprised is that the current Star God body gives Mu Qing the power to fight Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer.

That also means that even a Perfection-level Star God body does not possess the power of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer.

This makes Mu Qing feel weird.

It’s a bit weak!

From the moment he first came into contact with the Star God body, he realized the horror and vastness of the Star God body, as deep as the Universe Starry Sky and hard to touch.

Does it really only reach the level of Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer battle strength?

Mu Qing frowns, but there is no clue.


Suddenly, a white light burst out from the center of Mu Qing’s eyebrows. It was a fragment of White Wolf soul full of divinity, like the sun.

At this moment, this part of the soul fragment from White Wolf seems to have spiritual wisdom. I looked at all around and then looked towards Mu Qing.

“Fortunately, you are still alive.”

White Wolf relaxed.

When it was in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, it did not find Mu Qing’s silhouette, and thought that Mu Qing was killed by the Celestial Emperor.

If Mu Qing really died, then this part of its soul may be controlled by the Celestial Emperor, even threatening itself!

Fortunately, this part of the soul is still in Mu Qing’s hands.

“I have done what I promised you, and that part of my soul should be returned to me.”

White Wolf opened the mouth and said at this time, it Staring at Mu Qing,

Mu Qing nodded, he will naturally not break his promise in such a place.

The strength of White Wolf is also quite terrifying. It comes from the Tianqing Universe. It is the Supreme Ten Heaven and possesses the acquired Perfect Level Avenue. There are only benefits to it, but no harm.

“Finally, the Temple of the Sun Sovereign collapsed. We were all teleported to different places. According to what I learned from an indigenous person, my location was the Blue Moon Realm.”

White Wolf opened the mouth and said.

“From your soul fragments, I can perceive your approximate location, wait there, I will come over immediately.”

Mu Qing grabbed White Wolf’s soul fragments , And then the starry sky door appeared in front of him, and he strode into it.

The starry sky gate bloomed with mysterious brilliance, and the distortion disappeared.

Next moment, Mu Qing came to another starry sky, and there was a special blue moon star not far away.

Blue Moon World!

Today’s starry sky gate already possesses the special ability of the world snake, shuttle everything!

Even the Formation containing the power of Sovereign can be easily passed through!

Aware of the terrifying ability of this ability, Mu Qing could not help but think of the destruction of the ancient Divine Beast Race. That mysterious Sovereign destroyed the overlord of the Tianqing universe at the beginning of its birth, the ancient Divine Beast Race. That strength should be How powerful is it?

“So fast?”

In a dark green planet, in a mountain range, White Wolf looked up towards the distant silhouette.

The silhouette over there is Mu Qing!

White Wolf was slightly surprised at the bottom of his heart. Normal Supreme, the speed is also impossible so fast, after all, he crosses the boundary and needs to cross the boundary wall.

What it doesn’t know is that Mu Qing directly passed through the starry sky gate, shuttled over with the special ability of the world snake, without passing through the boundary wall at all!

Mu Qing looked around. There are some natives here, but the creatures on this planet are still very weak. There is not even a city, only scattered villages. Stone Age.

He immediately found White Wolf in the mountain range, and a dodge appeared beside it.

“Here you are.” Mu Qing returned the soul fragment to White Wolf.

Afterwards, Mu Qing’s face was slightly solemn, and he asked: “After I left, did you fight the Celestial Emperor?”

At the last moment, he left the sun directly through the starry sky gate Sovereign is here, very decisive.

After all, Mu Qing knows very well that once there is no Rule suppression in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, then his battle with the Celestial Emperor will undoubtedly die!

White Wolf and Jianxin Supreme both have Supreme Tenth Heaven realm, and Mu Qing is not worried about their situation.

As for Na Zhouqing, she is not familiar with Mu Qing after all, life and death have nothing to do with Mu Qing.

White Wolf swallowed that part of the soul fragment in one gulp. After hearing Mu Qing’s question, grave expression, nodded, also appeared in his eyes.

“Yes, Kenshin Supreme and I fought the Celestial Emperor, but the strength of the opponent is far beyond our expectations.”

“It is certain that, Even if the Celestial Emperor doesn’t have the Sovereign Holy Artifact storm sickle, the two of us are probably not rivals together.”

White Wolf’s expressions showed a trace of fear.

It comes from the Tianqing universe, born with a Sun God body, and masters the body of Sovereign. I thought that the chaotic universe on Mu Qing didn’t have any powerhouse. Who knew that a Celestial Emperor came out? To be stronger!

“The Celestial Emperor is so strong?”

A look of shock also appeared on Mu Qing’s face.

Unimaginable, originally the Celestial Emperor of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, now it is even stronger than White Wolf and Kenshin Supreme combined!

Mu Qing would not be so shocked if it was only slightly stronger than either of them.

On the contrary, White Wolf made it clear that, together with Jianxin Supreme, it is not an opponent of Celestial Emperor!

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