“We were cultivated by the Supreme powerhouse. I don’t know how many years of cultivation, and we have entered the multiverse for training. But this guy just entered the Temple of the Sun and he was able to It’s comparable to us!”

The gnashing teeth of Xuanyin Demon Ancestor, his eyes flickered with cold light.

He is jealous!

At this time, both of them felt a little regretful. They had known that the opportunities in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign were so rich, and they said they would not give up this opportunity and took this task.

“What if I get the chance?”

“He estimated that the strength of Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer is the same as ours, but don’t forget, they don’t have much. People.”

Ziqing Monster King is also jealous at the bottom of his heart. Why is it that he has worked so hard to cultivation for so many years, as a Supreme Old Antique, but was so easily overtaken by Mu Qing?

The corners of his mouth were wide open, showing a grinning grin.

“Destroying a Supreme Heaven’s Chosen makes people feel more comfortable!”

They took a look, and there was no reinforcement from the black world, except for the Chaos King who was fighting with the Holy Three. Mu Qing and Xinrui are left in front of them.

Just two people, how do you fight these ten Supreme powerhouses?

Suddenly, ten Supremes surrounded Mu Qing and Xinrui, glare like a tiger watching his prey, a grin appeared on their faces.

“Starry Sky Supreme, Mu Qing!”

“Paragon Samsara, Xinrui!”

The Purple Monster King drank low and said Mu Qing and The names of the two Xinrui.

On the side, Xuanyin Demon Ancestor grinned and said: “The junior, after all, the junior, with a little chance and strength, it is easy to swell. Since you are going to die, then we won’t show mercy. “

“Today, even if the powerhouse of the black world comes, it can’t save you!”

After saying that, he and the Ziqing Monster King moved towards Mu Qing and rushed away.

They believe that Mu Qing can’t resist the cooperation of their two Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer powerhouses.

At the same time, there are several Supreme sweeps in the distance. Five powerhouses of Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer are also displaying various divine abilities, strikes Mu Qing.

Only then Ziqing Monster King and Xuanyin Mozu sound transmission passed to them, so they should not come forward easily, because Mu Qing’s strength is suspected of Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer!

Even if you are a newcomer to the powerhouse of Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer, these Supreme 3 Heavenly Layers can’t be dealt with. After all, it is two realm short of the realm, so I choose to assist in the distance.

The remaining three people are two Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer and one Supreme 2nd Layer powerhouse.

And their goal is Xinrui!

“Paragon Samsara, the name is very loud, but doesn’t it look great?”

Led by the powerhouse of Supreme 2nd Layer, looking at Xinrui, his face is full of The color of disdain.

Xin Rui smiled and touched his nose, secretly said in one’s heart, he seemed to be looked down upon.

Soon, his face straightened, and a terrifying aura suddenly poured out of his body!

The Supreme 2nd Layer is also pupil shrink, and the face is shocked.

I thought Xinrui was just an ordinary Supreme 2nd Layer, but from the aura, it was completely the powerhouse of Supreme 2nd Layer Peak.

Xinrui puts away his expression, his face is indifferent, the Reincarnation Disk turns behind, and the strange and mysterious Samsara Power fills up.

The terrifying suffocation envelops the Supreme 2nd Layer and the two Supreme 1 Heavenly Layers.

Mu Qing also handed over with Ziqing Monster King, Xuanyin Demon Ancestor and the others, but they did not immediately reveal their full strength.

As for Xinrui, he is completely relieved!

You know, Xinrui has the talent of Innate Level perfect road!

In the end, the universe instinctively took action and ruined Xinrui’s Innate perfect avenue, but the remaining Great Dao of Reincarnation still had the strength to increase by 90%.

Not to mention, the weirdness of Great Dao of Reincarnation didn’t expect even the cosmic instinct.

Perhaps the instinctive consciousness of the universe hasn’t fully grown up, and he left after roughly ruining Xinrui’s future.

But I don’t know that Xinrui’s Great Dao of Reincarnation stood up after being broken. With the improvement of Great Dao of Reincarnation, the essence of the avenue will gradually be restored and return to the Innate Level perfect avenue!

Although it is still far away from that time, Mu Qing has already felt that Xinrui’s Supreme Avenue is no longer a 90% increase.

It is the perfect road after Heaven Grade!

It’s just that Mu Qing did not break.

At this moment, Xinrui faced the siege of three Supremes, and a strong killing intent appeared in his eyes, followed by loudly shouts.

“Reincarnation illusion!”

The Reincarnation Disk spins quickly, and the weird Samsara Power envelops the three in an instant.

The powerhouse of the Supreme 2nd Layer is not bad, the Heavenspan behind it, resisting Samsara Power.

But the two Supreme 1 Heavenly Layers around me suffered, and they were hit instantly.

“What’s going on?”

Supreme 2nd Layer’s powerhouse looked at the two people around him in horror.

The appearance of these two people ages at an astonishing speed, turns into a dead bone, turns into powder, and then becomes an embryo, re-growth rapidly, from toddlers, children, teenagers, youth, middle-aged, Fast through in old age.

Constantly birth, aging, sickness and death!

Continuously reincarnation!

Xinrui strode into the air, raised his hand, expression indifferent.

“Reincarnation means.”

Samsara Power gathered into a fingerprint and easily pressed to death a powerhouse of Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer. The body exploded, and the Supreme Avenue behind it burst.

In an instant, foul wind and bloody rain, various visions emerged in an endless stream, and there was a faint grief in the universe.

Supreme has fallen!

Even the weak Supreme of Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer, after being killed, still caused some anomalies.

Afterwards, Xinrui looked towards the other side, and the reincarnation finger was displayed again, and the opponent’s body and Supreme Avenue were crushed fiercely by the huge fingerprint fiercely!

After solving the two casually, he looked towards the powerhouse of Supreme 2nd Layer again.

The illusion of reincarnation is the Divine Ability created by Xinrui.

The main function of this illusion is to weaken the opponent’s strength. When experiencing the birth, aging, sickness and death of reincarnation again and again, the Supreme Avenue of the two Supreme 1 Heavenly Layers has become more and more. fragile.

Although the powerhouse of the Supreme 2nd Layer in front of him can resist the illusion of reincarnation, Xinrui is not worried because his strength has not been fully displayed.

With the power of his current post-Heaven Grade perfect avenue, he of Supreme 2nd Layer is fully qualified to fight Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer!

At the same time, the fight on the other side.

Mu Qing was enveloped by a black hole, swallowing everything.

Various divine ability strikes beside him suddenly disappeared, but they were all swallowed by the power of the black hole.

Since the body of Sovereign merged with the body of Star God, Mu Qing’s eyes have transformed into pupils of annihilation, possessing the power of a black hole!

Everything is not invading!

Eat everything!

The terrifying degree of the power of the black hole is no weaker than that of the Celestial Emperor’s phagocytic avenue.

However, the greater effect of the Celestial Emperor’s swallowing avenue is that all the energy swallowed can be used by itself, which is incomparable to the power of a black hole.

Of course, the power of the black hole is not limited to defense!

Mu Qing glanced at the Purple Monster King and Xuanyin Demon Ancestor who were entangled with him, secretly said in one’s heart.

“Let’s solve the battle as soon as possible!”

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