“Are you…the leader of the black world?”

Mu Qing looked at the man in front of him in surprise.

The man in front of him is thin, smiling, wearing a white robe and long white hair.

But I have no idea that he can control the space of Qi Luck and directly pull Mu Qing’s consciousness in. It is certain that this person is the leader of the black world!

Just didn’t expect, the leader of the black world will show up at this time and deliberately pull him to the space of luck, without knowing what it is.

With doubts, Mu Qing looked towards the leader of the black world in front of him, that is, the first generation star Supreme.

“You can call me fate.”

The leader of the black world lightly said with a smile.

After that, his eyes fell on Mu Qing, and a trace of grave expression appeared in his eyes.

“It seems that the person really was you at the beginning.”

These words made Mu Qing feel confused, really it was me?

What do you mean?

Mingxuan explained with a smile: “Some time ago, didn’t you just follow a big snake and shuttle the power of rules to come to the river of time?”

“The river of time?”

Mu Qing eyes slightly shrink, he immediately recalled that before the world snake took him through layers of space, he did see a mysterious man sitting at the end of the long river.

Is that man just fate? The leader of the black world?

Mingxuan nodded, “Yes, that person is me, but I did not expect that you can reach there. That long river is a long river of time, not even the powerhouse of Sovereign realm. I will be able to find it.”

Mu Qing’s heart was shaken.

Sovereign powerhouse may not be able to enter?

“What about you?”

Mu Qing looked towards the leader of the black world in front of him.

Bitterly laughed and said: “I am the first Star Supreme, and the first person murdered in the Celestial Emperor plan.”

“It’s just that Celestial Emperor didn’t at all. ‘t expect, I was born with a physique with the power of affinity and luck, and even at the moment of being killed, I concealed it from the sky with the power of luck and escaped into the long river of time.”

命烜 said with a smile, but sighed soon.

“Although I managed to escape from the Celestial Emperor, I was also trapped in the long river of time. At first I could only watch, but later I was able to do something about the outside world through the long river of time. After the intervention, I even passed the secret technique of cultivation luck to the later Supreme Supremes.”

Mu Qing hearing this, my heart moved.

I immediately asked, “Which generations did you tell the Celestial Emperor’s secret to later?”

Xingkong Supreme, to Mu Qing, there are a total of nine generations.

Mu Qing thought that it was the previous generations of Star Supreme who discovered the secret of Celestial Emperor, and then began to study the method of getting out.

But it seems that it is not the case now.

Mingxuan nodded, confessed: “Although I am trapped in the long river of time, this long river of time contains a profound mystery of time and space. I can barely interfere with the outside world through the long river of time.”


“The later generations of Star Supreme were able to discover the secrets of Celestial Emperor. It was me who helped secretly, including the cultivation method of the power of luck.”

Then he looked towards Mu Qing, his eyes flickered, and said: “The ninth generation of you is the most special. As my strength continues to increase, I can see more things through time.”

” Your ability to cultivation the power of air luck to Tier 4 has greatly exceeded my expectations!”

“I came to you to pass on your real air luck secret technique, and the condition is, You need to further cultivation, reach the fifth-order destiny form, cooperate with me and the entire black world, and pull me out of the long river of time!” A white light penetrated into Mu Qing’s mind.

Mu Qing was slightly stunned, he was digesting the scripture in his mind.

Destiny Sutra!

This is a complete cultivation method created by Mingxuan. Moreover, Mingxuan has been trapped in the long river of time for so many years. With the help of the miracle of the long river, he incorporated some Time and Space Strength into the destiny sutra. .

It is no exaggeration to say that although it is still the Supreme Tenth Heaven, the Destiny Sutra created by Mingxuan is no worse than the Solar Sutra of the Sun Sovereign!

At the same time, Mu Qing’s body reappears changed, the starry sky book burst out, and a suction swept out, absorbing the entire destiny scripture, and then branded it on the fourth page.

“Remember, the destiny form of cultivation to Fifth Rank is the Perfection level of the destiny form. After reaching that level, you have the qualifications to master the power for a long time.”

“At that time, you and I should be inside and outside, and with the help of the entire black world, you can help me get out of trouble!”

“Our enemies are all Celestial Emperor…”

As soon as the words were finished, Mingxuan turned into a white mist and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing’s consciousness also retreated from the Qi Luck Space.

The Destiny Sutra is a powerful verse of the force of cultivation and luck, which is comparable to the verse created by Sovereign.

But even so, it can only be the power of Initial Mastery for a long time.

This is still thanks to Mingxuan’s perception of being trapped for so many years!

Just controlling some power, but there is no way to help him out of the long river of time, so he tried to pass on the Mandate of Heaven to Mu Qing.

As long as Mu Qing reaches the final First Rank in the form of destiny and grasps the power of the long river, he can unite inside and outside and save Mingxuan!

“Next, let’s look at Mu Qing’s…”

In the endless darkness, a long silver river flows, mysterious and weird, I don’t know where it came from, I don’t know where to go… …

At the end of the long river of time, Mingxuan sat cross-legged, letting the wave of time beat.

He was surrounded by the power of luck, with white hair, and a glimmer of expectation in his eyes!

Being trapped in the river of time for so many years, although it is a great opportunity, after all, I can look directly at the river of time and study the profound mystery of time and space, but Mingxuan wants to leave here even more.

Originally, Mingxuan planned to wait until the time was right to teach the Destiny Sutra to the people in the black world. Once someone cultivation to the Fifth Rank Destiny form, there is hope of getting out of trouble!

However, since Mu Qing and a big snake appeared here for a while, Mingxuan changed his mind and gave his hope to Mu Qing.

After all, being able to come to the long river of time, that means that Mu Qing or the big snake possesses a certain degree of space-time power.

With the help of this power, the chances of getting out of trouble can be much greater.

“Unfortunately, after only a few words, my strength was exhausted.” Mingxuan sighed.

He passed part of his consciousness and taught it to Mu Qing Destiny Sutra, and he prepared for a full six months!

And six months of preparation, a few words of time ran out.

He has been trapped for a long time, and he wants to intervene in the outside world. He needs a lot of power!

“I can only hope that Mu Qing will not let me down…”

Star void world, above the moon.

In the land of cultivation.

Mu Qing carefully looked at the Destiny Sutra on the Starry Sky Book, touched the chin.

He originally had the cultivation secret technique of the force of air transport, but this destiny scripture is far more profound than the secret technique of air transport.

“Since Saint Physique’s cultivation in the universe has no signs of cultivation, it is better to cultivation this Destiny Sutra first.”

Mu Qing started the cultivation of Destiny Sutra when he thought of this.

This is a secret technique that is not weaker than the Sun Sutra, and Mu Qing itself has the power of luck, and the cultivation is much easier than imagined.

3 months later, a mysterious force spread from the moon and swept all around.

Land of cultivation on the moon.

Mu Qing picked up a seed freely.

This is a seed called the Red Flame Dragon Soul Flower, which is regarded as heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Of course, to Mu Qing this level, it doesn’t look good at all.

In an instant, it entered the fourth-order destiny form, Mu Qing’s eyes became silver, and his eyes fell on the seed in his palm.

A mysterious power shrouded, and then, the seeds grew, germinated, grew, and matured at a speed visible to naked eye.

In just a moment, a red Flame Dragon soul flower appeared in front of Mu Qing.

“The power of the long river of time? It really is mysterious enough.”

Mu Qing touched the chin.

In the past three months, he successfully cultivation the entry of Destiny Sutra. Although he still has not advanced the fourth-order Destiny Form to Fifth Rank Perfection, it is surprising that he can actually display the Destiny Sutra. , The power of those long rivers!

This surprised Mu Qing greatly.

“Is it because of the power that the world snake gives me?”

Mu Qing has a little speculation in his heart. Maybe the power given to him by the world snake fits with the long river of time, so it can go smoothly. Exercising these powers.

According to the description in the Destiny Sutra, one must reach the fifth-order destiny form before it can activate the power of the long river.

And Mu Qing is still in the fourth-order destiny form, but he can barely push it!

However, at this level, it is not realistic to help Mingxuan get out of trouble, and Mu Qing still needs to reach the fifth-order destiny form.

“Perhaps it is useful in fighting, right?”

Mu Qing touched the chin.

Immediately afterwards, he threw the red Flame Dragon soul flower in front of him into the Scarlet Sovereign Hall, then opened the starry sky door and left the star void world.

Because he suddenly thought of something.

Originally promised the ancient Divine Beast Race thing!

Mu Qing almost forgot. When the world snake took him through time and space, he went to a place and saw the dying but not completely dead calamity.

As a result, after Mu Qing came out of the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, the cultivation was too devoted, and nine months passed at once.

Mu Qing can only hope that the disaster will not die now.

In the blink of an eye, Mu Qing who walked out of the starry sky gate came to the Blue Moon Realm. He entered a remote galaxy and came to an unmanned planet.

He remembered that when the world snake took him around, the disaster was here, almost in a state of dying.

Mu Qing came to the ground, this planet is a desert, there are no plants, let alone creatures.


In the extreme distance, a silhouette sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his horrible gaze, looking towards Mu Qing.

In an instant, countless disasters shrouded in countless disasters, thunder, lava, flames, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., one after another.

However, Mu Qing is slightly smiled, turning into a starry sky, and will not invade!

“courting death!”

That silhouette furiously shouted in the distance, coming out from the sky, the power of countless disasters gathered on the fist, moved towards Mu Qing blasted.

“Although he has recovered a bit of strength, it seems that he can’t even display his divine ability.”

Mu Qing squinted his eyes. If it was the disaster in the heyday, he It must be as far as possible.

But the current disaster is still in a state of dying, strong in appearance but weak in reality!

But after all, the opponent is disaster, Mu Qing didn’t dare to be careless, and instantly entered the fourth-order destiny form, and displayed the destiny sutra and the sun sutra at the same time.

Behind the long river of time, an illusory shadow has emerged. Although it is quite vague, there is an aura that prevails over all living beings!

He turned into a Golden Crow, hovering in the mountains and rivers of time, and instantly transformed into a starry sky, the hand of the huge starry sky moved towards the disaster shrouded.

In the starry sky, the bright sun emerges, and the densely packed sun rune hiding the sky and covering the earth, swept away.

“What?! The Sun Sutra?!”

The catastrophic vision was about to split, and he found that Mu Qing had used the means of the Sun Sovereign, and there was even an unknown power, Not weaker than the Sun Sutra!

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