“Man Chen!”

Feng Yuan was loudly roared, he absolutely didn’t expect, Man Chen couldn’t even drag, and was even killed. .

They are unbelievable, they know the strength of Man Chen, and they are so terrifying with brute force that they can fight the sky with their strength.

As a descendant of Tianba Sovereign, the cultivation part of Manchen is wild. You must know that their lineage Supreme is not very good, but fleshy body terrifying matchless is the most terrifying body practice in Tianqing universe.

This kind of existence, not to mention the combat capability, the survivability alone is very powerful, at least much better than the direct descendants of their two Storm Sovereign.

Now, they are shocked to discover that someone in the Chaos Universe can kill Man Chen.

Even if Man Chen said that the natives of the Chaos Universe possess the Sun Sutra, but what about it?

They are the direct descendants of Sovereign. The scriptures created by cultivation Sovereign are not known for many years, and they are not comparable to the natives of a chaotic universe.

However, reality slapped them fiercely twice in the face!

Mu Qing almost killed Man Chen in a crushing posture.

“fuck off!”

Fengzitian used the storm scriptures, and countless storms condensed to form a Divine Bird, and the violent gale hit the Chaos King.

The King of Chaos one hand shrouding the heavens, Chaos Energy spreads Heaven and Earth, and the god-like body steps on shatter void.

However, after Feng Zitian’s power displayed the storm warp, it was still above him, defeating Chaos Energy and blasting the King of Chaos into flight.

Fengzitian’s next moment flashed and appeared in front of Mu Qing, the storm gathered in his hand, forming a sickle.

Although it is not a Sovereign Holy Artifact, it is obvious that this is a Divine Ability within the storm, and the breath is very terrifying.

Mu Qing’s eyes flicker with cold light, the Sun Sutra and the Destiny Sutra are energized to the extreme, becoming the universe, with the sun and the long river of time appearing.

“That’s it?!”

Fuzitian eyes shrank, before he could react, the vast starry sky turned into the palm of his hand, condense his storm power The sickle was crushed, and then a destructive force surged.

He hurriedly used his power shield, and a layer of seemingly weak wind surrounded his body, which was actually able to withstand the power of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer.

However, the black red Destruction Strength fell, and this layer of storm protection collapsed every inch!

“Innate Perfect level Avenue!”

Feng Zitian cried out in horror, he felt the suppression, and his acquired Perfect level Avenue was weakened to a certain extent.

Immediately, the sun fell, and a long river of time scoured, two consecutive attacks knocked Fengzitian into the air, coughing up blood again and again.

“Go! This guy not only owns the Innate Perfect level Avenue, but also has two Sovereign scriptures, one of which is the Sun Sutra, and the other is unknown!”

Fengzi Tian was wounded, but he could no longer control the injuries on his body at the moment, and he also endured the severe pain in his whole body.

He felt the fear!

In a flash, a series of guesses were made.

Only one test, he discovered the horror of Mu Qing, Innate Perfect level Avenue, which is a Heaven’s Chosen character who rarely appears in their Tianqing universe.

There are also Sun Sutra and Destiny Sutra on Mu Qing!

Feng Zitian only recognizes the Sun Sutra, but the other sutra that can summon a mysterious long river attack comes from which Sovereign, he doesn’t even know it!

Feng Zitian was terribly scared this time.

Be aware that when they first came to this chaotic universe, they had already conducted a survey of the entire chaotic universe.

It was discovered that this is only a universe that has developed to the middle stage, far inferior to their Tianqing universe.

Even Sovereign has never appeared. The most powerful powerhouse in history is Supreme Ten Heaven!

In other words, there is no Sovereign in this chaotic universe!

So where did the Sovereign scripture on Mu Qing come from?

According to Feng Zitian’s guess, it can only be obtained from the inheritance of those Sovereigns in their Tianqing Universe.

The Sun Sutra in Mu Qing’s hand has already explained this!

However, he knew all the scriptures of the four Sovereign halls in the city of Sovereign, even the mysterious scarlet Sovereign and the Evil God scripture it created!

The scriptures of the four Sovereign halls are the Storm Sutra, the Wilderness Sutra, the Sun Sutra, and the Evil God Sutra!

However, Feng Zitian discovered that the moment Mu Qing had just acted, he displayed a Sovereign scripture that he did not recognize at all.

That is definitely up to the Sovereign level, which means that there is a high probability that a Sovereign created it!

Since it is Sovereign’s scripture, and Feng Zitian does not recognize it, the answer is already obvious.

Feng Zitian trembled and was frightened.

He roared, letting Fengyuan escape quickly, and he also moved towards the distant place to escape.

“Impossible! Did the Sovereign come here too?!”

Feng Zitian’s head was numb, and the only scriptures he didn’t know were them, Tianqing Universe Five One of Sovereign, the first breakthrough to the Sovereign realm, the creation of the cultivation secret technique of Sovereign’s body, and then the mysterious Sovereign that disappeared!

“gu lu.”

Fengzitian swallowed saliva and said, his eyes are full of astonished expressions.

Although he shouted impossible, but in his heart he thought it was true.

As descendants of Sovereign, they naturally also participated in the last battle, following numerous Sovereigns to contend with the catastrophe of the universe.

Feng Zitian was certain that in that battle, there were only four Sovereigns, and even Scarlet Sovereign took the shot. Only the mysterious Sovereign, who was the first breakthrough to the Sovereign realm, never appeared.

This had to make Feng Zitian fall into the association, maybe… that mysterious Sovereign never wanted to take action from the beginning to the end, but first came to the Chaos Universe.

And Mu Qing is the Direct Disciple of the mysterious Sovereign!

I have to say that Feng Zitian has a lot of imagination, and a series of plots were made up in a few breaths.

“Want to escape?”

Mu Qing coldly snorted, raised his hand and punched, the power of the two worlds exploded, and the sun and the long river of time blasted at the same time.

Feng Zitian looked terrified, took out a white crystal, fiercely crushed it.

A wisp of storm spread out, enveloped him, and then shattered all around the space, resisting the power of the Chaos King.

Even the power of the Sun Sutra and Destiny Sutra displayed by Mu Qing was resisted!

The storm shattered the long river and wiped out the scorching sun.

At the same time, the storm entangled Fengzitian, and he was to be teleported away from here.

Obviously, behind them, there is even more powerful existence!

Mu Qing complexion sank, the power of the two worlds is matched with the Destruction Strength of black red, fiercely punches on this wisp of storm.


The entire space is trembling, countless void storms are extinguished, terrifying Destruction Strength destroys everything, even the wisps of storms that protect the wind field, Are slowly destroying.


Fengzitian panicked completely. He didn’t expect that the life-saving method left to him by his elders would be destroyed. .

This time, let him, who was supposed to be teleported away, continue to stay in place.

Mu Qing sneered, stepping into the starry sky gate, in an instant, he passed through the wisps of storm protection and appeared directly in front of Fengzitian.


Feng Zitian’s pupils shrank violently, and his mouth opened wide. Looking at Mu Qing in front of him, he seemed to be frightened and stupefied.

This is the strength of his elders. It stands to reason that it can withstand the attack of Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer’s powerhouse and protect him from being transported away smoothly.

But Mu Qing punched down and interrupted his Space Teleportation, that’s all.

In the blink of an eye, the protection of the breakthrough storm power appeared in front of him!

“I advise you not to move around.”

Mu Qing indifferently said, with the palm of his hand sticking out, the power of the two worlds gushing out, directly imprisoning Fengzitian.

In order to prevent Fengzitian from rebelling, Mu Qing vicious and merciless used Destruction Strength decisively to rush into the opponent’s body and destroy all energy.

Destroy everything you touch!


Fengzitian’s face is distorted, and his mouth makes a mournful scream sound, and the pores on his body emit black and red air, and the breath of the whole person can be seen with naked eye The speed waned.

After a while, there was only a little power left in his body, which was only comparable to the god emperor. Most of the other energies were destroyed by Mu Qing’s Destruction Strength, and his flesh and soul almost collapsed.

Mu Qing was nodded with satisfaction. He was also quite surprised by the effect of Destruction Strength, which was much stronger than expected.

After that, Mu Qing pinched Feng Zitian’s neck, passed the starry sky gate, and left the place surrounded by the power of the storm.

next moment, the storm force that Fengzitian crushed the white crystal summon, enveloped a piece of air, and teleported away.

That force, surpassing Mu Qing by a lot, is difficult to destroy.

Only relying on Destruction Strength to influence some, Mu Qing also took the opportunity to capture Fengzitian.

I have to say that the starry sky gate that has been empowered by the world snake is really easy to use.

At the same time, Destruction Strength is extremely amazing in terms of destruction!

“Where is that person?”

Mu Qing took a look after he came out, and the battle was almost over.

The remaining two Supreme 3 Heavenly Layers were directly suppressed by the King of Chaos and Thunder Punishment and were killed on the spot.

But I didn’t see another person named Fengyuan.

Thunder Punishment sighed, said: “That guy also crushed a piece of white crystal, teleported away, we can’t stop it.”

They want to intercept it, it’s useless, it’s impossible. Break the protection of that strand of storm power.

Without the influence of Mu Qing’s Destruction Strength, in an instant, the storm power wrapped Fengyuan and teleported away from here.

“It’s a pity.” Mu Qing shook the head.

However, he has no way to keep two people at the same time.

Then threw the Fengzitian in his hands to Thunder Punishment and the two, presumably they knew how to extract memories directly from this guy!

“many thanks.”

After the battle, Chen Jiusheng came to Mu Qing and the others to thank him.

He has a weak breath, and obviously has gone through several battles, but unfortunately, their strength is not the opponent of that group of Sovereign descendants at all, and it is good to be alive.

“Where is the Holy Lord of Wind King?”

Mu Qing looked towards Chen Jiusheng, eyebrows slightly frowned.

From the initial information, Chen Jiusheng escaped with the seriously injured Wind King Holy Lord, and their forces were almost wiped out.

But now I see Chen Jiusheng who is seriously injured, so the Wind King Holy Lord…… I am afraid bode ill rather than well!

Chen Jiusheng heave a long sigh and said bitterly: “The Holy Lord helped me delay for some time, and it has fallen, otherwise I am afraid I will not see you.”

This At that time, Thunder Punishment successfully extracted Feng Zitian’s memory and exclaimed, attracting everyone’s attention.

“From the memories of Fengzitian, they think that Unextinguishable Mountain is likely to have the Sovereign Temple, so they came to investigate and found that the Chaos Temple and the Wind King Holy Lord and the others were an accident. “

“And this group of Sovereign descendants, according to clues, seems to think that the Storm Sovereign Hall is very large on Unextinguishable Mountain!”

Thunder Punishment said solemnly.

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