The depth of the core is not far from the peak of Jianxin Supreme.

An incomparable gigantic Formation is shrouded, the space inside seems to extend infinitely, and the site is huge.


Supreme and Mu Qing entered Formation one after another.

Suddenly, there was a burst of shouts, and the Formation was very lively, with all kinds of comments and cheering.

“This is really…the biggest match I have ever seen.”

Mu Qing was a little surprised.

From the outside, the entire Formation range is not too big, probably thousands of miles away.

You can come in and have a look, the space inside is extended by a certain divine ability, which is the size of a star!

Then, amidst auspicious clouds floating in the sky, it was an auditorium. There was a large area densely packed, or even tens of thousands.

Mu Qing is a little surprised, he remembers that there were only a few thousand members of the black world at first, right?

Didn’t expect, this time has passed, the members of the dark world have developed to this level!

Of course, not all of these are Supreme, but all of them are Supreme Emperor and above.

Tens of thousands of extreme emperors and semi-Supreme!

Below is the competition battlefield, with a total of five large venues, lava, forest, ocean, and glacier.

The most central part is the wasteland, and no one is fighting on it at present.

On the other hand, the four surrounding venues all have Supreme powerhouses for battles. In the Baiyun auditorium, everyone’s attention is also on these four venues.

Mu Qing also looked and listened to the shouts of the surrounding people. It seemed that the fighting on these four venues were all Supreme powerhouses on the Qi Luck list, and their strength was not weak.

“Originally, Kenshin Supreme signed up for you too. Didn’t expect you to comprehend Sovereign-level scriptures at a critical moment, so I didn’t bother you.”

“Three days Earlier, the ranking battle of the Qi Luck Ranking was over, and one hundred powerful Supreme powerhouses were won.”

“The battle now going on is a ranking challenge!”

“After all, the first ranking battle was a melee. Sometimes due to various mistakes, some powerful powerhouses ranked unsatisfactorily.”

“The battle held in the past few days. , Anyone who is dissatisfied with his ranking can challenge anyone in front of him.”

“Of course, the premise is that that person is present.”

Supreme faint smile He looked towards Mu Qing and said: “In fact, because of Jianxin Supreme, you are forced to stay on the Qi Luck list. Although it is the last 100th place, there are still many people who are dissatisfied.”

“After all, you have never appeared before, and many Supreme who have not been on the luck list want to challenge you.”

Mu Qing was speechless for a while, and did not know that Jianxin Supreme insisted on him What are you doing on the luck list?

He has no interest in this thing.

After that, Mu Qing looked at the four battlefields below.

A total of eight powerhouses, all Supreme powerhouses, are on the list of luck!

But Mu Qing observed, but was a little disappointed. The three battles in the four major venues below were probably around Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer.

According to the introduction of the nirvana Supreme, the battles in these three venues, a total of six Supreme powerhouses, are ranked in the 80s and 90s in the Qi Luck List.

Mu Qing is naturally not interested. Although this level of strength can be regarded as the core of a power, to him, it seems a little weak.

The other place is a little better. In the lava field, two powerhouses from Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer are fighting.

But it is also not attractive to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing turned his gaze away and landed on the long river not far away.

The force of billowing air and transport is surging, and a long river flows out from in the sky, along with the majestic wave of the atmosphere, across the entire internal space of the Formation.

“The long river of time!”

Mu Qing said in a low voice, he recognized the long river, which is probably a means of fate. If you activate the Destiny Sutra, there will be long-term visions.

Of course, before Mu Qing used the Destiny Sutra during the battle, the vision of the long river was just a form that was manifested by simply consuming the power of Qi and luck. Although formidable power is available, it does not have Power of Time. .

even more how, Mingxuan also said that anyone who tries to master Power of Time will be backlashed. Chaos God, the old Celestial Emperor and the first mysterious Sovereign of Tianqing Universe are the best. example!

Even Sovereign will be killed by the monster of time!

“Great Accomplishment, I am afraid it is still a short distance.”

Mu Qing touched the chin, muttering to himself.

He is now also in the Small Success Realm of Destiny, and he can see at a glance that the Destiny of Destiny is also in the Small Success Realm!

Of course, Mu Qing and Mingxuan still have a huge gap.

Mu Qing has just entered Small Success Realm, and Mingxuan is the master who created the Destiny Sutra. After so many years of accumulation, it is already not far from Great Success Realm.

Furthermore, Mingxuan’s understanding of the Destiny Sutra is far superior to Mu Qing!

Perhaps, Mingxuan is only one step away from Great Success Realm, and Mu Qing wants to achieve Great Accomplishment, but it is far from it. It cannot be done overnight.

“If Mingxuan successfully enters the Great Success Realm of the Destiny Sutra, does it mean that he may reach the Sovereign realm at any time?”

Mu Qing speculated, putting it that way, in the chaotic universe, the one who is most likely to reach the Sovereign realm is not the evil god, but the fate!

The evil gods have only obtained the crystallization of the universe and are still creating Sovereign-level scriptures. Mingxuan has already created the Destiny Sutra, which is very close to the Great Success Realm!

Once it reaches the Great Accomplishment, Mingxuan has the qualification to impact the Sovereign realm.

Although, it is not the Great Success Realm’s Sovereign-level scriptures that you will be able to successfully break through to Sovereign.

But at least with this qualification, the impact failure will not have much impact. You can continue the impact next time!

Those who can cultivation the Sovereign-level scriptures to the Great Success Realm will basically become Sovereign!

“Those two are the Big Snake and Xian Mu Ran of Legion of Destiny?”

Mu Qing’s gaze fell on the long river of time again.

A young man with incredibly pale skin, a pair of snake pupils exuding a dangerous breath, and terrifying Monster Qi surrounding him.

Next to her is a woman full of Immortal Qi, with a graceful figure, a white dress and a delicate face as cold as ice and frost.

She was originally Immortal Palace Heaven’s Chosen in Celestial Court, but she was hidden deeply!

Supreme next to Nirvana informed Mu Qing that Xian Muran had already joined the black world. At that time, the Celestial Court had not collapsed. She was hidden in the Immortal Palace, but she did not show much Talent, located in the middle of Immortal Palace.

In fact, Xian Muran secretly relies on the resources of the black world, but is one step faster than the lord of Immortal Palace, breakthrough to Supreme, and now it is Heaven’s Chosen of Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer!

“Compared with other people, he is indeed a figure of Heaven’s Chosen level.”

Mu Qing secretly nodded, Da Snake and Xian Mu Ran, you can see it, breath A lot more powerful than the same level.

Among them, the big snake itself is the Heaven’s Chosen of Monster Realm, and its reputation in all walks of life is even greater than Mu Qing.

As for Xian Muran, she is a woman who knows forbearance very well. She actually broke through to Supreme secretly when she was in Celestial Court, but she was unknown and unknown.

Mu Qing glanced, then retracted his gaze.

He felt a trace of luck from these two people. Obviously, Mingxuan had already imparted the Destiny Sutra to them.

It’s just that these two people’s perception of the Destiny Sutra is not even a fur, after all, they only get one day and two days.


Suddenly, a silhouette flashed by.

Sword light swallowed, rushing out from above the auspicious clouds in an instant, and came to the central field, above the vast wasteland.

Suddenly, the eyes of all members of the black world on Xiangyun were attracted.

This means that another Supreme powerhouse is about to challenge the ranking!

“That is Blood Sword Supreme! loose cultivator powerhouse!”

“His strength is also very strong, but unfortunately he failed to make it into the luck list last time!”

Many members of the black world exclaimed and recognized this person.

In the middle of the great wasteland, is a man holding a blood-colored long sword. His temperament is cold and his eyes are sharp, like a poisonous snake.

“Blood Sword Supreme also has the strength of Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer. It stands to reason that he should be eligible to be ranked 100th, but he was pressured by the star Supreme Mu Qing who has not yet arrived. Go down.”

Someone among the crowd said, and at the same time, many people looked at a silhouette on the long river in the distance.

Over the course of time, in addition to the Orochi and Xian Muran who were selected for the Legion of Destiny, they are the Jianxin Supreme who presided over this competition.

In this ranking battle, many people were absent, but it didn’t make any difference.

I didn’t catch up with the ranking battle, and in the next challenge, I went to win the ranking, just like the battle that is currently being held on the four venues!

Only Mu Qing is guaranteed by Jianxin Supreme, which also led to the removal of the original position of Blood Sword Supreme.

“Old Sword, is the Supreme of the First Hundred starry sky back?”

Blood Sword Supreme looked towards Supreme of the sword of the sky, and asked respectfully.

Although they are all Supreme, the gap between him and Kenshin Supreme is worlds apart.

Jianxin Supreme’s gaze intentionally or unintentionally moved towards Mu Qing and glanced over there, then he smiled and asked: “He has already arrived, I now ask you one sentence, you are really ready to challenge him Is it?”

Blood Sword Supreme’s face was solemn and nodded, “I have thought about it.”

In fact, this is the fifth time he has come to challenge Mu Qing.

Those who can be ranked on the Qi Luck list are Supreme in the core of the Black World, and all have the strength above the Supreme 5th layer!

Blood Sword Supreme is relatively weak among them. He thinks he is not the 99th opponent, but for Mu Qing, who has never appeared, he thinks he should be able to beat the opponent.

Although it is possible to inquire about Mu Qing wanted by the Three Realms from the outside world, most people naturally think that Mu Qing is wanted by the Three Realms because Mu Qing is one of the few people on the surface.

As for why Mu Qing has not been arrested by the powerhouse of the Three Realms, they all believe that it is the reason for the shelter of the Black Realm.

“Okay, the next venue will be handed over to you.”

Jianxin Supreme nodded, and looked towards Mu Qing at the same time.

He said with a smile: “High rankings challenge low rankings and have the right to refuse, but low rankings challenge high rankings and have no right to refuse.”

Jianxin Supreme means very much Obviously, it was to tell Mu Qing that he had no way to refuse, only to fight.

“Go, show some strength and enter the Legion of Destiny. Although I know you may not lack Sovereign-level scriptures, but the leader’s Destiny-level scriptures are also Sovereign-level scriptures anyway.”

Supreme patted Mu Qing’s shoulder, said with a smile.

Obviously, he didn’t know that Mu Qing had actually cultivated the Mandate of Heaven.

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