With the sound, the petrified heart vibrated, rubble was scattered, and a bright red heart appeared, beating vigorously.

Every time the heart beats, a rune rushes out and gets into Wang Sheng’s body.

Wang Shengpan sat down, closed his eyes, digesting the information contained in that rune.

This is inheritance!

“What kind of race is this? Is it really a god?” Mu Qing raised his head. Compared to the situation on Wang Sheng’s side, he was even more shocked by the giant in front of him.

“How could it be a human!” Ai Li was kind, and she patiently explained to Mu Qing and Ji Jia.

“At present, human beings do not have the powerful existence of this level of God. It is rumored to be the same as the ominous beast, from the universe.” In fact, Ellie is not very clear about the specific information.

She told Mu Qing that the giant in front of her had arrived with the ominous beast clan, fought against the leader of the ominous beast clan, and eventually fell to Kunlun, and the power after death escaped, forming the current Kunlun Secret Realm.

“The title of God was named just because it surpassed our human powerhouse too much.” Allie said.

The giant in front of me was recorded in an ancient book many years ago. It is called Curse God and is good at cursing power.

Mu Qing was surprised. He felt that this World was too strange. In the universe outside of Earth, there were such existences, with a body as high as several thousand meters, and his strength was so terrifying that he was called a god by humans.

He originally thought that in the universe, there were only ominous beasts, but now it seems that there is a colorful world with many powerhouses.

“The so-called Kunlun Secret Art is the inheritance of the gods. If the king sage gets the inheritance of the gods, he will definitely attack us!” Mu Qing’s face was solemn, he was aware of the seriousness of the matter.

At this moment, Wang Sheng was sitting cross-legged under the giant’s heart, his heart beating constantly, and mysterious and mysterious runes poured into Wang Saint Physique.

His body is glowing, and there is a strange incantion in his mouth, and the one after another black lines move with his voice.

The black lines formed by the power of the curse crawled on Wang Sheng’s body, covering his whole body, and the whole person looked very strange.

The heart also emits dazzling rays of light, with dense runes on it, but it only covers the generality of the heart.

This shows that Wang Sheng has obtained half of the secret technique inheritance. Once all the runes on the heart are digested by Wang Sheng, it is time to completely control the secret technique.

“Let’s stop him!” Ji Jia said solemnly.

She has a crystal-clear face and a bronze ancient sword in her hand, dragon roar bursts.

The hazy azure glow blooms on her proud lovable body, her white thighs are round and elastic.

She jade foot touched the ground, and the whole person jumped high and moved towards the giant’s heart.

Mu Qing did not hesitate, and quickly followed along.

Aili stepped forward. She wore skinny jeans with perfect curves and no weaker figure than Ji Jia.

She wanted to stop, a sacred lance condense in her hand came, but the face of the next moment changed slightly and she stopped her actions.

She saw a piece of transparent crystal in Mu Qing’s hand, exuding seductive vigorous energy fluctuations.

Ordinary people would definitely think this is a treasure, but in fact this is comparable to some huge might grenades on the market, with amazing explosive power.

Aili has a shadow on the transparent crystal in Mu Qing’s hand. She was blown badly before and almost lost consciousness.

She was afraid of Mu Qing’s transparent crystal, and did not step forward to stop her. Of course, she was more confident in Wang Sheng. She believed that even if Mu Qing and Ji Jia shot, she would not be able to interrupt Wang Sheng to obtain inheritance.

“Mu Yu must have given those things to him!” Ai Li was very sure.

She thinks that these transparent crystals are all refined by alchemists, and the alchemist related to Mu Qing is only his father, who has disappeared for many years, once the alchemist Heaven’s Chosen and Mu Yu !

Ten minutes later, Mu Qing and Ji Jia finally came to the place where Wang Sheng was.

Here is the heart of the giant. In front of the two of them, there is a huge heart, extremely bright red, full of vitality, blood vessels hovering on it like a horned dragon, and the beating sound is strong and powerful.

The densely packed rune above the heart still has one third left, and it won’t take long for him to get the inheritance.

“Shoot!” Mu Qing softly shouted, his palm shot out, and a dim-blue lightning shot out.

Ji Jia also held the bronze ancient sword and slashed it down sharply, a sword light galloping away, at a tricky angle, pointed directly at the center of Wang Sheng’s eyebrows.

zhi zhi!

Suddenly a strange voice came out, which seemed to be the voice of an insect, and then a small insect crawled out from inside Wang Sheng’s collar.

I saw this insect that was black and lacquered. The carapace was very hard, and it had barbs, and its appearance was extremely vicious. Each foot was like a sickle.

At first, this insect was only the size of a grain of rice, but as the sun broke out, the body rose up against the storm and became an ominous beast-like existence.

This insect has only one eye, ten pairs of feet under it, and there are a pair of transparent wings on the back, which are also very sharp.

It emits a cruel roar, its feet glow like a sickle, tearing azure sword light and blue lightning.

Cyclops, very difficult to deal with, with no difficulty helped Wang Sheng resist Mu Qing’s attack.

“This Wang Sheng is really disgusting!” Ji Jia frowned.

Girls generally hate insects, and although Wang Sheng is very handsome, he didn’t expect to bring an Insect with him.

Light is the sound of this insect that many feet touch the ground, which makes the scalp numb.

Mu Qing was holding a golden sickle. He was also surprised. He recalled the method Wang Sheng used to display. A bead turned into a sun. The formidable power is huge. At the same time, Insect Cry will be heard. Sound, emotional control.

It seems that many of Wang Sheng’s methods are related to insects.

“Does Wang Family raise insects?” Mu Qing curled his lips, then rushed up with the golden sickle.

This golden sickle is extremely sharp, but the foot of the one-eyed sickle is also very hard. Under the impact, it makes a metal-like clang.

Mu Qing’s body was entwined with lightning glow, one after another blazing white lightning burst, and at the same time dim-blue lightning rushed out of the void.

He stepped on the electric light and wrestled with the one-eyed worm. Although the power of the one-eyed worm was strong, he had even reached the third-order bloodline level.

But Mu Qing can still contend with it. After all, this one-eyed worm is not a martial skill. It can only be regarded as an ordinary third-order bloodline insect, which is far from Heaven’s Chosen.

Mu Qing slashed down with a sickle, accompanied by nine blazing white lightning bursts, and at the same time, there was blue lightning in the sky.

The one-eyed worm hurts to eat, the hard black carapace on its body shatters, splashing green blood.

Ji Jia wanted to help, but a black shadow blocked her, it turned out to be a white worm.

This worm looks white and fat, but its eyes are fierce, and its mouth is open. Inside is a row of small sharp teeth, flashing cold light.

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