A battle of focal point of ten thousands!

Before the start, in the eyes of everyone, this is a contest between Supreme 5 Heavenly Layer and Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer.

But now, they find that they can completely regard the two people in the venue as Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer!

When the power ripples dissipated, the monstrous energy disappeared, and everyone saw the two silhouettes stepping on nothingness.

As if evenly divided, no one takes advantage!

“Sure enough, I’m a person wanted by the Three Realms. I remember Mu Qing’s bounty is full of 20 top Divine Stone veins, but if the battle spreads today, I’m afraid this reward will be Mention it again!”

Someone exclaimed.

“I can actually break through my city of flesh and blood!”

Blood Sword Supreme looked towards Mu Qing, a hint of astonishment appeared on his face.

His cultivation’s Sovereign-level scripture has reached the Great Accomplishment, and he thought that once it was displayed, Mu Qing could be completely crushed.

Who would have thought that Mu Qing would forcibly break through the giant city of flesh and blood with the three Sovereign-level scriptures of his fellow practitioners!

Mu Qing shook his palm, his arm was a little numb, his eyes were serious, the blood sword of Blood Sword Supreme just penetrated through, and there was even a weird sword light, if not for his body It is Saint Physique of the universe, the Boundless Starry Sky of the two worlds is blessed, I am afraid it is really difficult to deal with.

“But…” Mu Qing looked up towards the Blood Sword Supreme in front of him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Different from his complete control of his own strength, Blood Sword Supreme obviously used various means to forcibly improve his own strength.

Don’t look at Blood Sword Supreme. It seems that he is evenly matched, but Mu Qing can know that there is not much energy left in the opponent’s body!

In contrast, Mu Qing’s Universe Saint Physique integrates the Avenue of Stars and strengthens the characteristics of the Avenue of Stars. This body can continuously draw energy from the universe, and even contains two Boundless Starry Sky, in terms of battery life, is quite terrifying!

“Damn it!”

On the other side, Blood Sword Supreme looked at Mu Qing as if nothing happened, gnashing teeth.

Just as Mu Qing guessed, the energy in his body was consumed violently, and there was not much left.

In addition to the pleiophores he turned on, it also consumes a lot of energy.

Only the battle can be resolved as soon as possible!

Blood Sword Supreme took a deep breath, and then roared, the evil blood light on his body broke out again.

I saw his body like a patchwork of flesh and blood, eyes and pupils squeezed out of the flesh and blood, and then, the violent blood power was like a wave, venting all around!

“Thousand pupils!”

Blood Sword Supreme icily said, the densely packed eye pupils on his body are so full of evil that it makes people feel scalp numb when they look at it!

Immediately afterwards, Blood Sword Supreme is holding a sword of flesh and blood, densely packed blood light bursts out, and an Evil God illusory shadow emerges.

At this moment, the illusory shadow behind Blood Sword Supreme is no longer fuzzy, but is an Evil God full of pupils, with a total of 10,000 pupils!

“Wan Tong Evil God, kill the evil light sword!”

Blood Sword Supreme drank low, and on the sword of flesh and blood in his hand, the vertical pupil turned, as if possessed The emotions are average, and at the same time a horrible energy fluctuation is emitted.

“Is it really that Sovereign-level scripture? Evil God scripture!”

Mu Qing said solemnly, he felt that the breath of Blood Sword Supreme was very familiar before, but it was actually early Just guessed it.

Now, with the display of Blood Sword Supreme’s methods, he is even more certain that the Sovereign-level scripture of Blood Sword Supreme cultivation in front of him is Tianqing Universe, one of the four Sovereigns, Scarlet Sovereign. Evil God Sutra!

Mu Qing once saw the power of Scarlet Sovereign, but at that time Scarlet Sovereign was still very weak, but the breath was the same.

“It seems that I have to use my hole cards too.”

Mu Qing took a deep breath, in fact, he has done his best, but the three Sovereign-level verses The power and the Saint Physique of the universe only drew with Blood Sword Supreme.

However, Mu Qing’s victory lies in his strong endurance. He can fight for a long time, and Blood Sword Supreme may not be necessary.

Unsurprisingly, Blood Sword Supreme decisively took out a powerful method and wanted to solve Mu Qing in one fell swoop!

“Is it the limit?”

Jianxin Supreme looked at the battle below. He and the leader of the black world already knew the identity of Blood Sword Supreme, but the strength of Blood Sword Supreme, Go is much stronger than they thought.

Originally, Jianxin Supreme wanted Mu Qing to fight Blood Sword Supreme in order to show Mu Qing’s true strength. At the same time, he asked Mu Qing to solve Blood Sword Supreme, and then Mu Qing was elected to the destiny. Legion.

That way, no one will gossip.

But now, Mu Qing and Blood Sword Supreme both show the strength of Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer, but Mu Qing seems to be poor, and even three Small Success Realm Sovereign-level scriptures have been displayed. But I still couldn’t help getting Blood Sword Supreme.

On the contrary, Blood Sword Supreme can also burst out even more powerful power, this time it seems that Blood Sword Supreme won!

Jianxin Supreme is thinking about whether he should take action now to help Mu Qing solve the Blood Sword Supreme.

Even if Mu Qing could not solve Blood Sword Supreme, but with Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer’s realm, showing such power, it was enough to convince the public.

Besides, Dashe and Xian Muran also looked towards Jianxin Supreme. They also could see the situation of the scene, so they wondered why Jianxin Supreme didn’t make a move.

No matter how you look at it, this Blood Sword Supreme has a big problem!


Jianxin Supreme was about to make a move, but suddenly his figure stagnated, his gaze fell on Mu Qing’s body, a trace of stunnedness appeared in his eyes.

“this aura…” He was a little surprised.

At this moment, a big sun appeared behind Mu Qing, and the fire of the sun was burning all over him.

“Do you still plan to use the Sun Sutra? Although it has reached the Small Success Realm, but it seems that there is no other way to do it with Blood Sword Supreme.”

Looking at the nirvana Supreme, other people in the black world Supreme 8 Heavenly Layer and Nine Layers Heaven are also watching.

These belong to the top, and they are staring at Mu Qing closely.


Blood Sword Supreme coldly snorted, his body exudes extremely horrible evil waves, and the sword of flesh and blood slashes towards Mu Qing while he is wriggling.

Behind him, Wantong Evil God emerged. This is the vision of the cultivation Evil God Sutra. It has been completely condensed, like the essence, with a huge momentum, and continuously blood light is sprayed out of his body.

Especially that Wantong Evil God, is a humanoid giant, but the densely packed eye pupils on his body are quite strange, containing indescribable power, distorting the void!

“Is that the power of the Sovereign-level scripture Great Accomplishment?”

Many people looked towards the Blood Sword Supreme. It is undeniable that the Sovereign-level scripture of Great Success Realm The text is indeed terrifying, and seems to be able to awaken the true power of the Sovereign-level scripture.

“Mu Qing also terrifying, the three Sovereign-level verses of fellow initiates are unprecedented. Even his three Sovereign-level verses are in the Small Success Realm, but they are not as good as the Great Success Realm. Sovereign-level scripture!”

Someone sighed. In their opinion, this battle may be the victory of Blood Sword Supreme.

“Huh? Mu Qing is not planning to resist?”

At this time, everyone discovered that Mu Qing was indifferent to the attack of Blood Sword Supreme and stood still. In the same place, the panic day rose behind him, bathed in flames, but there was no other movement.

“It’s time to tell the winner!”

The sword qi from Jianxin Supreme’s body escaped. He has accumulated strength and is ready to save Mu Qing at any time.

Originally, he planned to shoot immediately, but the aura on Mu Qing’s body was a bit weird. He realized that Mu Qing might have some trump card means, so he didn’t shoot.

“Wait! this aura!”

Jianxin Supreme’s pupils shrank slightly, he noticed that Mu Qing’s aura was getting stronger and stronger, and it was logically in the fourth-order destiny form Down, all auras are nothing, but at this time, the power of the Sun Sutra fluctuates, but it is transmitted!

This shows that the power of the Sun Sutra exceeds the Destiny Sutra!

Jianxin Supreme was also the person who entered the Temple of the Sun Sovereign at the beginning, and besides Mu Qing, among all the people in the black world, the cultivation sun had the longest duration.

Even if Kenshin Supreme has his own ambitions and has no intention of real cultivation, his comprehend progress will not be inferior to Mu Qing. If he is really allowed to cultivation, it is estimated that he will soon be able to master Small Success Realm!

At this moment, from Jianxin Supreme’s vision, it is clear that Mu Qing’s solar meridian is soaring in strength, approaching the Great Success Realm!

This is also the case, the power of the Sun Sutra will break through the Destiny Sutra, causing power fluctuations and leakage, and the breath can be sensed!

“I admit that you are indeed very difficult to deal with. If you stay in a stalemate, you will definitely not be your opponent, but it is a pity that Great Success Realm’s Sovereign-level scripture is not your three Small Success at all. Realm’s Sovereign-level scriptures are comparable!”

Blood Sword Supreme smiled grinningly, the sword of flesh and blood in his hand, swallowing evil rays of light, and the light sword of killing evil came out and slashed towards Mu. Qing!

Faced with the attack of Blood Sword Supreme, Mu Qing was extremely calm, but the Yang Fire flames around him became more and more terrifying. Look carefully, this flame is actually misty and gaseous. But the shape is like a flame.

“Didn’t expect, my hole cards will be used here.”

Mu Qing whispered, inside him, the starry sky book is quietly suspended in the vast starry sky , Flashing mysterious rays of light.

Following Mu Qing’s words, the Starry Sky Book was touched and automatically flipped to the page of the Sun Sutra, and at the same time the dazzling golden light bloomed!

hong long!

The blood light in the sky, the sword of flesh and blood, seems to swallow everything, and that Evil God, is to confuse sentient beings, as long as any eye on the body When the pupils look at each other, they will be deprived of their souls!

“Why hasn’t Mu Qing acted yet?”

In the audience, even Supreme was a little worried. When everyone saw it, he faced the strong attack Mu Qing from Blood Sword Supreme. Qing never moved.


At this moment, a long river of time behind Mu Qing suddenly appeared. At the same time, invisible power fluctuations swept towards Blood Sword Supreme!

The long river of time shuttles in endless void, and the wave slapped on Blood Sword Supreme, and everything came to a halt!

The blood light paused, the sword of flesh and blood clearly wanted to slay Mu Qing, but suddenly in midair!

“Power of Time!”

Countless people were shocked. When they saw Mu Qing’s move, they actually suspended the time and space around Blood Sword Supreme for a moment!

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