Receiving Mu Qing’s Qi Luck Orb, the consciousness of the demon ancestor was drawn into it.

He did not resist, it was his confidence in strength.

Mozu believes that even if Mu Qing really wants to play some small tricks, he can’t help himself!

“A certain space can pull consciousness into it, do people in the black world communicate in this way?”

The demon ancestor looked all around, and then he found the person in front of him The power of air luck surged, and a silhouette came out of the hazy air luck.

There is no intention to cover it up, and Mingxuan will directly meet the demon ancestor!

Mingxuan smiled lightly and walked to the front of the Demon Ancestor.

“Meeting for the first time, Demon Ancestor.”

“I am the leader of the black world, fate!”


Outside, Mu Qing looked at the demon ancestor whose consciousness was drawn into the Qi Luck Pearl, and did not have the thought of doing any small movements.

He opened the starry sky door behind him, and half of the whole person stepped into the starry sky door.

Now, even if there is something unpleasant in the conversation between Mozu and Mingxuan, Mu Qing can leave at any time.

Half of his body has entered the starry sky gate, and he won’t be caught by the demon ancestor in the middle.

Half a day passed, Mozu’s consciousness emerged from the Qi Luck Space, and then he threw the Qi Luck Pearl to Mu Qing.

Immediately afterwards, Mozu unlocked the seal of the body next to him and threw it to Mu Qing.

“Let’s go, remember to be careful when you leave, and don’t be discovered by the Celestial Emperor.”

The Demon Indifferently said.

Mu Qing took the fleshy body of Qi Luck Pearl and Fate Xuan, without saying much, turned around and entered the starry sky gate and disappeared in place.

Looking at Mu Qing leaving, there was a dignified look in Mozu’s eyes.

Mu Qing’s methods are more powerful than he imagined!

You must know that the Formation he arranged can withstand Supreme Nine Layers Heaven and even the tenth heaven!

However, Mu Qing can travel easily without touching Formation at all.

“No wonder, last time he could even pass through the Formation arranged by Sovereign.”

The ancestor touched the chin, whispering.


At the same time, Mu Qing successfully obtained the fabled fleshy body, threw it into the Scarlet Sovereign Hall, immediately urged the starry sky door, and left Demon Realm in a flash .

“Fortunately, this action went smoothly. Although I encountered the devil ancestor, it was a surprise after all.”

Mu Qing takes a deep breath, if the demon ancestor treats him Shot, it’s really hard to say whether you can escape.

Looking at the appearance of the Demon Ancestor, it is estimated that he has already negotiated with Mingxuan.

“Only, what is the content of their conversation? The Mozu said that he needs a helper, is it possible that is planning to join forces to deal with the Celestial Emperor?”

Mu Qing was a little curious.

Perhaps, the plan of the Demon Ancestor is to take advantage of the Celestial Emperor has not reached the Sovereign realm, and decisively unite with other people to take action to kill him, so as to avoid future troubles!

No matter where you are, good people will be suppressed.

For the place of the Chaos Universe, among the Supreme Ten Heavens, one by one is pursuing the realm of Sovereign.

Only the Celestial Emperor stands out, and it is even suspected of breaking through to Sovereign at any time.

No one knows the extent of the Celestial Emperor, because the Celestial Emperor is too mysterious. When it was the Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, the Demon Ancestor shot it and killed it.

Who knows, Celestial Emperor not only didn’t really die, but when it returned, it also showed a strength far superior to that of the Demon Ancestor.

It can be said that the growth rate of the Celestial Emperor scared the Mozu!

He must unite with others to kill Celestial Emperor.

Mu Qing has to say that the target that Mozu is looking for is very right, because Mingxuan is obviously also preparing to act on the Celestial Emperor.

Continuously display the starry sky gate to carry out a cross-border greater teleportation, and Mu Qing quickly returned to the black world.

He stepped into the land of the black star, and the nirvana Supreme was obviously prepared to be here, next to Jianxin Supreme.

Today’s core place is particularly deserted, just the two of them.

Usually, with the two Sovereign-level scriptures brought by Mu Qing in the core place, there are people comprehend here at all times, even if it consumes a lot of luck points. .

At this moment, there is no other silhouette in the core place.

“The leader has passed the news to us in advance, come with me.”

Seeing Mu Qing coming, the Venerable Lord started to speak.

Jianxin Supreme moved towards Mu Qing nodded, and then moved towards the depths of the core land.

Led by the nirvana Supreme, everyone came to a secret place. Mu Qing didn’t know how to walk in, as if in a trance, this secret place suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Up.

Mu Qing looked all around. One hundred and eight Heavenspan pillars surrounded this place, densely packed, and mysterious ancient lines everywhere.

“This place is the land of destiny.”

“The place where the leader is resurrected!”

Supreme can’t help but say, a little excited .

He and Jianxin Supreme know the situation of the leader of the black world. They are located in a place called Time Changhe and cannot escape.

Over the years, he has cooperated with Kenshin Supreme and built the land of destiny with his own means.

This is the place to let Mingxuan get out of trouble and return to the chaotic universe!

“The one hundred and eight pillars around were built with great effort by Nirvana Supreme. They have the power to confuse them. Even the Tenth Heaven of Supreme can’t find this place.”

“Only the builder of Nirvana Supreme can bring people here!”

Jianxin Supreme was introduced to Mu Qing, and it was also a moment of emotion.

There is still a lot of gap between the nirvana Supreme and the tenth heaven of Supreme, but Jianxin Supreme has never underestimated the nirvana Supreme.

Especially the Heaven-defying Artifact Refining Technique of Suicide Supreme!

The strength of Nirvana Supreme’s body is not strong.

His cultivation method is also different from other people’s. He has found a different way. The more refining tools, the higher the cultivation base!

Yes, the cultivation base of the Supreme is completely improved by refining!

The body’s battle strength is not strong, but it is also Supreme Nine Layers Heaven anyway!

As for his refining methods, it is even more terrifying. Among them is the Divine Item that can compete with Supreme Ten Heaven!

Just like this confusion array, it contains the top Profound Mystery of Arrays, which is refined from the Supreme. The moment when the 108 Heavenspan pillars were born, they formed an array of confusion. Supreme, even Supreme Ten Heaven is hard to crack!

Supreme touched the chin, lightly said with a smile: “Probably refine two more Divine Items of the Tenth Divine, and I will be promoted to the Supreme Ten Heaven.”

Jianxin Supreme on the side, with envy in his eyes, looked towards Supreme.

At the beginning, he tried to break through Supreme Ten Heavens, but he spent a lot of work and used various methods to reach the limit of sword dao.

However, it is much easier for the Supreme to want a breakthrough.

Whenever Nirvana Supreme refines a Divine Item, that Divine Item will feed back a part of its power and return to itself, allowing the cultivation progress of Nirvana Supreme.

This kind of realm that is forcibly promoted is often not strong, but there are many Divine Items in his hand, and it is stronger at the same time!

Compared with the Divine Item from the outside world, Suicide Supreme divides the Divine Item into ten levels, from the first to the tenth level!

First-class Divine Item, full burst to be able to exert the power of Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer!

Tenth-class Divine Item, burst out with all strength, can exert the power of Supreme Tenth Heaven!

This confusion array composed of one hundred and eight Heavenspan pillars is a Divine Item of the Tenth Class.

Although it does not have the combat capability, its ability to confuse the Supreme Ten Heaven is enough to rank as the tenth Divine Item.

As for those Divine Items that even Supreme can’t threaten, Suicide Supreme is very disdainful, thinking that these things can’t be called Divine Items at all.

“It seems that after the leader gets out of trouble for a long time, I have to apply for more materials.”

Supreme is sighed.

Although he only needs to refine two Divine Items to break through to Supreme Tenth Heaven, it is a Divine Item of Tenth Class. How can it be so simple?

Currently, Nirvana Supreme has also refined two Divine Items of the Tenth Class, one is on him, and the other is the Array of Confusion.

He has this ability, but he has no materials.

With the strength of his Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, it is not easy to refine a Divine Item of the Tenth Class. It will fail many times during the period and consume a huge amount of precious materials.

Silver Supreme’s own small vault has long been exhausted, and I can only hope that Mingxuan can bring him some.

“Mu Qing, wait for you to go to the core pillar, the snake and the others will be on the secondary pillar, and Jianxin Supreme and I can only watch from the side because there is no cultivation Destiny Sutra.”

Supreme moved towards Mu Qing said.

Whether it is the nirvana Supreme or the Jianshin Supreme, they are eligible to cultivation the Destiny Sutra, but they all refuse to be cultivated.

Jianxin Supreme is because he has ambitions. He wants to create his own Sovereign-level scriptures. Therefore, he only comprehend and understands other Sovereign-level scriptures without cultivation!

On the contrary, it killed Supreme, and he refused quite decisively. He also only comprehend and understood other Sovereign-level scriptures, but compared to Jianshin Supreme’s ambitions, he was a little indifferent.

I created my own Sovereign-level scripture, and I didn’t even think about the death of Supreme.

Supreme went to observe other Sovereign-level scriptures, just to see if it would help with my refining technique.

Anyway, you can increase cultivation base by refining your own tools, and he never thought about going to breakthrough Sovereign, so for him, Supreme Ten Heaven is enough.

Furthermore, all the refining tools of the nirvana Supreme are all higher-order refining tools.

Supreme Nine Layers Heaven refines the tenth-class Divine Item.

Wait until the Supreme Tenth Heaven, with the refining technique against the sky, he may be able to try to refine the Sovereign Holy Artifact!

“Let’s start.”

The thunderous voice came from nothingness, the voice of fate!

Jianniu Supreme and Jianxin Supreme looked at each other, then the body flashed and retreated to the distance.

“The core is you. Try to maintain the channel as much as possible. The leader will return with the connection of the fleshy body!”

Supreme loudly shouts, and then he both hands forming seals, Astonishing power fluctuations spread, and at the same time the entire Destiny Land was shaken, the confusion array was spurred!

hong long!

At the same time, in the endless emptiness, a long river is surging. It does not look turbulent, but it carries mysterious power.

An invisible ripple swells, and time seems to be stagnant in this brief moment!

Long time!

Nirvana Supreme and Kenshin Supreme seem to be suspended at this moment, without action.

Mu Qing took a deep breath, his body flashed, and came to a Heavenspan pillar, which is the core pillar.

Standing on the top, Mu Qing felt the continuous power pouring into his body!

He was a little surprised, didn’t expect this confusion array, even has the effect of blessing!

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